use strict;
use Scalar::Util ('blessed');
use Data::Dump ('pp');
use Term::ANSIColor ('colored');
use Path::Tiny ( 'path', 'tempdir' );
use Statocles::Test ('build_test_site');
use Beam::Wire ();
use lib 't/lib';
use KENTNL::Utils ( 'symdump', 'has_feeds' );
my $wd = tempdir();
date: 2014-04-02 01:02:03
tags: [ 'atag' ]
date: 2014-04-02 01:04:06
tags: [ 'atag' ]
title: <%= $self->title %>
site_title: <%= $site->title %>
% for my $link ( $site->nav('main') ) {
- href: <%= $link->href %>
title: <%= $link->title %>
text: <%= $link->text %>
% }
content: <<
<%= $content %>
my $site = build_test_site(
theme => $wd->child('theme'),
base_url => '',
my $beamer = Beam::Wire->new();
my $service = $beamer->create_service(
blog => (
class => 'Statocles::App::Blog',
with => 'Statocles::AppRole::ExtraFeeds',
args => {
url_root => '/blog',
store => $wd->child('blog'),
site => $site,
page_size => 1,
extra_feeds => {
'fulltext.rss' => { text => 'RSS FullText' },
ok( $service->can('extra_feeds'), "Composed service can -> extra_feeds ( composition check )" ) or do {
diag "Service Lacks composed method 'extra_feeds'. So Roles are broken";
diag pp $service;
diag symdump( blessed($service) );
$service->can('extra_feeds') and note explain { config => $service->extra_feeds };
my %pagemap = (
'/blog/index.html' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, qw( /blog/index.atom /blog/index.rss /blog/fulltext.rss ) );
'/blog/page/2/index.html' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, qw( /blog/index.atom /blog/index.rss /blog/fulltext.rss ) );
'/blog/index.atom' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/index.rss' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/fulltext.rss' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/2014/04/02/b.html' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/2014/04/02/a.html' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/tag/atag/index.html' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, qw( /blog/tag/atag.atom /blog/tag/atag.rss /blog/tag/atag.fulltext.rss ) );
'/blog/tag/atag/page/2/index.html' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, qw( /blog/tag/atag.atom /blog/tag/atag.rss /blog/tag/atag.fulltext.rss ) );
'/blog/tag/atag.rss' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/tag/atag.fulltext.rss' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
'/blog/tag/atag.atom' => sub {
has_feeds( $_->path, $_, () );
for my $page ( $service->pages ) {
my $path = $page->path;
if ( !$pagemap{$path} ) {
fail("Unexpected page $path");
my $test = delete $pagemap{$path};
note( "Page: " . colored( ['yellow'], $path ) );
note( "Page Class: " . colored( ['yellow'], blessed($page) ) );
note( "Links: " . colored( ['yellow'], pp $page->_links ) );
local $_ = $page;
local $@;
eval { $test->($page); 1 } or fail("Exception occurred in $path tests"), diag $@;
for ( keys %pagemap ) {
fail("Expected page $_ missing");