use strict;
if ($> == 0) {
diag("Running tests as root, dropping privileges first");
my $id = $ENV{TEST_USER_ID} || 1000;
setuid($id); # Can't use $>/$< here, as the saved user id needs to be set too.
throws_ok { $> = 0 } qr/seteuid\(0\) failed: Operation not permitted/, 'Setting $> throws';
throws_ok { $< = 0 } qr/setruid\(0\) failed: Operation not permitted/, 'Setting $< throws';
throws_ok { $) = 0 } qr/setegid\(0\) failed: Operation not permitted/, 'Setting $) throws';
throws_ok { $( = 0 } qr/setrgid\(0\) failed: Operation not permitted/, 'Setting $( throws';