use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.002';
use Carp 'croak';
use ExtUtils::Helpers 'split_like_shell';
use version;
sub add_methods {
my ($self, $planner, %args) = @_;
my $add_xs = $planner->can('add_xs') or croak 'XS must be loaded before imports can be done';
$planner->add_delegate('add_xs', sub {
my ($planner, %args) = @_;
if (my $pkg_config = delete $args{pkg_config}) {
my @packages = ref($pkg_config) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $pkg_config } : $pkg_config;
for my $pkg_args (@packages) {
my ($library, %pkg_args);
if (ref $pkg_args) {
$library = delete $pkg_args->{library};
%pkg_args = %{$pkg_args};
} else {
$library = $pkg_args;
my $package = PkgConfig->find($library, %pkg_args);
croak "No such library $library" unless $package && $package->pkg_exists;
if (my $min_version = $pkg_args{min_version}) {
my $pkg_version = version->new($package->pkg_version);
croak "Library $library version $pkg_version smaller than $min_version" if $pkg_version < version->new($min_version);
for my $compiler_flag (split_like_shell($package->get_cflags)) {
if ($compiler_flag =~ s/^-I//) {
unshift @{ $args{include_dirs} }, $compiler_flag;
} elsif ($compiler_flag =~ /^-D(\w+)=(.*)/) {
$args{defines}{$1} //= $2;
} elsif ($compiler_flag =~ /^-D(\w+)/) {
$args{defines}{$1} //= '';
} else {
unshift @{ $args{extra_compiler_flags} }, $compiler_flag;
for my $linker_flag (split_like_shell($package->get_ldflags)) {
if ($linker_flag =~ s/^-l//) {
unshift @{ $args{libraries} }, $linker_flag;
} elsif ($linker_flag =~ s/^-L//) {
unshift @{ $args{library_dirs} }, $linker_flag;
} else {
unshift @{ $args{extra_linker_flags} }, $linker_flag;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Dist::Build::XS::PkgConfig - Dist::Build extension to use pkg-config.
module => 'Foo::Bar',
pkg_config => {
library => 'tree-sitter',
min_version => '0.6.3',
This module is an extension of L<Dist::Build::XS|Dist::Build::XS>, adding an additional argument to the C<add_xs> function: C<pkg_config>, allowing you to add flags to your build based on a pkg-config library file. This argument will either contain simply the name of a library, a hash or a list of names/hashes. The hashes will contain the following entries:
=over 4
=item * library
B<Mandatory>. The name of the library you want to link to.
=item * min_version
The minimum version of the library.
=item * static
Also specify static libraries.
It will add the appropriate arguments for that pkgmodule to the build.
=head1 AUTHOR
Leon Timmermans <>
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Leon Timmermans.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.