use strict;
use Path::Tiny qw( cwd path );
use constant _eg => cwd()->child('examples/self-build')->stringify;
use lib _eg;
# ABSTRACT: Test neomake example works
use Test::DZil qw( Builder );
my $tzil = Builder->from_config( { dist_root => _eg } );
pass("Built ok");
my $plugin;
ok( $plugin = $tzil->plugin_named("=Example::Self::Build"), "bootstrapped plugin loaded in dzil" )
or do {
diag "All plugins:";
for my $plugin ( @{ $tzil->plugins } ) {
diag "- $plugin => " . $plugin->plugin_name;
$plugin and (
is( $plugin->property, "foo", "bootstrapped plugins have working attributes" )
or do {
diag "All attributes";
diag explain {
map { $_ => '' . $plugin->{$_} } keys %{$plugin}
diag $_ for @{ $tzil->log_messages };