use Test::More tests => 2 + 5;
BEGIN { $^W = 1 }
use strict;
my $module = 'Regexp::Exhaustive';
use_ok($module, 'exhaustive');
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { ok(0, 'Unexpected warning') };
my @warnings;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, /(.*) at / for @_; die };
eval { exhaustive(undef) };
is_deeply(\@warnings, [ "Use of uninitialized value in &$module\::exhaustive" ]);
eval { exhaustive('', '') };
my $facit = "The second argument to &$module\::exhaustive must be a Regexp object (qr//)";
is(substr($@, 0, length $facit), $facit);
eval { exhaustive('', qr//, undef) };
my $facit = "Uninitialized value passed to &$module\::exhaustive as variable name";
is(substr($@, 0, length $facit), $facit);
eval { exhaustive('', qr//, '$1', '$$1') };
my $facit = "Bad variable name to &$module\::exhaustive: \"\$\$1\"";
is(substr($@, 0, length $facit), $facit);
eval { exhaustive('', qr//, '$$1', '$$1') };
my $facit = "Bad variable names to &$module\::exhaustive: \"\$\$1\", \"\$\$1\"";
is(substr($@, 0, length $facit), $facit);