# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with #
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl' #
use lib "blib/lib";
BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..5\n"; }
END { print "module load failed\n" unless $loaded; }
$loaded = 1;
$TEST_NUM = 1;
report_result(1, "load test");
sub report_result {
my $ok = shift;
my $msg = shift;
print "not " unless $ok;
print "ok $TEST_NUM";
print " $msg" if $msg;
print "\n";
# print @_ if (not $ok and $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE});
# 2
my $st = grab { print "hel"; print "lo"; };
&report_result($st eq "hello", "grab test");
# 3
my $n;
my $st = grab { print "hel"; $n=grab { print "nested" } print "lo"; };
&report_result($st eq "hello" && $n eq "nested", "nested grab test");
# 4
my $ex="";
try {
throw "error";
} catch {
&report_result($ex eq "error", "try-catch test");
# 5
my ($first, $second);
my $out = "";
tie(*STDOUT, "T");
print "Hello";
$first = $out; $out = '';
tie(*STDOUT, "T");
eval("use CGI::WebOut(1)");
print "Hello";
$second = $out;
package T;
sub TIEHANDLE { $out .= "TIEHANDLE\n"; return bless {}; }
sub PRINT { $out .= "PRINT\n" }
sub UNTIE { $out .= "UNTIE nRef=$_[1]\n" }
# print "f: [$first]\ns: [$second]\n";
&report_result($first eq $second, "tie-safe test");