#!env perl
package Kiva;
use Modern::Perl '2015';
use utf8;
binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);
my ($help, $pootleBaseurl, $apiEndpoint, $credentials, $cacheFile);
my $verbose = 0;
'h|help' => \$help,
'v|verbose:i' => \$verbose,
'p|pootle-url:s' => \$pootleBaseurl,
'a|api-endpoint:s' => \$apiEndpoint,
'c|credentials:s' => \$credentials,
'cacheFile:s' => \$cacheFile,
my $usage = <<USAGE;
Exports/Imports .po-files from/to version control to/from Koha's translation system
It is advised to test first with the "dry-run"-flag and "test"-flag.
-h --help This friendly help!
-v --verbose String, Log::Log4perl verbosity levels, ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, OFF
-p --pootle-url String, base url to the Pootle web service, eg. https://translate.perl-community.org
-a --api-endpoint String, which Pootle-Client endpoint to invoke?
Supports only GET-requests.
-c --credentials Login credentials to the Pootle-Client. In format username:password,
eg. master:blaster
relative or absolute path to a UTF-8 encoded file containing the credentials.
Credentials are found from the file using this regexp /^(.+):(.+)$/
It is not recommended to give credentials as commandline parameters directly.
--cacheFile String, path to the cache file. If doesn't exists, cache file is created.
pootle-client -v TRACE -p https://pootle.pot.com -a /api/v1/units/19925516/ -c credentials.txt
if ($help) {
print $usage;
exit 0;
my $pa = Pootle::Client->new({baseUrl => $pootleBaseurl, credentials => $credentials, cacheFile => $cacheFile});
my ($response, $payloadHash) = $pa->a->request('get', $apiEndpoint, {});
say $response->content();