package SPVM::Point3D;
=head1 Name
SPVM::Point3D - Point 3D
=head1 Usage
use Point3D;
my $point = Point3D->new;
my $point = Point3D->new(1, 2, 3);
my $x = $point->x;
my $y = $point->y;
my $z = $point->z;
my $point_string = $point->to_string;
=head1 Description
C<Point3D> is a class for a point 3D.
=head1 Super Class
L<Point|SPVM::Point> is the super class of C<Point3D>.
=head1 Fields
C<Point3D> inherits the fields of L<Point|SPVM::Point/"Fields">.
=head2 z
has z : ro int;
=head1 Class Methods
=head2 new
C<static method new : L<Point3D|SPVM::Point3D> ($x : int = 0, $y : int = 0, $z : int = 0);>
Creates a new C<Point3D> object with $x, $y, $z.
=head1 Instance Methods
C<Point3D> inherits the instance methods of L<Point|SPVM::Point/"Instance Methods">.
=head2 init
protected method init : Point3D ($x : int = 0, $y : int = 0, $z : int = 0)
Initializes L</"x">, L</"y">, and L</"z">.
=head2 clear
C<method clear : void ();>
Sets L<x|SPVM::Point/"x">, L<y|SPVM::Point/"y">, and L</"z"> to 0.
=head2 clone
C<method clone : L<Point3D|SPVM::Point3D> ();>
Creates a new C<Point3D> object that clones myself.
=head2 to_string
C<method to_string : string ();>
Stringifies C<Point3D> object as the following format.
=head2 eq
C<method eq : int ($a : Point, $b : Point);>
If $a is equal to $b, returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
If $a and $b is defined and L</"x"> and L</"y"> fields in $a are equals to L</"x"> and L</"y"> fields in $b, returns 1.
If only $a is not defined, returns 0.
If only $b is not defined, returns 0.
If both $a and $b is not defined, returns 1.
=head1 Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License