Calls the L<fread|> function and returns its returnvalue.
$ptrmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$sizemust be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmembmust be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$streammust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmemb* $sizemust be less than or equal to the lengthof $ptr- $ptr_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the returnvalue is less than $nmemband C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<getc|> function and returns its returnvalue.
$streammust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the returnvalue is C<EOF> and C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<fwrite|> function and returns its returnvalue.
$ptrmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$sizemust be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmembmust be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$streammust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmemb* $sizemust be less than or equal to the lengthof $ptr- $ptr_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the returnvalue is less than $nmemband C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<freopen|> function and returns its returnvalue.
$pathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$modemust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$streammust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the freopen function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<setvbuf|> function and returns its returnvalue.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant valuesgivento $mode.
$streammust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If $bufis defined, $sizemust be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If $bufis defined, $sizemust be less than or equal to the lengthof $buf. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the setvbuf function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<ftruncate|> function and returns its returnvalue.
If the ftruncate function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<faccessat|> function and returns its returnvalue.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant valuesgivento the mode $modeand the flag $flag.
$pathnamemust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the faccessat function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<truncate|> function and returns its returnvalue.
$pathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$lengthmust be less than or equal to 0.
If the truncatefunction failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<mkdir|> function and returnits returnvalue.
If the mkdir(or _mkdir) function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 umask
C<static method umask: int($mode: int);>
Calls the L<umask|> function and returnits returnvalue.
=head2 rmdir
C<static method rmdir: int($path: string);>
Calls the L<rmdir|> function and returnits returnvalue.
$pathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the rmdirfunction failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 unlink
C<static method unlink: int($pathname: string);>
Calls the L<unlink|> function and returnits returnvalue.
$pathnamemust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the unlinkfunction failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
$maxlenmust be greater than 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$maxlenmust be less than or equal to the lenght of $buffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _getdcwd function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<realpath|> function and returnits returnvalue.
$pathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the realpath function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
$relPathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _fullpath function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 chdir
C<static method chdir: int($path: string);>
Calls the L<chdir|> function and returnits returnvalue.
$pathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the chdirfunction failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<readlink|> function and returnits returnvalue.
$pathmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$bufmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$bufsizmust be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$bufsizmust be less than or equal to the lengthof $buf. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the readlinkfunction failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
Calls the L<closedir|> function and returnits returnvalue.
$dirpmust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the closedirfunction failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
$streammust be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _pclose function failed, an exception is thrown withC<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head1 Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License
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