use strict;
my @TESTS = (
'expected' => [qw(2015 1 14 21 7 31)],
'formatter' => {
'structure' => 'arrayref',
'params' => [qw(year month day hour minute second)],
'date' => {
'year' => '2015',
'month' => '1',
'day' => '14',
'hour' => '21',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'expected' => [qw(Wed Jan 14 21 7 31 2015)],
'formatter' => {
'structure' => 'arrayref',
'params' => [qw(day_abbr month_abbr day hour minute second year)],
'date' => {
'day_abbr' => 'Wed',
'month_abbr' => 'Jan',
'day' => '14',
'hour' => '21',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'year' => '2015',
'expected' => [qw(1 14 2015 9 7 31 pm)],
'formatter' => {
'structure' => 'arrayref',
'params' => [qw(month day year hour_12 minute second am_or_pm)],
'date' => {
'month' => '1',
'day' => '14',
'year' => '2015',
'hour_12' => '9',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'am_or_pm' => 'pm',
'expected' => {
'year' => '2015',
'month' => '1',
'day' => '14',
'hour' => '21',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'formatter' => {
'structure' => 'hashref',
'params' => [qw(year month day hour minute second)],
'date' => {
'year' => '2015',
'month' => '1',
'day' => '14',
'hour' => '21',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'expected' => {
'day_abbr' => 'Wed',
'month_abbr' => 'Jan',
'day' => '14',
'hour' => '21',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'year' => '2015',
'formatter' => {
'structure' => 'hashref',
'params' => [qw(day_abbr month_abbr day hour minute second year)],
'date' => {
'day_abbr' => 'Wed',
'month_abbr' => 'Jan',
'day' => '14',
'hour' => '21',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'year' => '2015',
'expected' => {
'month' => '1',
'day' => '14',
'year' => '2015',
'hour_12' => '9',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'am_or_pm' => 'pm',
'formatter' => {
'structure' => 'hashref',
'params' => [qw(month day year hour_12 minute second am_or_pm)],
'date' => {
'month' => '1',
'day' => '14',
'year' => '2015',
'hour_12' => '9',
'minute' => '7',
'second' => '31',
'am_or_pm' => 'pm',
plan('tests' => scalar(@TESTS));
foreach my $test (@TESTS) {
# Set up the parser.
my $parser = Date::Reformat->new(
'formatter' => $test->{'formatter'},
# Parse the date string.
my $reformatted = $parser->format_date($test->{'date'});
# Verify the result is what we expect.
"Verify formatting for $test->{'formatter'}->{'structure'}: " . join(', ', @{$test->{'formatter'}->{'params'}}),