use 5.006; #our
use strict;
package T::Grapheme;
# ABSTRACT: Generate Pronouncable letter pairs for testing
use Test::Stream::Exporter qw/import default_export/;
default_export qw/grapheme_str/;
my (@CONS) = qw( B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z );
my (@VOLS) = qw( a e i o u );
sub mk_grapheme {
$CONS[ int( rand() * $#CONS ) ] . $VOLS[ int( rand() * $#VOLS ) ];
sub grapheme_str {
substr scalar( join q[], map { mk_grapheme } 0 .. ( ( $_[0] + 1 ) / 2 ) ), 0, $_[0];
This utility exists for testing because Data::Dump is actually too smart about
compressing strings and will detect anyone using the `x` operator and reverse
the resulting string back into the form
( "Str" x $n )
So this utility creates long strings of random but visually easy to check
strings to throw code at.