$Mojolicious::Command::credentials::VERSION = '0.004';
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command', -signatures;
use File::Slurper qw/read_binary write_binary/;
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
use Getopt::Long 'GetOptionsFromArray';
use Text::ParseWords 'shellwords';
use YAML::PP 'LoadFile';
has description => 'Edit the applications credentials';
has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage };
sub run($self, $command, @args) {
die $self->usage unless defined $command;
my $credentials = $self->app->credentials;
if ($command eq 'edit') {
my $editor = $ENV{EDITOR} // 'vi';
GetOptionsFromArray(\@args, 'yaml' => \my $yaml, 'editor=s' => \$editor) or die "Invalid arguments";
my $name = shift @args or die 'No credential name given';
my $suffix = $yaml ? '.yaml' : undef;
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => $suffix);
write_binary($filename, $credentials->get($name)) if $credentials->has($name);
system shellwords($editor), $filename and die 'Could not save file';
my $data = read_binary($filename);
YAML::PP->new->load_string($data) if $yaml; # YAML validity check
$credentials->put($name, $data);
} elsif ($command eq 'show') {
my $name = shift @args or die 'No credential name given';
print $credentials->get($name);
} elsif ($command eq 'list') {
say for $credentials->list;
} elsif ($command eq 'remove') {
my $name = shift @args or die 'No credential name given';A
} elsif ($command eq 'recode') {
print 'Please input new key in hex form: ';
chomp(my $encoded_key = <>);
my $key = pack "H*", $encoded_key;
} else {
die "Unknown subcommand $command"
# ABSTRACT: Manage your app's credentials
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Command::credentials - Manage your app's credentials
=head1 VERSION
version 0.004
Usage: myapp credentials <command> <arg>
The credentials helper installed on your app will be used to manage credentials
for your application. See Mojolicious::Plugin::Credentials for more info.
# To edit a credentials entry simply do
./myapp.pl credentials edit some-name
This allows you to interact with your applications credentials store. It has a number of subcommands:
=head2 edit <name>
This will open an editor for you to edit the contents of a credentials entry.
It will optionally take the following arguments:
=over 4
=item * C<--editor> will set the editor used. This defaults to the environmental variable C<EDITOR> if defined.
=item * C<--yaml> will cause C<credentials> to verify the file is valid YAML (and potentially tell the editor it's YAML)
=head2 show <name>
This shows
=head2 list
This will return a list of all entries in the credentials store.
=head2 remove <name>
This will remove the named entry.
=head2 recode
This wil ask you for a new (hex encoded) key, and will re-encrypt the entire store using that new key.
=head1 AUTHOR
Leon Timmermans <fawaka@gmail.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Leon Timmermans.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.