package SPVM::Sys::IO;
=head1 Name
SPVM::Sys::IO - IO System Call
=head1 Usage
use Sys::IO;
=head1 Description
C<Sys::IO> is the class for the file IO.
=head1 Class Methods
=head2 stdin
C<static method stdin : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ();>
Returns L<stdin|>.
=head2 stdout
C<static method stdout : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ();>
Returns L<stdout|>.
=head2 stderr
C<static method stderr : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ();>
Returns L<stderr|>.
=head2 spvm_stdin
C<static method spvm_stdin : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ();>
Returns the L<stdin|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI/"spvm_stdin"> opened by the SPVM language.
=head2 spvm_stdout
C<static method spvm_stdout : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ();>
Returns the L<stdout|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI/"spvm_stdout"> opened by the SPVM language.
=head2 spvm_stderr
C<static method spvm_stderr : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ();>
Returns the L<stderr|SPVM::Document::NativeAPI/"spvm_stderr"> opened by the SPVM language.
=head2 fopen
C<static method fopen : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ($path : string, $mode : string);>
Calls the L<fopen|> function and returns its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$mode must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the fopen function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fdopen
C<static method fdopen : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ($fd : int, $mode : string);>
Calls the L<fdopen|> function and returns its return value.
$fd must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$mode must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the fdopen function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fileno
C<static method fileno : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<fileno|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the fileno function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fread
C<static method fread : int ($ptr : mutable string, $size : int, $nmemb : int, $stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $ptr_offset : int = 0);>
Calls the L<fread|> function and returns its return value.
$ptr must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$size must be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmemb must be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmemb * $size must be less than or equal to the length of $ptr - $ptr_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the return value is less than $nmemb and C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 feof
C<static method feof : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<feof|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
=head2 ferror
C<static method ferror : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<ferror|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
=head2 clearerr
C<static method clearerr : void ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<clearerr|> function.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
=head2 getc
C<static method getc : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<getc|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the return value is C<EOF> and C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 ungetc
C<static method ungetc : int ($c : int, $stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<ungetc|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the return value is C<EOF> and C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown.
=head2 fgets
C<static method fgets : mutable string ($s : mutable string, $size : int, $stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $s_offset : int = 0);>
Calls the L<fgets|> function and returns its return value.
$s must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$size must be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$size must be less than the length of $s - $s_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
=head2 fwrite
C<static method fwrite : int ($ptr : string, $size : int, $nmemb : int, $stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $ptr_offset : int = 0);>
Calls the L<fwrite|> function and returns its return value.
$ptr must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$size must be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmemb must be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$nmemb * $size must be less than or equal to the length of $ptr - $ptr_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the return value is less than $nmemb and C<ferror(stream)> is non-zero, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fclose
C<static method fclose : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<fclose|> function and returns its return value.
If successful, the L<closed|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream/"closed"> field is set to 1.
$stream must be defined
If the fclose function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fseek
C<static method fseek : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $offset : long, $whence : int);>
Calls the L<fseek|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to $whence.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$offset must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the fseek function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 ftell
C<static method ftell : long ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<ftell|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the ftell function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fflush
C<static method fflush : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<fflush|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the fflush function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 freopen
C<static method freopen : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ($path : string, $mode : string, $stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<freopen|> function and returns its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$mode must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the freopen function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 setvbuf
C<static method setvbuf : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $buf : mutable string, $mode : int, $size : int);>
Calls the L<setvbuf|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to $mode.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If $buf is defined, $size must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If $buf is defined, $size must be less than or equal to the length of $buf. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the setvbuf function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 setbuf
C<static method setbuf : void ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $buf : mutable string);>
Calls the L</"setvbuf"> method given the following mode $mode and size $size.
If $buf is defined, $mode is set to C<_IOFBF>, otherwise C<_IONBF>.
$size is C<BUFSIZ>.
=head2 setbuffer
C<static method setbuffer : void ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>, $buf : mutable string, $size : int);>
Calls the L</"setvbuf"> method given the following mode $mode.
If $buf is defined, $mode is set to C<_IOFBF>, otherwise C<_IONBF>.
=head2 setlinebuf
C<static method setlinebuf : void ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L</"setvbuf"> method given the following buffer $buf and mode $mode.
$buf is undef.
$mode is C<_IOLBF>.
$size is C<BUFSIZ>.
=head2 open
C<static method open : int ($path : string, $flags : int, $mode : int = 0);>
Calls the L<open|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to the flags $flags and the mode $mode.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the open function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 read
C<static method read : int ($fd : int, $buf : mutable string, $count : int, $buf_offset : int = 0);>
Calls the L<read|> function and returns its return value.
$buf must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$count must be more than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$count must be less than the length of $buf - $buf_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the read function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 write
C<static method write : int ($fd : int, $buf : string, $count : int, $buf_offset : int = 0);>
Calls the L<write|> function and returns its return value.
$buf must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$buf_offse must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$count must be less than the length of $buf - $buf_offset. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the write function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 lseek
C<static method lseek : long ($fd : int, $offset : long, $whence : int);>
Calls the L<lseek|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to $whence.
$offset must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the lseek function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 close
C<static method close : int ($fd : int);>
Calls the L<close|> function and returns its return value.
If the close function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fsync
C<static method fsync : int ($fd : int);>
Calls the L<fsync|> function and returns its return value.
If the fsync function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 fcntl
C<static method fcntl : int ($fd : int, $command : int, $command_arg : object of Int|SPVM::Sys::IO::Flock = undef);>
Calls the L<fcntl|> function and returns its return value.
$command_arg must be an instance of the Int class or Sys::IO::Flock class.
=head2 ftruncate
C<static method ftruncate : int ($fd : int, $length : long);>
Calls the L<ftruncate|> function and returns its return value.
If the ftruncate function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 flock
C<static method flock : int ($fd : int, $operation : int);>
Calls the L<flock|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to the operation $operation.
If the flock function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 access
C<static method access : int ($pathname : string, $mode : int);>
Calls the L<access|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to the mode $mode.
$pathname must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the access function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 faccessat
static method faccessat : int ($dirfd : int, $pathname : string, $mode : int, $flags : int);
Calls the L<faccessat|> function and returns its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to the mode $mode and the flag $flag.
$pathname must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the faccessat function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 eaccess
C<static method eaccess : int ($pathname : string, $mode : int);>
Calls the L</"faccessat"> method given the following $dirfd and $flag.
$dirfd is C<AT_FDCWD>.
$flag is C<AT_EACCESS>.
=head2 truncate
C<static method truncate : int ($path : string, $length : long);>
Calls the L<truncate|> function and returns its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$length must be less than or equal to 0.
If the truncate function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 mkdir
C<static method mkdir : int ($path : string, $mode : int);>
Calls the L<_mkdir|> function and return its return value.
OS other than Windows:
Calls the L<mkdir|> function and return its return value.
If the mkdir(or _mkdir) function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 umask
C<static method umask : int ($mode : int);>
Calls the L<umask|> function and return its return value.
=head2 rmdir
C<static method rmdir : int ($path : string);>
Calls the L<rmdir|> function and return its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the rmdir function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 unlink
C<static method unlink : int ($pathname : string);>
Calls the L<unlink|> function and return its return value.
$pathname must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the unlink function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 rename
C<static method rename : int ($oldpath : string, $newpath : string);>
Calls the L<rename|> function and return its return value.
$oldpath must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$newpath must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the rename function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 getcwd
C<static method getcwd : mutable string ($buf : mutable string, $size : int);>
Calls the L<getcwd|> function and return its return value.
$size must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If $buf is defined, $size must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the getcwd function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 _getdcwd
C<static method _getdcwd : mutable string ($drive : int, $buffer : mutable string, $maxlen : int);>
$maxlen must be greater than 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$maxlen must be less than or equal to the lenght of $buffer. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _getdcwd function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 realpath
C<static method realpath : mutable string ($path : string, $resolved_path : mutable string);>
Calls the L<realpath|> function and return its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the realpath function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 _fullpath
C<native static method _fullpath : mutable string ($absPath : mutable string, $relPath : string, $maxLength : int);>
$relPath must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _fullpath function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 chdir
C<static method chdir : int ($path : string);>
Calls the L<chdir|> function and return its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the chdir function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 chmod
C<static method chmod : int ($path : string, $mode :int);>
Calls the L<chmod|> function and return its return value.
See L<Sys::IO::Constant|SPVM::Sys::IO::Constant> about constant values given to the mode $mode.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the chmod function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 chown
C<static method chown : int ($path : string, $owner : int, $group : int);>
Calls the L<chown|> and return its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the chown function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 symlink
C<static method symlink : int ($oldpath : string, $newpath : string);>
Calls the L<symlink|> function and return its return value.
$oldpath must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$newpath must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the symlink function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 readlink
C<static method readlink : int ($path : string, $buf : mutable string, $bufsiz : int);>
Calls the L<readlink|> function and return its return value.
$path must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$buf must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$bufsiz must be greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$bufsiz must be less than or equal to the length of $buf. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the readlink function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 opendir
C<static method opendir : L<Sys::IO::DirStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::DirStream> ($dir : string);>
Calls the L<opendir|> function and return its return value.
$dir must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the opendir function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 closedir
C<static method closedir : int ($dirp : L<Sys::IO::DirStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::DirStream>);>
Calls the L<closedir|> function and return its return value.
$dirp must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the closedir function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 readdir
C<static method readdir : L<Sys::IO::Dirent|SPVM::Sys::IO::Dirent> ($dirp : L<Sys::IO::DirStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::DirStream>);>
Calls the L<readdir|> function and return its return value.
$dirp must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the readdir function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 rewinddir
C<static method rewinddir : void ($dirp : L<Sys::IO::DirStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::DirStream>);>
Calls the L<rewinddir|> function.
$dirp must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
=head2 telldir
C<static method telldir : long ($dirp : L<Sys::IO::DirStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::DirStream>);>
Calls the L<telldir|> function and return its return value.
$dirp must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the telldir function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 seekdir
C<static method seekdir : void ($dirp : L<Sys::IO::DirStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::DirStream>, $offset : long);>
Calls the L<seekdir|> function and return its return value.
$dirp must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$offset must be less than or equal to 0.
=head2 popen
C<static method popen : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ($command : string, $type : string);>
Calls the L<popen|> function and returns its return value.
L<Sys::IO::FileStream#is_pipe|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream/"is_pipe"> field is set to 1.
$command must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$type must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the popen function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
L<Sys::IO::FileStream#is_pipe|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream/"is_pipe"> field is set to 1.
=head2 _popen
C<static method _popen : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream> ($command : string, $type : string);>
$command must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
$type must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _popen function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 pclose
C<static method pclose : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<pclose|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the pclose function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head2 _pclose
C<static method _pclose : int ($stream : L<Sys::IO::FileStream|SPVM::Sys::IO::FileStream>);>
Calls the L<_pclose|> function and returns its return value.
$stream must be defined. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
If the _pclose function failed, an exception is thrown with C<eval_error_id> set to the basic type ID of the L<Error::System|SPVM::Error::System> class.
=head1 Copyright & License
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuki Kimoto
MIT License