use 5.010; # _Pulp__5010_qr_m_propagate_properly
use strict;
use utf8;
package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::if;
our $VERSION = '0.002002';
# ABSTRACT: Load a plugin only if a condition is true
use Moose qw( has around with );
use Eval::Closure qw( eval_closure );
around dump_config => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, @args ) = @_;
my $config = $self->$orig(@args);
my $localconf = $config->{ +__PACKAGE__ } = {};
$localconf->{conditions} = $self->conditions;
$localconf->{ q[$] . __PACKAGE__ . '::VERSION' } = $VERSION
unless __PACKAGE__ eq ref $self;
return $config;
around mvp_aliases => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, @rest ) = @_;
my $hash = $self->$orig(@rest);
$hash = {
q{?} => 'conditions',
q[condition] => 'conditions',
return $hash;
around mvp_multivalue_args => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, @args ) = @_;
return ( qw( conditions ), $self->$orig(@args) );
has conditions => ( is => 'ro', lazy_build => 1 );
sub _build_conditions { return [] }
sub check_conditions {
my ($self) = @_;
my $env = {};
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars)
$env->{q[$root]} = \$self->zilla->root;
$env->{q[$zilla]} = \$self->zilla;
my $code = join q[ and ], @{ $self->conditions }, q[1];
my $closure = eval_closure(
source => qq[sub { \n] . $code . qq[}\n],
environment => $env,
## use critic;
return $closure->();
around 'load_plugins' => sub {
my ( $orig, $self, $loader ) = @_;
return unless $self->check_conditions;
return $self->$orig($loader);
no Moose;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Dist::Zilla::Plugin::if - Load a plugin only if a condition is true
=head1 VERSION
version 0.002002
[if / FooLoader]
dz_plugin = Git::Contributors
dz_plugin_name = KNL/Git::Contributors
dz_plugin_minversion = 0.010
?= -e $root . '.git'
?= -e $root . '.git/config'
>= include_authors = 1
>= include_releaser = 0
>= order_by = name
C<if> is intended to be a similar utility to L<< perl C<if>|if >>.
It will execute all of C<condition> in turn, and only when all return true, will the plugin
be added to C<Dist::Zilla>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<mvp_aliases>
=over 4
=item * C<dz_plugin_arguments=> can be written as C<< >= >> or C<< dz_plugin_argument= >>
=item * C<conditions=> can be written as C<< ?= >> or C<< condition= >>
=head2 C<mvp_multivalue_args>
All of the following support multiple declaration:
=over 4
=item * C<dz_plugin_arguments>
=item * C<prereq_to>
=item * C<conditions>
=head2 C<register_prereqs>
By default, registers L</dz_plugin_package> version L</dz_plugin_minimumversion>
as C<develop.requires> ( as per L</prereq_to> ).
=head2 check_conditions
Compiles C<conditions> into a single sub and executes it.
conditions = y and foo
conditions = x blah
Compiles as
sub { y and foo and x blah and 1 }
But with C<$root> and C<$zilla> in scope.
=head2 C<dz_plugin>
The C<plugin> identifier.
For instance, C<[GatherDir / Foo]> and C<[GatherDir]> approximation would both set this field to
dz_plugin => 'GatherDir'
=head2 C<dz_plugin_name>
The "Name" for the C<plugin>.
For instance, C<[GatherDir / Foo]> would set this value as
dz_plugin_name => "Foo"
and C<[GatherDir]> approximation would both set this field to
dz_plugin_name => "Foo"
In C<Dist::Zilla>, C<[GatherDir]> is equivalent to C<[GatherDir / GatherDir]>.
Likewise, if you do not specify C<dz_plugin_name>, the value of C<dz_plugin> will be used.
=head2 C<dz_plugin_minversion>
The minimum version of C<dz_plugin> to use.
At present, this B<ONLY> affects C<prereq> generation.
=head2 C<conditions>
A C<mvp_multivalue_arg> attribute that creates an array of conditions
that must all evaluate to true for the C<dz_plugin> to be injected.
These values are internally simply joined with C<and> and executed in an C<Eval::Closure>
Two variables are defined in scope for your convenience:
=over 4
=item * C<$zilla> - The Dist::Zilla builder object itself
=item * C<$root> - The same as C<< $zilla->root >> only more convenient.
For added convenience, this attribute has an alias of '?' ( mnemonic "Test" ), so the following are equivalent:
dz_plugin_name = Foo
?= exists $ENV{loadfoo}
?= !!$ENV{loadfoo}
dz_plugin_name = Foo
condition = exists $ENV{loadfoo}
condition = !!$ENV{loadfoo}
dz_plugin_name = Foo
conditions = exists $ENV{loadfoo}
conditions = !!$ENV{loadfoo}
=head2 C<dz_plugin_arguments>
A C<mvp_multivalue_arg> attribute that creates an array of arguments
to pass on to the created plugin.
For convenience, this attribute has an alias of '>' ( mnemonic "Forward" ), so that the following example:
include_dotfiles = 1
exclude_file = bad
exclude_file = bad2
Would be written
dz_plugin = GatherDir
?= $ENV{dogatherdir}
>= include_dotfiles = 1
>= exclude_file = bad
>= exclude_file = bad2
Or in crazy long form
dz_plugin = GatherDir
condtion = $ENV{dogatherdir}
dz_plugin_argument = include_dotfiles = 1
dz_plugin_argument = exclude_file = bad
dz_plugin_argument = exclude_file = bad2
=head2 C<prereq_to>
This determines where dependencies get injected.
Default is:
And a special value
Prevents dependency injection.
This attribute may be specified multiple times.
=head2 C<dz_plugin_package>
This is an implementation detail which returns the expanded name of C<dz_plugin>
You could probably find some evil use for this, but I doubt it.
=head1 AUTHOR
Kent Fredric <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Kent Fredric <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.