use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use LEOCHARRE::Dev ':all';
use Getopt::Std::Strict 'dhvcmMCaV';
use LEOCHARRE::Dir ':all';
use Cwd;
use Carp;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.11 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
opts_selected() or $opt_a = 1;
$opt_a and @OPT{qw/c m M C A V/} = qw/1 1 1 1 1 1/;
(@ARGV and scalar @ARGV) or (push @ARGV, './');
my @distros = grep { is_pmdist($_) } @ARGV;
scalar @distros or die("No target distros.\n");
do_one_distro($_) for @distros;
sub opts_selected {
my $x;
map { $x += $OPT{$_} } qw/c m M C A V/;
debug("opts? $x");
sub do_one_distro {
my $dist = shift;
debug("DISTRO: $dist");
$opt_c and cleanup_distro($dist);
$opt_m and update_manifest($dist);
$opt_M and update_makefile($dist);
$opt_C and update_changes($dist);
$opt_a and update_cvs($dist);
sub usage {
qq{$0 [OPTION]... PATH...
Update a perl cvs distro
-d debug
-h help
-v version
-c cleanup
-C update changefile, if present
-m update manifest
-M upadte makefile
-V cvs commit -m ''
-a do all
The default is do all.
It's implied that the target distro in in cvs.
Leo Charre leocharre at cpan dot org
LEOCHARRE::Dev - parent package
sub update_makefile {
my $dist = shift;
chdir $dist or die("Cannot chdir into $dist, $!");
`pmmakefile > Makefile.PL`;
print "+ makefile\n";
sub update_manifest {
my $dist = shift;
chdir $dist or die("Cannot chdir into $dist, $!");
`pmmanifest > MANIFEST`;
print "+ manifest\n";
sub update_cvs {
my $dist = shift;
chdir $dist or die("Cannot chdir into $dist, $!");
`cvs commit -m ''`;
print "+ cvs\n";
sub update_changes {
my $dist = shift;
chdir $dist or die("Cannot chdir into $dist, $!");
if( my @changes = grep { /^changes$/i } lsf($dist) ){
debug("changefile: @changes");
if( scalar @changes == 1 ) {
`pmchanges > $changes[0]`;
else {
warn("more than one changes file: @changes");
print "+ changes\n";
sub cleanup_distro {
my $dist = shift;
chdir $dist
or die("Can't chdir into $dist");
print "+ cleanup\n";
-d "$dist/t"
or debug("No t/ dir to look for 99 cleanup script in")
and return;
if( my @cleanup = grep { /^99/ and /cleanup/i } lsf("$dist/t") ){
debug("found cleanup script @cleanup");
scalar @cleanup== 1
or warn("Found more than one cleanup script in $dist")
and return;
my $s = $cleanup[0];
if ($s=~/\.t$|\.pl/ or $s!~/\./ ){ # assume perl
debug("perl cleanup");
system( 'perl', "$dist/t/$s") ==0
or warn("error pl? $!")
and return 0;
return 1;
elsif( $s=~/\.sh/ ){
system('sh',$s) ==0
or warn("error sh? $!")
and return 0;
return 1;
warn("Dunno what to do with $s\n");
return 0;
sub init {
$opt_h and print usage() and exit;
$opt_v and print $VERSION and exit;
sub debug { $opt_d and warn(" = $0 @_\n"); 1 }