use Test::More tests => 230;
use strict;
my $in;
my $out;
# Empty dict
round_trip( {}, 42 );
# Dict containing stuff
round_trip( { 'kitteh' => 'Angleton', 'MoL' => 42, 'array' => ['Cthulhu'] },
93 );
# Empty array
round_trip( [], 42 );
# Array containing stuff
round_trip( ['Cthulhu'], 52 );
# Negative integer
round_trip( -1, 50 );
# Small integer
round_trip( 42, 43 );
# Large integer
round_trip( 777, 44 );
# Even larger integer
round_trip( 141414, 46 );
# Ginormous integer
round_trip( 4294967296, 50 );
# Short string
round_trip( "kitteh", 48 );
# Long string (where long means "more than 15 characters")
round_trip( "The kyokeach is cute", 64 );
# Ustring
# Real number
round_trip( 3.14159, 50 );
# Negative real
round_trip( -1.985, 50 );
# Date
round_trip( DateTime->new( year => 2008, month => 7, day => 23 ), 50 );
# Caching
round_trip( { 'kitteh' => 'Angleton', 'Laundry' => 'Angleton' }, 73 );
# refsize = 2
round_trip( [ 1 .. 300 ], 1891 );
# UIDs
preserialized_trip( [ UID => 1 ], 43 );
# Miscs
preserialized_trip( [ false => 0 ], 42 );
preserialized_trip( [ true => 1 ], 42 );
preserialized_trip( [ fill => 15 ], 44 );
preserialized_trip( [ null => 0 ], 42 );
# Data
preserialized_trip( [ data => "\x00" ], 43 );
# OffsetSize == 3
preserialized_trip( [ array => [ [ data => "\x00" x 65536 ] ] ], 65590 );
# Fails thanks to unknown data type
my $fail = Data::Plist::BinaryWriter->new( serialize => 0 );
my $ret = eval { $fail->write( [ random => 0 ] ) };
ok( not($ret), "Binary plist didn't write." );
like( $@, qr/can't/i, "Threw an error." );
# Large files
sub files {
my $write = Data::Plist::BinaryWriter->new( serialize => 0 );
my $read = Data::Plist::BinaryReader->new;
my ($filename) = @_;
my $str = do { local @ARGV = $filename; local $/; <> };
my $output;
ok( $str, "Read binary data in by hand" );
$output = eval { $read->open_string($str) };
ok( $output, "Opening from a string worked" );
isa_ok( $output, "Data::Plist" );
$output = $output->raw_data;
ok( $output, "Has data inside" );
my $orig = $write->write($output);
ok( $orig, "Created data structure" );
like( $orig, qr/^bplist00/, "Bplist begins with correct header" );
is( "$@", '', "No errors thrown." );
sub round_trip {
my $write = Data::Plist::BinaryWriter->new;
$in = trip( $write, @_ );
is_deeply( $in->data, $_[0], "Read back " . $_[0] );
sub preserialized_trip {
my $write = Data::Plist::BinaryWriter->new( serialize => 0 );
$in = trip( $write, @_ );
is_deeply( $in->raw_data, $_[0], "Read back " . $_[0] );
sub trip {
my $read = Data::Plist::BinaryReader->new;
my ( $write, $input, $expected_size ) = @_;
ok( $write, "Created a binary writer" );
isa_ok( $write, "Data::Plist::BinaryWriter" );
$out = eval { $write->write($input) };
ok( $out, "Created data structure" );
like( $out, qr/^bplist00/, "Bplist begins with correct header" );
is( "$@", '', "No errors thrown." );
is( length($out), $expected_size,
"Bplist is " . $expected_size . " bytes long." );
$in = eval { $read->open_string($out) };
ok( $in, "Read back bplist" );
isa_ok( $in, "Data::Plist" );
return $in;