use strict;
my $experiment = Scientist->new( experiment => 'MyTest' );
sub old_code {
return 10;
sub new_code {
return 20;
$experiment->use( \&old_code );
$experiment->try( \&new_code );
my $result = $experiment->run;
is $result, 10, 'Returns the result of the "use" code';
is $experiment->result->{'mismatched'}, 1,
'Correctly identified a mismatch between control and candidate';
$experiment->use( \&old_code );
$experiment->try( \&old_code );
$result = $experiment->run;
is $result, 10, 'Returns the result of the "use" code';
is $experiment->result->{'mismatched'}, 0,
'Correctly identified a no mismatch between control and candidate';
done_testing unless caller();