# NOTE: This test doesn't run under tainted mode, since it needs to
# start and stop daemons.
use Test::More tests => 10;
BEGIN { use_ok( 'IPC::GimpFu' ); }
require_ok( 'IPC::GimpFu' );
my $gimp = IPC::GimpFu->new({ autostart => 1 });
isa_ok($gimp, 'IPC::GimpFu');
is ( $gimp->run() , 0 , 'no command is detected' );
is ( $gimp->run('') , 0 , 'empty command is detected');
like( $gimp->run('(+ 2 2)'), qr/^Success|4$/, '(+ 2 2) is Success || 4' );
isnt( $gimp->run('(2 + 2)'), qr/^Error/ , '(2 + 2) is an error' );
isnt( $gimp->stop() , 0 , 'killing works' );
like( $gimp->run('(+ 2 2)'), qr/^Success|4$/, 'again: (+ 2 2) is Success || 4' );
isnt( $gimp->stop() , 0 , 'killing works again' );