#! /usr/bin/env perl
require Test::More;
Test::More::plan(skip_all => 'these tests are for testing by the author');
use v5.8;
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 5;
BEGIN { use_ok("WWW::Shorten", qw{Akari}) }
use constant TEST_URL_LONG => "http://yuruyuri.com/";
use constant TEST_URL_SHORT => "http://waa.ai/X";
note "These tests require a working Internet connection";
ok my $short = makeashorterlink(TEST_URL_LONG), "Can reduce presence of URLs";
is $short, TEST_URL_SHORT, "The reduced presence was reduced as expected";
ok my $long = makealongerlink($short), "The presence can be increased";
is $long, TEST_URL_LONG, "The increased presence is as it was before reduction";