use 5.006; # our
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.004011';
# ABSTRACT: Utility for testing things with a git repository
use Moo qw( has );
use Path::Tiny qw(path);
has 'temp_dir' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'home_dir' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'repo_dir' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'git' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'committer_name' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'committer_email' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'author_name' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
has 'author_email' => ( is => ro =>, lazy => 1, builder => 1 );
sub _build_temp_dir {
return Path::Tiny->tempdir;
sub _build_home_dir {
my ( $self, ) = @_;
my $d = $self->temp_dir->child('homedir');
return $d;
sub _build_repo_dir {
my ( $self, ) = @_;
my $d = $self->temp_dir->child('repodir');
return $d;
sub _build_git {
my ( $self, ) = @_;
require Git::Wrapper;
return Git::Wrapper->new( $self->repo_dir->absolute->stringify );
sub _build_committer_name {
return 'A. U. Thor';
sub _build_committer_email {
return '';
sub _build_author_name {
my ( $self, ) = @_;
return $self->committer_name;
sub _build_author_email {
my ( $self, ) = @_;
return $self->committer_email;
sub run_env {
my ( $self, $code ) = @_;
local $ENV{HOME} = $self->home_dir->absolute->stringify;
local $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_NAME} = $self->author_name;
local $ENV{GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL} = $self->author_email;
local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_NAME} = $self->committer_name;
local $ENV{GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL} = $self->committer_email;
return $code->( $self, );
no Moo;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Git::Wrapper::Plus::Tester - Utility for testing things with a git repository
=head1 VERSION
version 0.004011
use Git::Wrapper::Plus::Tester;
my $t = Git::Wrapper::Plus::Tester->new();
$t->run_env( sub {
my $wrapper = $t->git;
$wrapper->init_db(); # ETC.
} );
This module solves the problem of the tedious amount of leg work you need to do
to simply execute a test with Git.
=over 4
=item * Creating a scratch directory
=item * Creating a fake home directory in that scratch directory
=item * Setting C<HOME> to that fake home
=item * Setting valid, but bogus values for C<GIT_(COMMITTER|AUTHOR)_(NAME|EMAIL)>
=item * Creating a directory for the repository to work with in the scratch directory
=item * Creating a Git::Wrapper instance with that repository path
This module does all of the above for you, and makes some of them flexible via attributes.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<run_env>
Sets up basic environment, and runs code, reverting environment when done.
$o->run_env(sub {
my $wrapper = $o->git;
=head2 C<temp_dir>
=head2 C<home_dir>
=head2 C<repo_dir>
=head2 C<git>
=head2 C<committer_name>
B<OPTIONAL>. Defaults to C<A. U. Thor>
=head2 C<committer_email>
B<OPTIONAL>. Defaults to C<>
=head2 C<author_name>
B<OPTIONAL>. Defaults to C<< ->committer_name >>
=head2 C<author_email>
B<OPTIONAL>. Defaults to C<< ->committer_email >>
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=head1 AUTHOR
Kent Fredric <>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Kent Fredric <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.