Release history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Plugins
1.003003 2017-03-07T14:44:51Z fcd6150
- Bugfix: Avoid test failures with -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot
- Remove use of ConfigDumper util
- Wean tests of Test::KENTNL/dztest
- Dependencies changed since 1.003002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: (suggests: +1)
- develop: +6 ↑2 -2 (suggests: ↑2)
- runtime: -1
- test: ↓1 -1
1.003002 2015-04-10T04:14:50Z 817b488
- Bugfix: Don't randomly fail on early Moose which don't set INC in 'use Moose'
1.003001 2015-04-05T16:37:33Z ebbbba8
- Just re-releasing because somehow I fubared the dependency diff. Script adjusted to avoid this issue in future.
1.003000 2015-04-05T16:21:31Z 54f2666
[00 MAJOR / Internals Reinvention]
- Due to Dist::Zilla versions 5.032 and higher now ripping out :version from the payloads prior to anything being able
to see it[1,2], the implementation details have had to be reinvented.
- This was arguably a bad idea in the first place to use a property you had to traverse 2 seperate private methods to
find in the first place.
- However, the new technology is based on my bakeini stack work, and is thus partially fragile in that it inherently
parses and processes dist.ini ( and any bundles in it ) in a way slightly different to Dist::Zilla.
- Thus, there are 2 parses of dist.ini going on, and any bundles will now be invoked *twice* in the same process, thus
opening for risk any kind of code that did not expect that to happen.
- This is hopefully not the long term solution, and hopefully Config::MVP itself can be augmented to expose this data
better without needing to resort to the second parse stack.
- 2:
[01 Minor / Increased visibility of top level :version]
- One fringe benefit of the changes however is the increased visibility of the ":version" statement that can appear on
its own at the top of a dist.ini declaring a minimum dzil version. This value is now consumed if present and
communicated as a dependendy on that Dist::Zilla version.
- Thus, this plugin is more comparable to DZP:AuthorDeps in exposing dependencies, while still superceding it in terms
of reporting deep bundle-specific deps.
- Dependencies changed since 1.002001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: +1 (recommends: ↑1)
- develop: +12 ↑3 -2 (recommends: +2, suggests: ↑2)
- runtime: +5 ↓1 -1 (recommends: +2)
- test: +1 (recommends: ↑1 ↓1)
1.002001 2014-10-05T10:24:47Z
[00 Minor]
- 1.002000 except without -trial bits
- Dependencies changed since 1.002000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: (suggests: ↑1)
1.002000 2014-09-06T11:37:39Z
[00 Major]
- Method of action moved deeper to Dzil internals
- can now divine the value of :version passed anywhere in dist.ini or @Bundles
- however, due to switching to the DZil Section Sequence assembly, plugins that modify $zilla->plugins directly willl
not be seen.
- If you have such a plugin and you wish to fix this, perhaps look at DZ:Util::PluginLoader
- Dependencies changed since 1.001000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: -1 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: -1
- test: +1
1.001000 2014-09-04T21:25:40Z
[00 Minor]
- Internals changed.
- Tests redesigned.
- metadata
- Dependencies changed since 1.000002, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +1 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: +1
- test: +1 -4 (recommends: ↑1)
- dump_config implemented in config_dumper
- fix author = kentnl
- tests reimplemented in terms of dztest
1.000002 2014-08-16T19:59:38Z
[00 Trivial]
- no code changes.
- tests updated.
- metadata updated.
- Dependencies changed since 1.000001, see misc/*.deps* for details
- configure: ↓1
- develop: +2 ↑1 (suggests: ↑2)
- test: +1 -3 (recommends: ↑1 -1)
- move to kentnl org.
- recognise 1x contributor.
- Improve source side POD to reduce build side whitespace.
- Test::ReportPrereqs updated.
1.000001 2014-06-03T21:48:19Z
- stop using 5.10 code in tests.
- stop using needless dependencies in tests.
- Dependencies changed since 1.000000, see misc/*.deps* for details
- test: +1 -2
1.000000 2014-06-03T08:02:18Z
[00 Major]
- Packaging changes sufficient to annoy downstreams working by hand.
[01 Version Scheme]
- Migrating from x.y.z to x.yyyyyy
- this is the primary reason for the 1.x on the box.
[02 Migrating to EUMM for installer]
- EUMM now used to install
- "latest" Dependencies now only bump recommends, not requires.
- Dependencies changed since 0.1.3, see misc/*.deps* for details
- build: -1
- configure: +1 -1 (recommends: +1)
- develop: +9 ↑1 ↓39 -13 (recommends: -1, suggests: +1 ↑1)
- runtime: +1 ↓5
- test: +4 ↓6 -3 (recommends: +4)
0.1.3 2013-09-25T16:20:24Z
[00 Bugfix/Minor]
- Upgrade Test::Compile test to avoid Win32 bugs.
- Add a basic test.
- Dependencies changed since 0.1.2, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: ↑29 (recommends: ↑1)
- runtime: ↑3
- test: +7
0.1.2 2013-08-31T02:30:12Z
- Revert regression introduced by MatchInstalled + core modules
- Dependencies changed since 0.1.1, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: ↑1
- test: ↓2
0.1.1 2013-08-31T02:22:18Z
- Rebuilt with newer toolkits/tests
- Ramp dzil deps
- Dependencies changed since 0.1.0, see misc/*.deps* for details
- develop: +2 ↑26 (suggests: ↑1)
- runtime: ↑2
- test: +2 -2
0.1.0 2013-08-08T00:30:03Z
- First version.