use 5.008; # utf8
use strict;
use utf8;
our $VERSION = '0.001002';
# ABSTRACT: Moo based instance based sugar syntax for mutable configuration declaration
use Carp qw( carp );
use Moo::Role qw( has requires );
use Try::Tiny qw( try catch );
use Module::Runtime qw( require_module );
has '_state' => ( init_arg => undef, is => 'ro' =>, lazy => 1, default => sub { [] } );
requires 'bundle_prefix';
requires 'instance_config';
sub _prefixify {
my ( $self, $oldname, ) = @_; # called as ->( name, $pluginame ) just in case
return $self->bundle_prefix . q[/] . $oldname;
sub _push_state {
my ( $self, $name, $plugin, $config ) = @_;
push @{ $self->_state }, [ $name, $plugin, $config ];
sub _push_state_prefixed {
my ( $self, $name, $plugin, $config ) = @_;
$self->_push_state( $self->_prefixify( $name, $plugin ), $plugin, $config );
sub add_entry {
my ( $self, $name, $config ) = @_;
$config = {} unless defined $config;
my $plugin = Pod::Weaver::Config::Assembler->expand_package($name);
$self->_push_state_prefixed( $name, $plugin, $config );
sub add_named_entry {
my ( $self, $alias, $plugin_name, $config ) = @_;
$config = {} unless defined $config;
my $plugin = Pod::Weaver::Config::Assembler->expand_package($plugin_name);
$self->_push_state_prefixed( $alias, $plugin, $config );
sub inhale_bundle {
my ( $self, $name, @args ) = @_;
my $plugin = Pod::Weaver::Config::Assembler->expand_package($name);
try {
for my $entry ( $plugin->mvp_bundle_config(@args) ) {
$self->_push_state_prefixed( @{$entry} );
catch {
carp "Could not inhale $name: $_";
sub mvp_bundle_config {
my ( $class, $arg ) = @_;
my @args;
if ( $arg and 'HASH' eq ref $arg ) {
push @args, ( 'name' => $arg->{name} ) if exists $arg->{name};
push @args, ( 'package' => $arg->{package} ) if exists $arg->{name};
if ( exists $arg->{payload} ) {
if ( 'HASH' eq ref $arg->{payload} ) {
push @args, %{ $arg->{payload} };
elsif ( 'ARRAY' eq ref $arg->{payload} ) {
push @args, @{ $arg->{payload} };
else {
carp 'Good luck with that payload buddy';
my $instance = $class->new(@args);
return @{ $instance->_state };
no Moo;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Role::Easy - Moo based instance based sugar syntax for mutable configuration declaration
=head1 VERSION
version 0.001002
[>] bundle_prefix() # [>] String
[>] instance_config() # [>] mutator
->add_entry( $plugin_name, $confighash ) # mutator
->add_named_entry( $name, $plugin_name, $confighash ) # mutator
->inhale_bundle( $name, $arg ) # mutator
->mvp_bundle_config( $arg ) # List
->_push_state_prefixed( $name, $plugin_name, $confighash ) # mutator
->_push_state( $name, $plugin_name, $confighash ) # mutator
->_prefixify( $name, $plugin_name ) # String
->_state() # ArrayRef
-~- MVP Magic -~-
[>?] mvp_multivalue_args # [>] List[Str]
[>?] mvp_aliases # [>] HashRef
[>?] mvp_bundle_config # [>] List
package Foo;
use Moo qw( with );
with 'Pod::Weaver::PluginBundle::Author::KENTNL::Role::Easy'; # this is the hardest part ;)
sub bundle_prefix { 'some_identifier_@foo_is_good' }
has 'ox_bollocks' => ( is => ro => ..., default => sub { 1 } );
has 'an_mvp_thinger' => ( is => ro => ..., default => sub { [] } );
sub mvp_multivalue_args { 'an_mvp_thinger' };
sub instance_config {
my ( $self ) = @_;
$self->add_entry( $pluginname, $config );
if ( $self->ox_bollocks ) {
$self->add_named_entry( $alias, $pluginname, $config );
for my $thing ( @{ $self->an_mvp_thinger } ) {
... # more things
$self->inhale_bundle( '@bundle', $maybeconfig );
=head2 C<bundle_prefix>
Must return a string to prefix on B<ALL> entries.
=head2 C<instance_config>
Will be called for you to mutate state prior to returning the generated state.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<add_entry>
Add a simple plugin to this bundle.
->add_entry( "Foo" , { a => 1 , b => [ 1, 2 ] } );
->add_entry( $name , { $config } );
Roughly corresponds to
[Foo / SomePrefix/Foo]
a = 1
b = 1
b = 2
For things that need to have unique names for plugins, use C<add_named_entry>
=head2 C<add_named_entry>
->add_named_entry( "Foo" , "Bar" , { a => 1, b => [1, 2]});
->add_entry( $name , { $config } );
Roughly corresponds to
[Bar / SomePrefix/Foo]
a = 1
b = 1
b = 2
B<NOTE:> C<$name> is subject to prefix expansion. Use C<$config> explicitly to avoid
side effects. That is, this mechanism only serves to create unique identifiers I<within> a bundle.
Bundle prefixing should make sure it stays unique beyond that.
Relying on "name" field to communicate state within a bundle will break as soon as your bundle is C<inhaled>.
So. Use C<$config> ;)
->add_named_entry("SYNOPSIS", "Generic"); # Bad, will look for MyPrefix/SYNOPSIS, which won't exist.
->add_named_entry("SYNOPSIS", "Generic", { header => 'SYNOPSIS' }); # Resilient code.
# { name => "MyPrefix/SYNOPIS",
# package => "Pod::Weaver::Section::Generic",
# payload => { header => 'SYNOPSIS' }
# }
=head2 C<inhale_bundle>
Include another bundle prefixed as a component of your own.
->inhale_bundle('@foobundle'); # Beginners mode
->inhale_bundle('@foobundle', $confighash ); # EXPERT MODE
Also, be aware that any bundle that has not been designed to be prefix resilient ( see L</add_named_entry> )
will be likely broken if it relies on the "name" element to be meaningful.
You can circumvent this if you wear your expert hat and overload L</_prefixify> and/or do it all yourself with L</_push_state>
=head2 C<_prefixify>
Expands simple aliases into prefixed ones
->_prefixify( $oldname, $plugin_package ) >> String
Default implementation is simply
->bundle_prefix . q[/] . $oldname
And C<$plugin_package> is passed for overloading convenience if you ever want to do something magical.
=head2 C<_push_state>
Appends a configuration line to the internal array
->_push_state( $raw_name, $plugin_package, $config_hash )
=head2 C<_push_state_prefixed>
Appends a configuration line to the internal array with C<$unprefixed_name> prefixed
->_push_state_prefixed( $unprefixed_name, $plugin_package, $config_hash )
=for Pod::Coverage mvp_bundle_config
=head1 AUTHOR
Kent Fredric <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.