use 5.008;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '2.61';
# 2011-12-07: The code of Helios::Service->logMsg() was moved here to
# implement internal logging as a Helios::Logger subclass.
# 2012-01-02: Re-added support for log_priority_threshold config parameter.
=head1 NAME
Helios::Logger::Internal - Helios::Logger subclass implementing Helios internal logging
#in helios.ini, enable internal Helios logging (this is default)
#in helios.ini, turn off internal logging
# make sure you've turned on another logger with the logger= directive
# otherwise you will have NO logging system active
Helios::Logger::Internal is a refactor of the logging functionality found in
the Helios 2.23 and earlier Helios::Service->logMsg(). This allows Helios
services to retain logging functionality found in the previous Helios core
system while also allowing Helios to be extended to support custom logging
solutions by subclassing Helios::Logger.
=head2 init()
Helios::Logger::Internal->init() attempts to initialize the connection to the
Helios collective database so it will be available for later calls to logMsg().
sub init {
my $self = shift;
=head2 logMsg($job, $priority_level, $message)
Implementation of the Helios::Service internal logging code refactored into a
Helios::Logger class.
sub logMsg {
my $self = shift;
my $job = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $params = $self->getConfig();
my $jobType = $self->getJobType();
my $hostname = $self->getHostname();
# 2012-01-02: Re-added support for log_priority_threshold config parameter.
# if this log message's priority is lower than log_priority_threshold,
# don't bother logging the message
if ( defined($params->{log_priority_threshold}) &&
$level > $params->{log_priority_threshold} ) {
return 1;
# END 2012-01-02 modification.
my $retries = 0;
my $retry_limit = 3;
eval {
my $driver = $self->getDriver();
my $log_entry;
if ( defined($job) ) {
$log_entry = Helios::LogEntry->new(
log_time => time(),
host => $self->getHostname(),
process_id => $$,
jobid => $job->getJobid(),
funcid => $job->getFuncid(),
job_class => $jobType,
priority => $level,
message => $msg
} else {
$log_entry = Helios::LogEntry->new(
log_time => time(),
host => $self->getHostname(),
process_id => $$,
jobid => undef,
funcid => undef,
job_class => $jobType,
priority => $level,
message => $msg
} or do {
my $E = $@;
if ($retries > $retry_limit) {
} else {
# we're going to give it another shot
sleep 5;
next RETRY;
# retry block end
return 1;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Helios::Service>, L<Helios::Logger>
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Johnson, E<lt>lajandy at cpan dot orgE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2008 by CEB Toolbox, Inc.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.0 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
This software comes with no warranty of any kind.