# 20-iobasic.t - Tests of basic I/O operations
# $Id: 20-iobasic.t,v 1.1 2004/10/24 01:00:39 lem Exp $
my $tests = 119;
my $db = "test-$$.db"; # The test database name
my $class = 'db'; # Which connect methods to use
plan tests => 1 + $tests;
END { unlink $db; } # Get rid of test db if needed
skip "Failed to use DBS::BL", $tests
unless use_ok('DNS::BL');
# When 'connect' has not been invoked, an error should
# occur whenever an I/O support method is invoked.
my $bl;
isa_ok($bl = new DNS::BL, "DNS::BL", 'new DNS::BL');
my @r;
## These are the basic setup tests. With this we insure
## an empty database is created.
# Test basic connection
my $com = "connect $class file $db";
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
# The db should be empty. Try it.
$com = "print within any as internal";
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1] but should be empty"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_ENOTFOUND, "result $com");
# At this point, the db file should exist...
ok(-f $db, "Database was created on disk");
# These tests involve loading up some entries in the database
# to excercise the addition and collision verification
die "Failed to use NetAddr::IP"
unless use_ok('NetAddr::IP');
# Load some test data
for my $ip (map { NetAddr::IP->new($_) } qw(
$com = qq{add ip $ip text "$ip $$ test entry"};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1] to addition"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
# Attempt a collision load (these should collide)
for my $mask (0 .. 24)
$com = qq{add ip$mask text "$mask $$ collission"};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1] to addition with collission"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_ECOLLISSION, "result $com");
# Verify the entries in the database
$com = qq{print within any as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1] to print any"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 4, "Correct number of elements returned");
splice @r, 0, 2;
for my $r (@r)
ok((grep { $r->addr eq $_ } qw(,
"Proper entry " . $r->addr);
is($r->desc, $r->addr . " $$ test entry",
"Correct test entry " . $r->addr);
# Attempt to bypass collision checking
for my $ip (map { NetAddr::IP->new($_) } qw(
$com = qq{add ip $ip text "$ip $$ 2nd test entry" without checking};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1] to addition"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
# Verify the entries in the database
$com = qq{print within any as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 4, "Correct number of elements returned");
splice @r, 0, 2;
for my $r (@r)
ok((grep { $r->addr eq $_ } qw(,
"Proper entry " . $r->addr);
is($r->desc, $r->addr . " $$ 2nd test entry",
"Correct test entry " . $r->addr);
# Test the ->read method with a larger net
$com = qq{print within 10/8 as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 4, "Correct number of elements returned");
splice @r, 0, 2;
for my $r (@r)
ok((grep { $r->addr eq $_ } qw(,
"Proper entry " . $r->addr);
is($r->desc, $r->addr . " $$ 2nd test entry",
"Correct test entry " . $r->addr);
# Test the ->read method with a smaller net
$com = qq{print within as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_ENOTFOUND, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 2, "Correct number of elements returned");
# Test the ->match method with a larger net
$com = qq{print matching 10/8 as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_ENOTFOUND, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 2, "Correct number of elements returned");
# Test the ->match method with a smaller net
$com = qq{print matching as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 3, "Correct number of elements returned");
is($r[2]->addr, '', "Correct entry " . $r[2]->addr);
is($r[2]->desc, " $$ 2nd test entry",
"Correct test entry");
# Test the ->delete method with a smaller net
$com = qq{delete within};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_ENOTFOUND, "result of $com");
is(scalar @r, 2, "Correct number of elements returned");
# Test the ->delete method with a larger net
$com = qq{delete within};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result of $com");
is(scalar @r, 2, "Correct number of elements returned");
# Test the ->punch method... First add one network
for my $ip (map { NetAddr::IP->new($_) } qw(
$com = qq{add ip $ip text "$ip $$ test entry"};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
# Now punch a /25 through one of the /24s
$com = qq{punch hole};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
# We should have now listed
$com = qq{print within as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 3, "Correct number of elements returned");
is($r[2]->addr, '', "Correct entry " . $r[2]->addr);
is($r[2]->desc, " $$ test entry",
"Correct test entry");
# Now punch a /8 through the whole thing
$com = qq{punch hole};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_OK, "result $com");
# Verify the database to be empty
$com = qq{print within any as internal};
eval { @r = $bl->parse($com); };
diag "->parse($com) failed miserably: $@"
unless ok(!$@, "Parsing of $com");
diag "$com returned $r[0] / $r[1]"
unless is($r[0], &DNS::BL::DNSBL_ENOTFOUND, "result $com");
is(scalar @r, 2, "Correct number of elements returned");