#!perl -T
use strict;
# If you wish to run these tests, make an AvalaraConfig.pm in the lib directory that has a
# sub new, that returns a hash with the values you want to put into new().
# This file will not be checked in, and git is configured to ignore it.
eval 'use AvalaraConfig';
? plan( skip_all => 'Local connection information for Avalara required to run tests.' )
: plan( tests => 6 );
my $config = AvalaraConfig->new();
my $avalara_gateway = Business::Tax::Avalara->new( %$config, debug => 0 );
defined( $avalara_gateway ),
'Create a new Business::Tax::Avalara object.',
) || diag( explain( $avalara_gateway ) );
# Create a unique doc_code
my $doc_code = time();
# First we need to create a tax lookup, so we can cancel it later.
my %lookup_data = (
destination_address =>
line_1 => '11216 Waples Mill Road',
city => 'Fairfax',
postal_code => '22030',
cart_lines =>
sku => '42ACE',
quantity => 1,
amount => '8.99',
ref1 => 'abc',
line_number => 3,
sku => '9FCE2',
quantity => 2,
amount => '38.98',
ref1 => 'def',
line_number => 4,
commit => 1,
document_code => $doc_code,
document_type => 'SalesInvoice',
ok (
my $response = $avalara_gateway->get_tax( %lookup_data ),
'Got data for test order 1.',
is (
'Total amount is correct.'
is (
'Total Tax is correct.'
# Now we need to cancel it.
$response = $avalara_gateway->cancel_tax(
document_type => 'SalesInvoice',
doc_code => $doc_code,
cancel_code => 'DocVoided',
'Sent request to cancel tax.'
'Tax was canceled.'