use 5.006;
use strict;
# ABSTRACT: An Objective reference to a section in an ELF file.
our $VERSION = '1.001004'; # TRIAL
use Moose;
use Carp qw( croak );
use MooseX::Has::Sugar 0.0300;
use MooseX::Types::Moose ( ':all', );
use MooseX::Types::Path::Tiny ( 'File', );
use MooseX::Params::Validate (qw( validated_list ));
use overload '""' => \&to_string;
has source => ( isa => File, ro, required, coerce, );
has name => ( isa => Str, ro, required );
has offset => ( isa => Int, ro, required );
has size => ( isa => Int, ro, required );
no Moose;
sub to_string {
my ( $self, ) = @_;
return sprintf
q{[ Section %s of size %s in %s @ %x to %x ]},
$self->name, $self->size, $self->source, $self->offset,
$self->offset + $self->size,
sub compare {
my ( $self, $other, $field ) = validated_list(
other => { isa => class_type('ELF::Extract::Sections::Section') },
field => { isa => FilterField, },
if ( 'name' eq $field ) {
return ( $self->name cmp $other->name );
if ( 'offset' eq $field ) {
return ( $self->offset <=> $other->offset );
if ( 'size' eq $field ) {
return ( $self->size <=> $other->size );
sub write_to {
my ( $self, $file ) = validated_list(
\@_, #
file => { isa => File, optional => 0, coerce => 1 },
my $fh = $self->source->openr;
seek $fh, $self->offset, 0;
my $output = $file->openw;
my $chunksize = 1024;
my $bytes_left = $self->size;
my $chunk = ( $bytes_left < $chunksize ) ? $bytes_left : $chunksize;
while ( read $fh, my $buffer, $chunk ) {
print {$output} $buffer or Carp::croak("Write to $file failed");
$bytes_left -= $chunksize;
$chunk = ( $bytes_left < $chunksize ) ? $bytes_left : $chunksize;
return 1;
sub contents {
my ($self) = @_;
my $fh = $self->source->openr;
seek $fh, $self->offset, 0;
my $b;
read $fh, $b, $self->size;
return $b;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
ELF::Extract::Sections::Section - An Objective reference to a section in an ELF file.
=head1 VERSION
version 1.001004
use ELF::Extract::Sections::Section;
my $s = ELF::Extract::Sections::Section->new(
source => '/foo/',
name => '.comment',
offset => 45670,
size => 1244,
# prints a human friendly description
print $s->to_string;
# does likewise.
print "$s";
# Compare with another section ( preferably in the same file, meaningless otherwise )
if( $s->compare( $y , 'name' ) ){
# Unimplemented
$s->write_to ( file => '/tmp/out.txt' );
# Retuns the sections contents as a string
print $s->contents;
Generally Intended for use by L<ELF::Extract::Sections> as a meta-structure for tracking data,
but generated objects are returned to you for you to deal with
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new>
my $section = ELF::Extract::Sections::Section->new( %ATTRIBUTES );
4 Parameters, all required.
Returns an C<ELF::Extract::Sections::Section> object.
=head2 C<to_string>
my $string = $section->to_string;
returns C<Str> description of the object
[ Section {name} of size {size} in {file} @ {start} to {stop} ]
=head2 C<compare>
my $cmp_result = $section->compare( other => $other, field => $field );
2 Parameters, both required
=over 4
=item other
C<ELF::Extract::Sections::Section>: Item to compare with
=item field
C<Str['name','offset','size']>: Field to compare with.
returns C<Int> of comparison result, between -1 and 1
=head2 C<write_to>
my $boolean = $section->write_to( file => $file );
=over 4
=item file
C<Str>|C<Path::Tiny>: File target to write section contents to.
=head2 C<contents>
my $string = $section->contents;
returns C<Str> of binary data read out of file.
=head2 C<source>
C<Str>|C<Path::Tiny>: Either a String or a Path::Tiny instance pointing to the file in mention.
=head2 C<name>
C<Str>: The ELF Section Name
=head2 C<offset>
C<Int>: Position in bytes relative to the start of the file.
=head2 C<size>
C<Int>: The ELF Section Size
=head1 AUTHOR
Kent Fredric <>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Kent Fredric <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.