$Crypt::Passphrase::System::VERSION = '0.020';
use strict;
use Crypt::Passphrase -encoder;
use Carp 'croak';
my @possibilities = (
['3' , '$3$' , 0, '$3$$8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c'],
['', '' , 2, 'abJnggxhB/yWI' , '%s%s'],
['_', '_EQ0.' , 3, '_EQ0.jzhSVeUyoSqLupI', '%s%s'],
['1' , '$1$' , 6, '$1$aaaaaa$FuYJ957Lgsw.eVsENqOok1' ],
['md5', '$md5,rounds=5000$', 6, '$md5,rounds=5000$GUBv0xjJ$$PI9W.MLvhYh0hQMCkz1CH/', '%s%s$'],
['sha1', '$sha1$40000$' , 6, '$sha1$40000$jtNX3nZ2$hBNaIXkt4wBI2o5rsi8KejSjNqIq'],
['5' , '$5$rounds=535000$', 12, '$5$aaaaaa$9hHgJfCniK4.dU43ykArHVETrhKDDElbS.cioeCajw.' ],
['6' , '$6$rounds=656000$', 12, '$6$aaaaaa$RgJSheuY/DBadaBm/5gQ.s3M9a/2n8gubwCE41kMiz1P4KcxORD6LxY2NUCuOQNZawfiD8tWWfRKg9v0CQjbH0'],
['2x', '$2x$12$' , 16, '$2x$08$......................qrjEXaz4RUVmquy3IT5eLKXLB28ahI2' ],
['2a', '$2a$12$' , 16, '$2a$08$......................qrjEXaz4RUVmquy3IT5eLKXLB28ahI2' ],
['2y', '$2y$12$' , 16, '$2y$08$......................qrjEXaz4RUVmquy3IT5eLKXLB28ahI2' ],
['2b', '$2b$12$' , 16, '$2b$08$......................qrjEXaz4RUVmquy3IT5eLKXLB28ahI2' ],
['7' , '$7$DU..../....' , 16, '$7$AU..../....2Q9obwLhin8qvQl6sisAO/$E1HizYWxBmnIH4sdPkd1UOML9t62Gf.wvNTnt5XFzs8' ],
['gy', '$gy$j8T$' , 16, '$gy$j9T$......................$5.2XCu2DhNfGzpifM7X8goEG2Wkio9cWIMtyWnX4tp2' ],
['y' , '$y$j8T$' , 16, '$y$j9T$F5Jx5fExrKuPp53xLKQ..1$tnSYvahCwPBHKZUspmcxMfb0.WiB9W.zEaKlOBL35rC' ],
my (%algorithm, $default);
for my $row (@possibilities) {
my ($name, $setting, $salt_size, $value, $format) = @{$row};
my $hash = eval { crypt 'password', $value };
if (defined $hash and $hash eq $value) {
$algorithm{$name} = { settings => $setting, salt_size => $salt_size, format => $format };
$default = $name;
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my ($settings, $salt_size, $format);
if (defined($settings = $args{settings})) {
if ($settings eq '') {
($salt_size, $format) = (2, '%s%s');
} elsif ($settings eq '_') {
($salt_size, $format) = (3, '%s%s');
} else {
my $type = $settings =~ /\A \$ ([^\$]+) \$ /x or croak "Invalid settings string '$settings'";
$salt_size = $args{salt_size} // $algorithm{$type}{salt_size} // 16;
$format = $args{format} // $algorithm{$type}{format} // '%s%s$';
else {
my $type = $args{type} // $default // croak 'No known crypt type found';
$settings = $algorithm{$type}{settings} // croak "No such crypt type '$type' known";
$salt_size = $args{salt_size} // $algorithm{$type}{salt_size};
$format = $args{format} // $algorithm{$type}{format} // '%s%s$';
return bless {
settings => $settings,
salt_size => $salt_size,
format => $format,
}, $class;
my $base64_digits = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
sub _encode_crypt64 {
my $bytes = shift;
my $nbytes = length $bytes;
my $npadbytes = 2 - ($nbytes + 2) % 3;
$bytes .= "\0" x $npadbytes;
my $digits = '';
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nbytes; $i += 3) {
my $v = ord(substr $bytes, $i, 1) |
(ord(substr $bytes, $i + 1, 1) << 8) |
(ord(substr $bytes, $i + 2, 1) << 16);
$digits .= substr($base64_digits, $v & 0x3f, 1) .
substr($base64_digits, ($v >> 6) & 0x3f, 1) .
substr($base64_digits, ($v >> 12) & 0x3f, 1) .
substr($base64_digits, ($v >> 18) & 0x3f, 1);
substr $digits, -$npadbytes, $npadbytes, '';
return $digits;
sub hash_password {
my ($self, $password) = @_;
my $salt = $self->random_bytes($self->{salt_size});
my $encoded_salt = _encode_crypt64($salt);
substr $encoded_salt, 2, 1, '' if $self->{salt_size} == 2; # descrypt
my $settings = sprintf $self->{format}, $self->{settings}, $encoded_salt;
return crypt $password, $settings;
my $descrypt = qr{ \A [./0-9A-Za-z]{13} \z }x;
my @formats;
push @formats, $descrypt if $algorithm{''};
push @formats, qr{ \A _[./0-9A-Za-z]{19} \z }x if $algorithm{'_'};
sub accepts_hash {
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
return 1 if $self->SUPER::accepts_hash($hash);
for my $format (@formats) {
return 1 if $hash =~ $format;
return 0;
sub crypt_subtypes {
return sort keys %algorithm;
sub needs_rehash {
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
return length $self->{settings} ? substr($hash, 0, length $self->{settings}) ne $self->{settings} : $hash !~ $descrypt;
sub verify_password {
my ($class, $password, $hash) = @_;
my $new_hash = crypt $password, $hash;
return $class->secure_compare($hash, $new_hash);
#ABSTRACT: An system crypt() encoder for Crypt::Passphrase
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Crypt::Passphrase::System - An system crypt() encoder for Crypt::Passphrase
=head1 VERSION
version 0.020
my $passphrase = Crypt::Passphrase->new(encoder => 'System');
This class implements a Crypt::Passphrase encoder around your system's C<crypt()> function.
Note that the supported algorithms depend entirely on your platform. The only option portable among unices (descrypt) is not considered safe at all. It will try to pick a good default among the supported options. Because the different algorithms take different parameters they will have to be passed as a settings string if anything else is desired.
By default it uses the first supported algorithm in this list: C<yescript>, C<scrypt>, C<bcrypt>, C<SHA512crypt>, C<SHA256crypt>, C<SHA1crypt>, C<MD5crypt>, extended C<descrypt>, C<descrypt> and C<NTHASH>.
=head2 Configuration
It takes the following arguments for configuration:
=over 4
=item * type
The type of hash, this must be one of the values supported by the system. If none is given it is picked as described above.
=over 4
=item * C<'y'> / C<'gy'>
This is known to be supported on linux systems using C<libxcrypt>. C<'y'> is typically the default for system passwords on such systems.
=item * C<'7'>
This is known to be supported on linux systems using C<libxcrypt>, FreeBSD and Solaris.
=item * C<'2b'> / C<'2a'> / C<'2y'> / C<'2x'>
This is the traditional default algoritm of BSD systems. Difference between these types is in obscure edge-cases, C<'2b'> should be prefered unless another variant is required. This is also supported on linux systems using C<libxcrypt> and Solaris.
=item * C<'6'>
This algorithm originated on Linux but is also supported on some BSDs and Solaris.
=item * C<'5'>
This algorithm originated on Linux but is also supported on some BSDs and Solaris.
=item * C<'sha1'>
This algorithm is supported on NetBSD and Linux systems using C<libxcrypt>.
=item * C<'1'>
This is supported on Linux, many BSDs and Solaris.
=item * C<'md5'>
Solaris C<MD5crypt>.
This is supported on Solaris and Linux systems using C<libxcrypt>.
=item * C<'_'>
Extended C<descrypt>.
This is supported on Linux, BSD and Mac OS.
=item * C<''>
This is the only algorithm that is universally supported. Unfortunately it's also incredably unsafe and should not be used in production.
Note that unlike all other supported algorithms this lacks a crypt header.
=item * C<'$3$'>
This saltless algorithm originates in the Microsoft world. It's supported on FreeBSD and Linux systems using C<libxcrypt>.
=item * settings
The settings used for hashing the password, combining the type above with a type specific information, e.g. C<'$1$'>, C<'$2b$12$'>, C<'$6$rounds=65600$'>, C<'$7$DU..../....'> or C<'$y$j9T$'>. If you don't know what these mean you probably shouldn't touch this parameter. It defaults to something appropriate for the selected algorithm.
=item * salt_size
This sets the salt size for algorithm, it defaults to something that should be sensible for your algorithm.
=head1 AUTHOR
Leon Timmermans <fawaka@gmail.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2021 by Leon Timmermans.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.