package PDF::Burst;
use strict;
@ISA = qw/Exporter/;
@EXPORT_OK = qw/pdf_burst pdf_burst_CAM_PDF pdf_burst_PDF_API2 pdf_burst_pdftk/;
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.19 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );
use Carp;
sub errstr;
sub errstr { $errstr =$_[0]; 1 }
sub debug { $DEBUG and warn(" # ".__PACKAGE__.", @_\n"); 1 }
CAM_PDF => \&pdf_burst_CAM_PDF,
PDF_API2 => \&pdf_burst_PDF_API2,
pdftk => \&pdf_burst_pdftk,
#*pdf_burst = \&pdf_burst_CAM_PDF;
# *pdf_burst = \&pdf_burst_PDF_API2;
sub pdf_burst { &{$BURST_METHOD{$BURST_METHOD}}(@_) }
sub _args {
my ($_path, $groupname, $_abs_loc)= @_;
$_path or croak('missing args');
my($abs, $abs_loc, $filename, $filename_only, $ext ) = _path_segments($_path)
or warn("Cant make sense of path segments for '$_path'")
and return;
if ($_abs_loc){
-d $_abs_loc
or $errstr="argument $_abs_loc abs loc not on disk"
and return;
$abs_loc = $_abs_loc;
$groupname ||= $filename_only;
or warn("groupname '$groupname' makes no sense.")
and return;
or $errstr = "$abs not pdf?"
and return;
### $abs
### $abs_loc
### $filename
### $filename_only
### $ext
return ($abs,$abs_loc,$filename,$filename_only, $ext, $groupname);
# there HAS to be a more effective way of using CAM::PDF than to instance
# each time for each page from original doc!!1
sub pdf_burst_CAM_PDF {
my ($abs,$abs_loc,$filename,$filename_only, $ext, $groupname) = _args(@_)
or return;
my @abs_page_files;
require CAM::PDF;
my $pdfold = CAM::PDF->new($abs)
or $errstr="CAM_PDF: could not open $abs"
and return;
my $pagecount = $pdfold->numPages;
debug("CAM_PDF: pagecount $pagecount");
undef $pdfold;
if ( $pagecount == 1 ){
my $abs_page = "$abs_loc/$groupname\_page_0001$ext";
require File::Copy;
unlink $abs_page;
File::Copy::cp($abs, $abs_page)
or $errstr="CAM_PDF: cant copy $abs to $abs_page, $!"
and return;
return ($abs_page);
elsif( $pagecount == 0 ){
$errstr="CAM_PDF: file $abs has no pages ?!";
return ();
for my $index ( 0 .. ( $pagecount - 1 ) ){
my $index_human = sprintf '%04d', ($index + 1);
### $index_human
### $index
my $abs_page = "$abs_loc/$groupname\_page_$index_human$ext";
debug("CAM_PDF: abs page will be: '$abs_page'.. ");
my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new($abs) or confess("Could not CAM::PDF:: new '$abs'");
debug("CAM_PDF: instanced CAM::PDF, will call extractPages() .. ");
$pdf->extractPages($index + 1); # discard all but page x
debug("CAM_PDF: calling cleansave().. ");
$pdf->cleansave; # rebuild pdf data
-f $abs_page
or $errstr= "CAM_PDF: could not save? !-f $abs_page"
and return;
push @abs_page_files, $abs_page;
return @abs_page_files;
sub _path_segments {
my $_abs = shift;
$_abs or croak('missing arg');
require Cwd;
my $abs = Cwd::abs_path($_abs)
or $errstr="$_abs not on disk? cant resolve with Cwd::abs_path"
and warn("$_abs not on disk")
and return;
-f $abs
or $errstr="Path $abs not on disk."
and warn("path $abs not on disk")
and return;
or $errstr="cant match abs loc and filename into '$abs'"
and return;
my ($abs_loc, $filename_only, $ext, $filename) = ( $1, $2, $3, $2.$3 );
return($abs, $abs_loc,$filename,$filename_only,$ext);
sub pdf_burst_PDF_API2 {
my ($abs,$abs_loc,$filename,$filename_only, $ext, $groupname) = _args(@_)
or return;
my @abs_pages;
require PDF::API2;
my $pdf_src = PDF::API2->open($abs);
my $pagecount = $pdf_src->pages;
if ( $pagecount == 1 ){
my $abs_page = "$abs_loc/$groupname\_page_0001$ext";
require File::Copy;
unlink $abs_page;
unless( File::Copy::cp($abs, $abs_page) ){
$errstr ="PDF_API2: cant copy $abs to $abs_page, $!";
return ($abs_page);
elsif( $pagecount == 0 ){
$errstr="PDF_API2: file $abs has no pages ?!";
return ();
for my $i ( 1 .. $pagecount ){
my $pdf_out = sprintf "$abs_loc/$groupname\_page_%04d$ext", $i;
debug("PDF_API2: $pdf_out");
my $pdf;
unless ( $pdf = PDF::API2->new ){
$errstr="PDF_API2: cant instance PDF::API";
unless( $pdf->importpage( $pdf_src, $i )){
$errstr="PDF_API2: cannot import page, pdf error?";
$pdf->saveas( $pdf_out );
push @abs_pages, $pdf_out;
return @abs_pages;
sub pdf_burst_pdftk {
my ($abs,$abs_loc,$filename,$filename_only, $ext, $groupname) = _args(@_)
or return;
no warnings;
my @abs_pages;
my $bin = File::Which::which('pdftk')
or $errstr="pdftk: Can't find which pdftk."
and return;
# HACK #
# have to be in cwd to be able to get doc_dat.txt later
# pdftk will spit out doc_dat.txt to the cwd, must be set with chdir
require Cwd;
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd(); # so we can come back later.
chdir $abs_loc;
my @args = ( $bin, $abs, 'burst', 'output', "$abs_loc/$groupname\_page_%04d.pdf");
system(@args) == 0
or $errstr="pdftk: fails: '@args'"
and return;
opendir(DIR, $abs_loc)
or $errstr="pdftk: can't open $abs_loc, $!"
and return;
@abs_pages = map { "$abs_loc/$_" }
sort grep { m/$groupname\_page\_\d+\.pdf$/i } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
my $pgcount = scalar @abs_pages;
# HACK ########################################################
# if there is a ./doc_dat.txt file
# test it against what we have for page count
my $doc_dat = "$abs_loc/doc_data.txt";
if ( my $dat = _pdf_burst_doc_dat_href($doc_dat) ){
if ( defined $dat->{NumberOfPages} ){
if( $pgcount != $dat->{NumberOfPages} ){
warn("We burst $abs into $pgcount docs, but pdftk doc_dat.txt says we are supposed to have $dat->{NumberOfPages} pages!");
if ($pgcount < $dat->{NumberOfPages}){
warn("docs count is less than the number of pages pdftk says we should have.");
elsif( $pgcount > $dat->{NumberOfPages} ){
warn("docs count is higher than the number of pages pdftk says we should have. Will shorten list.");
@abs_pages = @abs_pages[0 .. ( $dat->{NumberOfPages} - 1 )];
else {
debug("Checked with pdftk doc_dat.txt, correct number of pages.");
else {
warn("did not have 'NumberOfPages' in $doc_dat, different version of pdftk? Notify PDF::Burst AUTHOR");
else {
debug("got no doc_data.txt");
# go back to what it was
chdir $cwd;
debug($_) for @abs_pages;
return @abs_pages;
# return hash ref
sub _pdf_burst_doc_dat_href {
# this is tricky, doc data will reside wherever the heck our cwd is
my $doc_dat = shift;
$doc_dat or croak("missing arg");
-f $doc_dat or return;
debug("had '$doc_dat' file on disk");
my %dat;
or warn("Cannot open '$doc_dat' for reading, $!")
and return;
while(my $line= <FILE>){
chomp $line;
or warn("Cant make out line '$line' into key val pair")
and next;
$dat{$1}= $2;
close FILE;
defined %dat or warn("had nothing in '$doc_dat'?") and return;
return \%dat;