use strict;
use Test::Requires 'DBD::mysql';
use DBI;
use DBI qw(:sql_types);
package Foo::DSL;
use strict;
database 'MySQL';
create_table 'user' => columns {
integer 'id', primary_key, auto_increment;
varchar 'name', size => 32, not_null, default => 'unknown';
# MySQL datatype
enum 'blood' => ['A', 'B', 'AB', 'O'], null;
set 'fav' => ['sushi', 'niku', 'sake'], null;
text 'description', null;
timestamp 'updated_at', not_null, default => \'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
create_table 'book' => columns {
integer 'id', primary_key, auto_increment;
varchar 'name', not_null;
integer 'author_id';
decimal 'price', 'size' => [4,2];
add_index 'name_price_idx' => ['name', 'price'];
belongs_to 'author';
create_table 'author' => columns {
primary_key 'id';
varchar 'name', not_null;
decimal 'height', 'precision' => 4, 'scale' => 1;
add_index 'height_idx' => ['height'];
has_many 'book';
package main;
my $mysqld = Test::mysqld->new(
my_cnf => {
'skip-networking' => '', # no TCP socket
) or plan skip_all => $Test::mysqld::errstr;
my $dbh = DBI->connect($mysqld->dsn(dbname => 'test'), {RaiseError => 1}) or die 'cannot connect to db';
# initialize
my $output = Foo::DSL->output;
#note $output;
$dbh->do($_) for grep { $_ !~ /^\s+$/ } split /;/, $output;
subtest "dump all tables" => sub {
# generate schema and eval.
my $code = DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper->dump(
dbh => $dbh,
pkg => 'Bar::DSL',
note $code;
my $schema = eval $code;
# note Bar::DSL->output;
::ok !$@, 'no syntax error';
diag $@ if $@;
is Bar::DSL->context->db, 'MySQL';
ok !Bar::DSL->context->default_not_null;
ok !Bar::DSL->context->default_unsigned;
for my $table (Foo::DSL->context->schema->get_tables) {
my $other = Bar::DSL->context->schema->get_table($table->name);
local $TODO = 'wip';
is $table->equals($other), 1;
subtest 'test each table' => sub {
subtest 'user' => sub {
my $user = Bar::DSL->context->schema->get_table('user');
isa_ok $user, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Table';
my $id = $user->get_field('id');
my $name = $user->get_field('name');
my $blood = $user->get_field('blood');
my $fav = $user->get_field('fav');
my $desc = $user->get_field('description');
my $updated_at = $user->get_field('updated_at');
is_deeply $blood->extra->{list}, ['A','B','AB','O'], 'enum list';
is_deeply $fav->extra->{list}, ['sushi','niku','sake'], 'set list';
is $id->sql_data_type, SQL_INTEGER;
is $name->sql_data_type, SQL_VARCHAR;
is $blood->sql_data_type, SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
is $fav->sql_data_type, SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE;
is $desc->sql_data_type, SQL_LONGVARCHAR;
is $updated_at->sql_data_type, SQL_TIMESTAMP;
is $id->is_primary_key, 1;
is $id->is_auto_increment, 1;
is $id->is_nullable, 0;
is $name->is_nullable, 0;
is $blood->is_nullable, 1;
is $fav->is_nullable, 1;
is $desc->is_nullable, 1;
is $updated_at->is_nullable, 0;
is $name->size, 32;
is $name->default_value, 'unknown';
is ${$updated_at->default_value}, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is SCALAR REF';
subtest 'author' => sub {
my $author = Bar::DSL->context->schema->get_table('author');
isa_ok $author, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Table';
my $id = $author->get_field('id');
my $name = $author->get_field('name');
my $height = $author->get_field('height');
is $id->sql_data_type, SQL_INTEGER;
is $name->sql_data_type, SQL_VARCHAR;
is $height->sql_data_type, SQL_DECIMAL;
is $id->is_primary_key, 1;
is $id->is_auto_increment, 1;
is $id->is_nullable, 0;
is $name->is_nullable, 0;
is $height->is_nullable, 1;
is $name->size, 255;
is_deeply [ $height->size ], [4,1];
my $height_idx = $author->get_indices->[0];
is $height_idx->name, 'height_idx';
is_deeply [ $height_idx->fields ], ['height'];
my $book_cons = $author->fkey_constraints->[0];
isa_ok $book_cons, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint';
is_deeply [ $book_cons->field_names ], ['id'];
is_deeply [ $book_cons->reference_fields ], ['author_id'];
is $book_cons->reference_table, 'book';
subtest 'book' => sub {
my $book = Bar::DSL->context->schema->get_table('book');
isa_ok $book, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Table';
my $id = $book->get_field('id');
my $name = $book->get_field('name');
my $author_id = $book->get_field('author_id');
my $price = $book->get_field('price');
is $id->sql_data_type, SQL_INTEGER;
is $name->sql_data_type, SQL_VARCHAR;
is $author_id->sql_data_type, SQL_INTEGER;
is $price->sql_data_type, SQL_DECIMAL;
is $id->is_primary_key, 1;
is $id->is_auto_increment, 1;
is $id->is_nullable, 0;
is $name->is_nullable, 0;
is $author_id->is_nullable, 1;
is $price->is_nullable, 1;
is_deeply [ $price->size ], [4,2];
my $name_price_idx = $book->get_indices->[0];
is $name_price_idx->name, 'name_price_idx';
is_deeply [ $name_price_idx->fields ], ['name', 'price'];
my $author_cons = $book->fkey_constraints->[0];
isa_ok $author_cons, 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Constraint';
is_deeply [ $author_cons->field_names ], ['author_id'];
is_deeply [ $author_cons->reference_fields ], ['id'];
is $author_cons->reference_table, 'author';
subtest "dump single table" => sub {
my $code = DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper->dump(
dbh => $dbh,
tables => 'user',
#note $code;
like $code, qr/user/;
unlike $code, qr/author/;
unlike $code, qr/book/;
subtest "dump multiple tables" => sub {
my $code = DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper->dump(
dbh => $dbh,
tables => [qw/author book/],
#note $code;
unlike $code, qr/user/;
like $code, qr/book/;
like $code, qr/author/;
subtest "default_unsigned" => sub {
my $code = DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper->dump(
dbh => $dbh,
pkg => 'Bar::Unsigned::DSL',
default_unsigned => 1,
my $schema = eval $code;
ok !!Bar::Unsigned::DSL->context->default_unsigned;
unlike $code, qr/ unsigned/;
subtest "default_not_null" => sub {
my $code = DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper->dump(
dbh => $dbh,
pkg => 'Bar::NotNull::DSL',
default_not_null => 1,
my $schema = eval $code;
ok !!Bar::NotNull::DSL->context->default_not_null;
unlike $code, qr/ not_null/;
subtest "table_options" => sub {
my $code = DBIx::Schema::DSL::Dumper->dump(
dbh => $dbh,
pkg => 'Bar::TableOptions::DSL',
table_options => +{
'mysql_table_type' => 'MyISAM',
'mysql_charset' => 'latin1',
my $schema = eval $code;
is Bar::TableOptions::DSL->context->table_extra->{mysql_table_type} ,'MyISAM';
is Bar::TableOptions::DSL->context->table_extra->{mysql_charset} ,'latin1';