use strict;
use Data::Dump qw(pp);
use lib 't/lib';
use T::Grapheme qw/grapheme_str/;
# These have to be random strings because Data::Dump is smart enough to reverse
# "N" x $n back into a short expression!
note "dumped string would be 80 or less normally";
my $sub_long = grapheme_str( 80 - 2 ); # minus 2 because pp adds quotes.
my $pp = pp($sub_long);
my $got = explain_terse($sub_long);
note "Studying: $got";
note "From: $pp (=" . ( length $pp ) . ")";
ok( defined $got, 'is defined' ) or last;
cmp_ok( length $got, '<=', 80, "Length <= 80" ) or last;
is( $got, qq["$sub_long"], 'dumps under MAX_LENGTH pass through OK' ) or last;