# Copyright (C) 2017 Koha-Suomi
# This file is part of Pootle-Client.
use Modern::Perl '2015';
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use feature 'signatures'; no warnings "experimental::signatures";
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
'Pootle::Exception' => {
description => 'Pootle exceptions base class',
sub newFromDie {
my ($class, $die) = @_;
return Pootle::Exception->new(error => "$die");
=head2 rethrowDefault
Because there are so many different types of exception classes with different
interfaces, use this to rethrow if you dont know exactly what you are getting.
@PARAM1 somekind of monster
sub rethrowDefaults {
my ($e) = @_;
die $e unless blessed($e);
die $e if $e->isa('Mojo::Exception'); #Dying a Mojo::Exception actually rethrows it.
$e->rethrow if ref($e) eq 'Pootle::Exception'; #If this is THE 'Pootle::Exception', then handle it here
$e->rethrow if $e->isa('Pootle::Exception');
$e->rethrow; #Exception classes are expected to implement rethrow like good exceptions should!!
=head2 handleDefaults
Handles all the boring exception cases in a default way. Saving you a lot of typing.
sub handleDefaults {
my ($e) = @_;
return $e unless blessed($e);
return toTextMojo($e) if $e->isa('Mojo::Exception');
return $e->toText if ref($e) eq 'Pootle::Exception'; #If this is THE 'Pootle::Exception', then handle it here
return $e->toText if $e->isa('Pootle::Exception'); #If this is a subclass of 'Pootle::Exception', then let it through
return toTextUnknown($e);
=head2 toText
@RETURNS String, a textual representation of this exception,
Full::module::package :> error message, other supplied error keys
sub toText {
my ($self) = @_;
my @sb;
push(@sb, ref($self).' :> '.$self->error);
# You can override global exception handling behaviour here.
# Maybe throw stack traces or somehow automatically identify
# supplementary exception payloads to show?
# while (my ($k, $v) = each(%$self)) {
# next if $k eq 'error';
# push(@sb, "$k => '$v'");
# }
return join(', ', @sb);
=head2 toTextUnknown
@RETURNS String, a textual representation of this exception,
Full::module::package :> error message, other supplied error keys
sub toTextUnknown {
my ($e) = @_;
my @sb;
if (ref($e) eq 'HASH' || blessed($e)) {
while (my ($k, $v) = each(%$e)) {
push(@sb, "$k => '$v'");
elsif (ref($e) eq 'ARRAY') {
@sb = @$e;
else {
push(@sb, $e);
return join(', ', @sb);
=head2 toTextMojo
Returns a text representation of a Mojo::Exception
sub toTextMojo {
my ($e) = @_;
return $e->verbose(1)->to_string;