use strict;
use Test::More 0.96;
use lib 't/lib';
our $TODO;
use Requires::CCAPI \$TODO;
my $mock = mocktest->new();
# This test tests the behaviour of Changes files with {{$NEXT}} in them.
# Prior to CPAN::Changes 0.17, CPAN::Changes emitted extra whitespace.
# This tests for this behaviour being sufficient to cause a problem.
# However, as of 0.17 it is no longer a problem, but this test is still
# here in case other inconsitencies crop up.
my $obj = Test::CPAN::Changes::ReallyStrict::Object->new(
testbuilder => $mock,
filename => "corpus/Changes_03.txt",
delete_empty_groups => undef,
keep_comparing => 1,
next_token => qr/\{\{\$NEXT\}\}/
my $need_diag;
if ( not ok( $obj->changes_ok, "Expected {NEXT} file is good ( Fixed in CPAN::Changes 0.17 )" ) ) {
$need_diag = 1;
if ( not is( $mock->num_events, 423, 'There are 423 events sent to the test system with this option on' ) ) {
$need_diag = 1;
if ($need_diag) {
diag $_ for $mock->ls_events;