package Test::Role;
use Moo::Role;
has ten => is => 'ro', default => sub {return 'ten'};
role Before {
public eight { return '8' }
role World with Test::Role allow qw/Hello/ with qw/Before/ {
private four { return 'fourth' }
class Hello with World allow qw/main/ {
use Types::Standard qw/Str HashRef ArrayRef Object/;
one => [{ okay => 'one'}],
[qw/six seven/] => [rw, Str, { default => 'ruling the world' }];
two => {
params => {
message => [Str, sub {'Hello World'}]
public two { return $_[0]->{message} }
public three { return 'lost'; }
private five { return $self->four }
class Night is qw/Hello/ {
public nine { return 'crazy' }
my $hello = Hello->new();
is_deeply($hello->one, {okay => 'one'});
is($hello->two({}), 'Hello World');
is($hello->three, 'lost');
is($hello->five, 'fourth');
eval {$hello->four};
like($@, qr/cannot call private method four from/);
is($hello->six, 'ruling the world');
is($hello->eight, '8');
my $night = Night->new();
is_deeply($night->one, {okay => 'one'});
is($night->two({}), 'Hello World');
is($night->three, 'lost');
is($night->five, 'fourth');
eval {$night->four};
like($@, qr/cannot call private method four from/);
is($night->six, 'ruling the world');
is($night->eight, '8');
is($night->nine, 'crazy');
is($night->ten, 'ten');