#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <regex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
#include "algo.h"
using namespace std;
#define M0(i,j) matrix[(i)*seqLen*2 + (j)*2 + 0]
#define M1(i,j) matrix[(i)*seqLen*2 + (j)*2 + 1]
#define MATCH 16
#define MISMATCH (-3)
#define GAP (-1)
// #define MATCH 32
// #define MISMATCH (-32)
// #define GAP (-1)
bool AlgoCpp::compare_with_sections(match_result_t &a, match_result_t &b){
int sections_a = a.sections;
int sections_b = b.sections;
return sections_a > sections_b;
bool AlgoCpp::compare_with_sections_tac(match_result_t &a, match_result_t &b){
int sections_a = a.sections;
int sections_b = b.sections;
return sections_a < sections_b;
bool AlgoCpp::compare_with_score(match_result_t &a, match_result_t &b){
int score_a = a.score;
int score_b = b.score;
return score_a > score_b;
bool AlgoCpp::compare_with_score_tac(match_result_t &a, match_result_t &b){
int score_a = a.score;
int score_b = b.score;
return score_a < score_b;
// void AlgoCpp::lowercase2(const char * src, char* dst) {
// size_t len = strlen(src);
// strcpy(dst, src);
// for(int i=0;i<len;i++) dst[i] = tolower(dst[i]);
// return;
// }
string AlgoCpp::lowercase(const string str) {
char * buff = (char *)str.c_str();
for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++) buff[i] = tolower(buff[i]);
string destStr = buff;
return destStr;
vector<int> AlgoCpp::matchV1(const string seq, string patt) {
int seqLen = seq.size();
int pattLen = patt.size();
int first = seq.find(patt.at(0));
int last = seq.find_last_of(patt.at(pattLen-1), seqLen);
int i;
int j = pattLen - 1;
int sumc = 0;
vector<int> locVec;
if ((first != string::npos) && (last != string::npos) && (last >= first)) {
int k = last-first+1;
vector<char> alignPatt(k, '\0');
for (i=0; i<k ;i++) alignPatt[i] = '\0';
for(i=last; i>=first; i--) {
if (seq.at(i) == patt.at(j)) {
alignPatt[i-first] = patt.at(j);
sumc ++;
if(j<0) {
alignPatt.erase(alignPatt.begin(), alignPatt.begin()+i-first);
first = i;
alignPatt[i-first] = '\0';
k = last-first+1;
// DBGprint("alginPatt[0] = %d, alginPatt[1] = %d, alginPatt[2] = %d\n", alignPatt[0], alignPatt[1], alignPatt[2]);
if (sumc == pattLen){
int status = 0;
int charIndex = 0;
int sc1=0, sc2=0;
// char* buff = (char *)calloc(k, sizeof(char));
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if(alignPatt[i] == '\0') {
if (status == 1) {
status = 0;
// memcpy(buff, alignPatt+charIndex, 1); //i-charIndex);
// buff[i-charIndex] ='\0';
}else{ //!='\0'
if (status == 0) {
charIndex = i;
status = 1;
if (status == 1) {
status = 0;
// memcpy(buff, alignPatt+charIndex, i-charIndex);
// buff[i-charIndex] ='\0';
int sc3 = seqLen - k;
locVec.push_back(-(sc1+1)*(sc2)*(sc3*0.5)); //score
return locVec;
vector<int> AlgoCpp::matchV2(const string seq, string patt) {
int seqLen = seq.size();
int pattLen =patt.size();
int i, j, k;
short *matrix = (short *)calloc((pattLen+1)*(seqLen+1)*2, sizeof(short));
M0(0,0) = 0;
M1(0,0) = 0;
for(j = 1; j <= seqLen; j++) {
M0(0,j) = 0;
M1(0,j) = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= pattLen; i++) {
M0(i,0) = 0;
M1(i,0) = 0;
int diagonal_score, up_score, left_score;
int max_i = 0;
int max_j = 0;
int max_score = 0;
for(i=1; i<=pattLen; i++) {
for(j=1; j<=seqLen; j++) {
char letter1 = seq.at(j-1);
char letter2 = patt.at(i-1);
if (letter1 == letter2) {
diagonal_score = M0(i-1,j-1) + MATCH;
}else {
diagonal_score = M0(i-1,j-1) + MISMATCH;
up_score = M0(i-1,j) + GAP;
left_score = M0(i,j-1) + GAP;
/*none=0 diagonal=1 left=2 up =3 */
if (diagonal_score <= 0 && up_score <=0 && left_score <=0) {
M0(i,j) = 0;
M1(i,j) = 0;
// choose best score
if (diagonal_score >= up_score) {
if (diagonal_score >= left_score) {
M0(i,j) = diagonal_score;
M1(i,j) = 1;
else {
M0(i,j) = left_score;
M1(i,j) = 2;
} else {
if (up_score >= left_score) {
M0(i,j) = up_score;
M1(i,j) = 3;
else {
M0(i,j) = left_score;
M1(i,j) = 2;
//set maximum score
if (M0(i,j) > max_score) {
max_i = i;
max_j = j;
max_score = M0(i,j);
// char* buff = (char *)calloc(seqLen, sizeof(char));
vector<char> buff(seqLen, '\0');
j = max_j;
i = max_i;
k = 0;
int startIndex;
int notFull = 0;
//计算对齐字符串, 未匹配位置使用\0字符表示
while (j >=0) {
//last if $matrix[$i][$j]{pointer} eq "none";
if(M1(i,j) == 0) {
startIndex = j;
if (M1(i,j) == 1) {
//align1 = strncat(align1, seq+j-1, 1);
buff[k] = patt[i-1];
}else if (M1(i,j) == 2){
//align1 = strncat(align1, seq+j-1, 1);
buff[k] = '\0';
}else if (M1(i,j) == 3) {
//align1 = strcat(align1, "-");
buff[k] = patt[i-1];
notFull = 1;
vector<int> locVec;
if (notFull == 1) return locVec;
// free(buff);
// char* alignPatt = (char *)calloc(k, sizeof(char));
vector<char> alignPatt(k, '\0');
int sumc = 0;
for (i=0; i<k;i++) {
alignPatt[i] = buff[k-i-1];
if (alignPatt[i] != '\0') {
sumc ++;
if (sumc < pattLen) return locVec;
int status = 0;
int charIndex = 0;
int sc1=0, sc2=0;
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if(alignPatt[i] == '\0') {
if (status == 1) {
status = 0;
locVec.push_back(startIndex + charIndex);
locVec.push_back(startIndex + i);
}else{ //!='\0'
if (status == 0) {
charIndex = i;
status = 1;
if (status == 1) {
status = 0;
locVec.push_back(startIndex + charIndex);
locVec.push_back(startIndex + i);
int sc3 = seqLen - k;
locVec.push_back(-(sc1+1)*(sc2)*(sc3*0.5)); //score
return locVec;
vector<int> AlgoCpp::matchExact(const string seq, string patt){
vector<int> locVec;
int ptr = seq.find(patt);
if (ptr != string::npos) {
int pattLen = patt.size();
locVec.push_back(ptr + pattLen);
locVec.push_back(-seq.size()); //score
return locVec;
// vector<int> AlgoCpp::matchRegex(const string seq, string patt){
// Pcre reg(patt, "");
// vector<int> locVec;
// if(reg.search(seq) == true) {
// locVec.push_back(reg.get_match_start());
// locVec.push_back(reg.get_match_end()+1);
// locVec.push_back(0);
// }
// return locVec;
// }
vector<int> AlgoCpp::matchRegex(const string seq, string patt){
jp::VecNum vec_num; //Vector to store numbered substring vectors.
jp::Regex re (patt);
jp::RegexMatch rm;
rm.setRegexObject(&re) //set associated Regex object
.setNumberedSubstringVector(&vec_num); //pointer to numbered substring vector
size_t matched = rm.setSubject(seq).addModifier("g").match(); //Now perform the match
vector<int> locVec;
if(matched) {
int index = seq.find(vec_num[0][0], 0);
locVec.push_back(index + vec_num[0][0].size());
return locVec;
vector<int> AlgoCpp::matchRegex(const string seq, string patt){
std::smatch m;
std::regex e (patt);
vector<int> locVec;
string::const_iterator pos = seq.begin();
string::const_iterator end = seq.end();
if (regex_search(pos, end, m, e)) {
// DBGprint("m.position(0)=%d\n", m.position(0));
int &&end = m.position(0) + m.str().size();
return locVec;
int AlgoCpp::getBelong(const vector<string> tokens, const vector<int> filter, int loc) {
int sumLen=0;
for(auto it = filter.cbegin(); it != filter.cend(); ++it) {
sumLen += tokens[*it].size();
if (sumLen > loc) return *it;
return -1;
void AlgoCpp::fixNTHLoc(const string matchStr, const string delim, const vector<int> filter, int* start_and_end, int sections){
set<int> fset (filter.begin(), filter.end());
// vector<int> copy_v = start_and_end;
int * copy_v = new int[sections];
for(int i=0; i<sections; i++) copy_v[i] = start_and_end[i];
jp::Regex reg (delim);
regex reg(delim);
vector<string> tokens = stringSplit(matchStr, reg);
for(int j=0; j<sections; j++){
int belong = getBelong(tokens, filter, copy_v[j]);
for(int i=0; i<tokens.size(); i++) {
if (i<belong){
if (fset.count(i) == 0) start_and_end[j] +=tokens[i].size();
} else break;
delete[] copy_v;
void AlgoCpp::work(thr_task_t task) {
match_result_t * results = task.results;
// Pcre reg(task.patt, "i");
for(int i=0; i<task.no.size(); i++) {
// DBGprint("%s\n", task.matchStrArr[task.no.at(i)].c_str());
vector<int> locVec;
if (task.algoType == 0) {
locVec = move(matchExact(task.matchStrArr->at(task.no.at(i)), task.patt));
}else if (task.algoType == 1) {
locVec = move(matchV1(task.matchStrArr->at(task.no.at(i)), task.patt));
}else if (task.algoType == 2) {
locVec = move(matchV2(task.matchStrArr->at(task.no.at(i)), task.patt));
} else if (task.algoType == 3) {
locVec = move(matchRegex(task.matchStrArr->at(task.no.at(i)), task.patt));
results[task.index.at(i)].line = task.no.at(i);
if (locVec.size() > 0) results[task.index.at(i)].sections = locVec.size() - 1;
else results[task.index.at(i)].sections = 0;
for(int k=0; k<results[task.index.at(i)].sections; k++) {
results[task.index.at(i)].start_and_end[k] = locVec[k];
if (results[task.index.at(i)].sections > 0)
results[task.index.at(i)].score = locVec.at(results[task.index.at(i)].sections);
if(task.nth == 1) {
// vector<int> locs (results[task.index.at(i)].start_and_end, results[task.index.at(i)].start_and_end +results[task.index.at(i)].sections);
fixNTHLoc(task.catArr->at(task.no.at(i)), *task.delim, (*task.filter), results[task.index.at(i)].start_and_end, results[task.index.at(i)].sections);
// for(int j=0; j<locs.size(); j++) results[task.index.at(i)].start_and_end[j] = locs[j];
AV* AlgoCpp::matchList(const char* patt, int isSort, int caseInsensitive, int algoType, int THRS) {
string pattStr;
if (caseInsensitive == 1) {
char* buff = new char[strlen(patt) + 1];
strcpy(buff, patt);
for(int i=0;i<strlen(patt);i++) buff[i] = tolower(buff[i]);
pattStr = buff;
delete []buff;
pattStr = patt;
int pattLen = pattStr.length();
int matchNum;
match_result_t * results;
// DBGprint("Match array size is %d\n", this->matchStrArr->size());
if (this->currAlgoType != algoType) {
this->currAlgoType = algoType;
if(this->resultsMap.count(pattStr) > 0){
hash_result_t &hrt = this->resultsMap[pattStr];
matchNum = hrt.matchNum;
results = hrt.results;
int threshold = floor(this->matchStrArr->size()/3);
THRS = THRS>threshold? threshold : THRS;
THRS = THRS==0? 1 : THRS;
vector<int> hisList;
string pre_patt = pattStr.substr(0, pattStr.length()-1);
int mrows;
match_result_t* pre_results;
if(this->resultsMap.count(pre_patt) > 0) {
hash_result_t &phrt = this->resultsMap[pre_patt];
mrows = phrt.matchNum;
pre_results = phrt.results;
for(int j=0; j< mrows; j++) hisList.push_back(pre_results[j].line);
for(int j =0; j<this->matchStrArr->size(); j++) hisList.push_back(j);
mrows = this->matchStrArr->size();
//分区, 将输入的行数分解成为几个区, 分配给每个线程执行
int div = floor((mrows*1.0)/(THRS*1.0));
vector<int> part;
int p = 0;
for(int i=0;i<THRS;i++) {
p += div;
vector<thr_task_t> tasks(THRS);
vector<std::thread> threads(THRS);
results = new match_result_t[mrows];
//start_and_end, 存储匹配的起始和结束位置, 在堆上分配内存
for(int i=0; i<mrows; i++) results[i].start_and_end = new int[pattLen*2*sizeof(int)];
for (int i=0; i<THRS; i++) {
tasks[i].tid = i;
tasks[i].matchStrArr = this->matchStrArr;
tasks[i].patt = pattStr;
// tasks[i].caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive;
tasks[i].algoType = algoType;
tasks[i].results = results;
if(this->nth == 1){
tasks[i].nth = 1;
tasks[i].delim = this->delim;
tasks[i].filter = this->filter;
tasks[i].catArr = this->catArr;
copy(hisList.cbegin()+part[i], hisList.cbegin()+part[i+1], back_inserter(tasks[i].no));
for(int j=part[i]; j<part[i+1]; j++) tasks[i].index.push_back(j);
threads[i] = std::thread(work, tasks[i]);
for (int i=0; i<THRS; i++) threads[i].join();
//线程后任务, 还原上次匹配任务的行号
if(this->resultsMap.count(pre_patt) > 0) {
for(int j=0; j<mrows; j++) results[j].line = pre_results[j].line;
//sort by sections
if(this->tac == 0) {
sort(results, results+mrows, compare_with_sections);
for(int j=0; j<mrows; j++) {
if (results[j].sections > 0) matchNum++;
if (results[j].sections == 0) break;
match_result_t* old_results = results;
results = new match_result_t[matchNum];
memcpy(results, old_results, matchNum*sizeof(match_result_t));
for(int i=matchNum; i<mrows; i++) delete []old_results[i].start_and_end;
delete [] old_results;
}else {
sort(results, results+mrows, compare_with_sections_tac);
matchNum =0;
for(int j=mrows-1; j>=0; j--) {
if (results[j].sections > 0) matchNum++;
if (results[j].sections == 0) break;
match_result_t* old_results = results;
results = new match_result_t[matchNum];
memcpy(results, old_results+mrows-matchNum, matchNum*sizeof(match_result_t));
for(int i=mrows-matchNum-1; i>=0; i--) delete []old_results[i].start_and_end;
delete [] old_results;
if (isSort == 1) {
if (this->tac == 0) std::sort(results, results+matchNum, compare_with_score);
else std::sort(results, results+matchNum, compare_with_score_tac);
hash_result_t hrt;
hrt.matchNum = matchNum;
hrt.results = results;
this->resultsMap.insert(pair<string, hash_result_t>(patt, hrt));
AV* ret = newAV();
if (this->tac == 0) {
for(int j=0; j<matchNum; j++) {
int sections = results[j].sections;
int len = results[j].sections + 2;
int* val = new int[len+1];
val[0] = results[j].line;
val[1] = results[j].score;
for (int k=0; k<results[j].sections; k++) val[k+2] = results[j].start_and_end[k];
char* val_c = (char *)val;
val_c[len*sizeof(int)] ='\0';
av_push(ret, newSVpvn((const char *)val, len*sizeof(int)));
delete []val;
}else {
for(int j=matchNum-1; j>=0; j--) {
int sections = results[j].sections;
int len = results[j].sections + 2;
int* val = new int[len+1];
val[0] = results[j].line;
val[1] = results[j].score;
for (int k=0; k<results[j].sections; k++) val[k+2] = results[j].start_and_end[k];
char* val_c = (char *)val;
val_c[len*sizeof(int)] ='\0';
av_push(ret, newSVpvn((const char *)val, len*sizeof(int)));
delete []val;
return ret;
AV* AlgoCpp::getNullMatchList() {
AV* ret = newAV();
if(this->tac == 0) {
for(int i=0; i<this->matchStrArr->size(); i++) {
int val[3];
val[0] = i;
val[1] = 0;
char* val_c = (char *)val;
val_c[2*sizeof(int)] ='\0';
av_push(ret, newSVpvn((const char *)val, 2*sizeof(int)));
for(int i=this->matchStrArr->size() - 1; i>=0; i--) {
int val[3];
val[0] = i;
val[1] = 0;
char* val_c = (char *)val;
val_c[2*sizeof(int)] ='\0';
av_push(ret, newSVpvn((const char *)val, 2*sizeof(int)));
return ret;
AV* AlgoCpp::getHeaderStr() {
AV* ret = newAV();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(*(this->headerMutex));
for(auto it=this->headerArr->cbegin(); it!=this->headerArr->cend(); ++it)
av_push(ret, newSVpvn((*it).c_str(), (*it).size()));
return ret;
int AlgoCpp::getMaxLength() {
return *(this->maxLen);
void AlgoCpp::clearMatchResult() {
void AlgoCpp::test() {