## OpenCA::Token::nCipher.pm
## Written by Michael Bell for the OpenCA project 2003
## Adapted by Martin Bartosch for the OpenCA project 2004
## Copyright (C) 2003-2004 The OpenCA Project
## All rights reserved.
## Adapted to nCipher HSM: 2004-05-25 Martin Bartosch <m.bartosch@cynops.de>
## code based on OpenCA::Token::OpenSSL and others
## 2004-08-13 Martin Bartosch
## - added HSM and key online tests
## 2004-08-16 Martin Bartosch
## - added timeout for external programs
## - added extensive error checking
## - documentation and sample configuration
## 2005-05-10 Martin Bartosch
## - added dynamic engine support (for OpenSSL 0.9.8):
## If the token configuration includes at least one PRE_ENGINE key
## then dynamic engine is used, otherwise this module falls back to
## static engine support.
## For dynamic engine support the following option must be added as
## a minimum:
## <option>
## <name>PRE_ENGINE</name>
## <value>SO_PATH:/usr/local/openssl/lib/engines/libncipher.so</value>
## </option>
## The following defaults will be added if not explicitly overridden in
## the token configuration file:
## 2005-07-12 Martin Bartosch
## - added persistant caching to infrastructure and key online tests
## 2005-08-10 Martin Bartosch
## - added missing alarm() calls
## - autoloaded calls to OpenSSL are timed out via alarm()
## This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
## License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
## version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## Lesser General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
## License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
## #########################################################################
## Error codes:
## 7151010 Crypto Layer not defined
## 7151012 Token name not defined
## 7151013 NFAST_HOME not defined (configuration problem)
## 7151014 NFAST_HOME not accessible (directory does not exist or permission
## denied)
## 7151015 Unexpected exception during program execution
## 7151016 PRE_ENGINE: SO_PATH not defined (configuration problem)
## 7153050 Key is not preloaded/usable
## 7153051 nCipher 'hardserver' process is not running
## 7153052 nCipher 'hardserver' process is not operational
## 7153053 Could not execute 'enquiry' program
## 7153054 Could not execute 'nfkminfo' program
## 7153055 Could not execute 'nfkmverify' program
## 7153056 No operational nCipher modules online
## 7153057 nCipher security world is not initialized / is not usable
## 7153058 No preloaded objects found
## 7153059 External program call timed out
## 7154001 Key generation not supported
use strict;
## ============ nCipher Token ============= ##
our ($errno, $errval);
($OpenCA::Token::nCipher::VERSION = '$Revision: $' )=~ s/(?:^.*: (\d+))|(?:\s+\$$)/defined $1?"0\.9":""/eg;
# Errorcode prefix: 715*
# 71 token modules
# 5 nCipher module
# Preloaded methods go here.
## create a new OpenSSL tokens
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $class = ref($that) || $that;
my $self = {
DEBUG => 0,
debug_fd => $STDERR,
## debug_msg => (),
# if online() is called within the grace period return
# the cached result if it was successful last time
# timeout for external nCipher utilities.
# there are several error conditions that may lead to
# nCipher tools not terminating (such as switching off
# a SCSI attached module). in order to gracefully handle
# this we introduce a sensible timeout after which the
# command will be terminated.
# temporary directory
TMPDIR => "/tmp",
bless $self, $class;
my $keys = { @_ };
$self->{CRYPTO} = $keys->{OPENCA_CRYPTO};
$self->{gettext} = $keys->{GETTEXT};
$self->{NAME} = $keys->{OPENCA_TOKEN};
$self->{MODE} = $keys->{TOKEN_MODE};
$self->{DEBUG} = $keys->{DEBUG};
$self->{KEY} = $keys->{KEY};
if (exists $keys->{$_} and ($keys->{$_} ne "")) {
$self->{$_} = $keys->{$_};
return $self->setError (7151013,
$self->{gettext} ("NFAST_HOME not defined."))
if (not $keys->{NFAST_HOME});
return $self->setError (7151014,
$self->{gettext} ("NFAST_HOME not accessible."))
if (! (-d $keys->{NFAST_HOME} and -x $keys->{NFAST_HOME}));
$self->{NFAST_HOME} = $keys->{NFAST_HOME};
# provide sensible default for wrapper if not explicitly defined
$keys->{WRAPPER} = $keys->{NFAST_HOME} . "/bin/with-nfast -M"
unless (exists $keys->{WRAPPER} and ($keys->{WRAPPER} ne ""));
$self->{WRAPPER} = $keys->{WRAPPER};
return $self->setError (7151010,
$self->{gettext} ("Crypto layer is not defined."))
if (not $self->{CRYPTO});
return $self->setError (7151012,
$self->{gettext} ("The name of the token is not defined."))
if (not $self->{NAME});
$keys->{ENGINE} = "chil";
$keys->{CERT} = $keys->{PEM_CERT};
# check if we are configured as a dynamic engine
if (exists $keys->{PRE_ENGINE}) {
$keys->{DYNAMIC_ENGINE} = 1;
# $keys->{GET_PIN_CALLBACK} = \&_get_pin_callback;
$keys->{STDOUT_CALLBACK} = \&_stdout_callback;
$keys->{CALLBACK_HANDLER} = $self;
# convert scalar to arrayref
my $pre_ref;
if (ref $keys->{PRE_ENGINE}) {
$pre_ref = $keys->{PRE_ENGINE};
} else {
push(@{$pre_ref}, $keys->{PRE_ENGINE});
$keys->{PRE_ENGINE} = $pre_ref;
return $self->setError (7151016,
$self->{gettext} ("7151016 PRE_ENGINE: SO_PATH not defined (configuration problem)"))
unless (grep(/SO_PATH/, @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}));
# check if we have to provide PRE_ENGINE defaults
# unshift -> add to the beginning of the list
unshift @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}, "LIST_ADD:1"
unless (grep(/^LIST_ADD:/, @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}));
unshift @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}, "ID:chil"
unless (grep(/^ID:/, @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}));
# push -> add to the end of the list
push @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}, "LOAD"
unless (grep(/^LOAD/, @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}));
push @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}, "THREAD_LOCKING:1"
unless (grep(/^THREAD_LOCKING:/, @{$keys->{PRE_ENGINE}}));
$self->{OPENSSL} = OpenCA::OpenSSL->new ( %{$keys} );
return $self->setError ($OpenCA::OpenSSL::errno, $OpenCA::OpenSSL::errval)
if (not $self->{OPENSSL});
$self->debug("new: KEY: " . $self->{KEY});
$self->debug("new: NFAST_HOME: " . $self->{NFAST_HOME});
$self->debug("new: WRAPPER: " . $self->{WRAPPER});
$self->debug("new: TMPDIR: " . $self->{TMPDIR});
return $self;
# Handle persistant caching of status information.
# If TIMEOUT is not specified, records the current timestamp in the
# state file.
# If TIMEOUT is specified the method checks if the state file exists.
# If the state file as a mtime that is younger than TIMEOUT (in seconds),
# the actual age (seconds) of the last write operation is returned (1 or
# higher)
# If the state file is older than TIMEOUT, 0 is returned.
# arguments:
# ID => name of the cache item, required
# TIMEOUT => number of seconds to accept cached status, optional
# RETRIGGER => update cached result on success
# return:
# undef: error or no previous status present
# 0: timeout expired
# positive number: timeout not expired (age of last status write)
sub cachestatus {
my $self = shift;
my $keys = { @_ };
return undef unless defined $keys->{ID};
my $filename = $self->{TMPDIR} . "/openca_cache_nCipher_" . $keys->{ID};
if (defined $keys->{RESET}) {
# reset cache for this id
unlink $filename;
return 1;
} elsif (defined $keys->{TIMEOUT}) {
return undef unless (-e $filename);
my $age = time - (stat($filename))[9];
$self->debug("cachestatus: state file $filename age: $age");
return undef if ($age < 0);
$age = 1 if ($age == 0);
if ($age < $keys->{TIMEOUT}) {
$self->debug("cachestatus: status was updated within configured timeout of " . $keys->{TIMEOUT} . " seconds ($age seconds ago)");
$self->cachestatus(ID => $keys->{ID}) if (exists $keys->{RETRIGGER} and $keys->{RETRIGGER});
return $age;
$self->debug("cachestatus: timeout expired for " . $keys->{ID});
unlink $filename;
return 0;
} else {
$self->debug("cachestatus: caching online status in $filename");
local *HANDLE;
open HANDLE, ">$filename";
close HANDLE;
# get object hash for our private key and store it in an internal
# data structure for later reference. returns cached value if it has
# been called before.
# ret: object hash value of the private key for this token
# undef on error
sub getKeyHash {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{KEYINFO}->{$self->{KEY}}->{OCS}->{HASH}
if (exists $self->{KEYINFO}->{$self->{KEY}});
$self->debug("getKeyHash: Getting object hash for key " . $self->{KEY});
# get object hash for private key
my @cmd = (qq("$self->{NFAST_HOME}/bin/nfkmverify"),
my $keyid = "";
my $keyinfo;
my @keys;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $self->{CHECKCMDTIMEOUT};
# call nfkmverify to get object hash for key
$self->debug("getKeyHash: exec: " . join (' ', @cmd));
if (! open HANDLE, join (' ', @cmd) . "|") {
$self->debug("getKeyHash: nCipher nfkmverify: could not run command '" . join (' ', @cmd) . "'");
$self->setError (7153055,
$self->{gettext} ("Could not execute nCipher nfkmverify command"));
alarm 0;
return undef;
# parse nfkmverify output
while (<HANDLE>) {
if (/^\*\* \[Application key hwcrhk (.*)\]/) {
$keyid = $1;
# $self->debug("getKeyHash: key id: $keyid");
push (@keys, $keyid);
} else {
if ($keyid ne "") {
if (/^\s*Cardset protected:\s+(\d+)\/(\d+)\s*(.*?)\s*\[(\d+)s\s+`(.*?)'\]/) { # ` make emacs happy
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{QUORUM}->{K} = $1;
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{QUORUM}->{N} = $2;
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{TYPE} = $3;
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{TIMEOUT} = $4;
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{NAME} = $5;
if (/^\s*Cardset hash\s+(.*)/) {
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{HASH} = $1;
if (/^\s*Type\s+(.*)\s+(\d+)/) {
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{TYPE} = $1;
$keyinfo->{$keyid}->{BIT} = $2;
close HANDLE;
alarm 0;
# handle exceptions
if ($@) {
if ($@ ne "alarm\n") {
$self->{gettext} ("Unexpected exception during program execution"));
return undef;
$self->debug("getKeyHash: nCipher nfkmverify did not terminate within timeout and was interrupted administratively");
$self->setError (7153059,
$self->{gettext} ("External program call timed out"));
return undef;
if ($? != 0) {
$self->debug("getKeyHash: nCipher nfkmverify returned error code $?");
$self->setError (7153055,
$self->{gettext} ("Could not execute nCipher nfkmverify command"));
return undef;
$self->debug("getKeyHash: Key information summary");
foreach (@keys) {
my $k = \$keyinfo->{$_};
$self->debug("getKeyHash: Key $_:");
$self->debug("getKeyHash: Type: $$k->{TYPE} ($$k->{BIT} bit)");
$self->debug("getKeyHash: OCS name: $$k->{OCS}->{NAME}");
$self->debug("getKeyHash: OCS hash: $$k->{OCS}->{HASH}");
$self->debug("getKeyHash: OCS type: $$k->{OCS}->{TYPE}");
$self->debug("getKeyHash: OCS quorum: $$k->{OCS}->{QUORUM}->{K}/$$k->{OCS}->{QUORUM}->{N}");
$self->debug("getKeyHash: OCS timeout: $$k->{OCS}->{TIMEOUT}");
$self->{KEYINFO} = $keyinfo;
return $keyinfo->{$keyid}->{OCS}->{HASH};
sub setError {
my $self = shift;
if (scalar (@_) == 4) {
my $keys = { @_ };
$errval = $keys->{ERRVAL};
$errno = $keys->{ERRNO};
} else {
$errno = $_[0];
$errval = $_[1];
return undef if (not $errno);
print $STDERR "PKI Master Alert: OpenCA::Token::nCipher error\n";
print $STDERR "PKI Master Alert: Aborting all operations\n";
print $STDERR "PKI Master Alert: Error: $errno\n";
print $STDERR "PKI Master Alert: Message: $errval\n";
print $STDERR "PKI Master Alert: debugging messages of empty token follow\n"
$self->{debug_fd} = $STDERR;
$self->debug ();
$self->{debug_fd} = $STDOUT;
# clear cached key status information
$self->cachestatus(ID => 'key_' . $self->{KEY},
RESET => 1);
## support for: return $self->setError (1234, "Something fails.") if (not $xyz);
return undef;
sub errno {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{errno};
sub errval {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{errval};
sub debug {
my $self = shift;
if ($_[0]) {
$self->{debug_msg}[scalar @{$self->{debug_msg}}] = $_[0];
$self->debug () if ($self->{DEBUG});
} else {
my $oldfh;
if ($self->{errno})
$oldfh = select $self->{debug_fd};
print "PKI Debugging: OpenCA::Token::nCipher error\n";
print "PKI Debugging: Aborting all operations\n";
print "PKI Debugging: Error: ".$self->{errno}."\n";
print "PKI Debugging: Message: ".$self->{errval}."\n";
print "PKI Debugging: debugging messages of OpenSSL token follow\n";
select $oldfh;
my $msg;
foreach $msg (@{$self->{debug_msg}}) {
$msg =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g if ($self->{debug_fd} eq $STDOUT);
my $oldfh = select $self->{debug_fd};
print "OpenCA::Token::nCipher->$msg<br>\n";
select $oldfh;
$self->{debug_msg} = ();
sub login {
my $self = shift;
# check if key is online
if ($self->online() and $self->keyOnline()) {
$self->{ONLINE} = 1;
return 1;
return undef;
# fake logout function
sub logout {
my $self = shift;
$self->{ONLINE} = 0;
return 1;
# check if HSM is attached, online and hardserver process is running
# the following tests are performed:
# - hardserver daemon is running and reports that nCipher is operational
# - at least one nCipher module is online
sub online {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug("online: nCipher HSM online check");
# if the last check was performed successfully within our grace period
# simply return the cached result
# if (defined $self->{HSMONLINE} and (time - $self->{HSMONLINE} < $self->{ONLINECHECKGRACEPERIOD})) {
if ($self->cachestatus(ID => 'ncipher_module',
RETRIGGER => 1)) {
$self->debug("online: Last HSM online check was performed less than " . $self->{ONLINECHECKGRACEPERIOD} . " seconds ago. Returning cached result.");
return 1;
$self->debug("online: Checking nCipher infrastructure");
# call enquiry to collect information for hardserver and attached modules
my $section = "";
my $enquiry;
my @modules;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $self->{CHECKCMDTIMEOUT};
my @cmd = (qq("$self->{NFAST_HOME}/bin/enquiry"));
$self->debug("online: exec: " . join (' ', @cmd));
if (! open HANDLE, join (' ', @cmd) . "|") {
$self->debug("online: nCipher enquiry: could not run command '" . join (' ', @cmd) . "'");
$self->setError (7153053,
$self->{gettext} ("Could not execute nCipher enquiry command"));
alarm 0;
return undef;
# parse enquiry output
while (<HANDLE>) {
if (/^\S/) {
s/[: \#]//g;
$section = lc($_);
# $self->debug("online: section: " . lc($_));
push (@modules, $section) if ($section =~ /^module/);
} else {
if (($section ne "") and
(/^\s+(mode|version)\s\s+(\S+)/)) {
# $self->debug("online: property: $1, value: $2");
$enquiry->{$section}->{lc($1)} = $2;
close HANDLE;
alarm 0;
# handle exceptions
if ($@) {
if ($@ ne "alarm\n") {
$self->{gettext} ("Unexpected exception during program execution"));
return undef;
$self->debug("online: nCipher enquiry did not terminate within timeout and was interrupted administratively");
$self->setError (7153059,
$self->{gettext} ("External program call timed out"));
return undef;
if ($? != 0) {
$self->debug("online: nCipher enquiry: hardserver is not running (error code $?)");
$self->setError (7153051,
$self->{gettext} ("nCipher hardserver process is not running"));
return undef;
$self->debug("online: nCipher hardserver information");
my $operational_modules = 0;
foreach (('server', @modules)) {
$self->debug("online: '$_' (version: $enquiry->{$_}->{version}) is $enquiry->{server}->{mode}");
$operational_modules++ if (($_ ne "server") and ($enquiry->{$_}->{mode} eq "operational"));
if ($enquiry->{server}->{mode} ne "operational") {
$self->setError (7153052,
$self->{gettext} ("nCipher hardserver process is not operational"));
return undef;
if ($operational_modules < 1) {
$self->debug("online: No operational nCipher modules are online.");
$self->setError (7153056,
$self->{gettext} ("No operational nCipher modules online"));
return undef;
$self->cachestatus(ID => 'ncipher_module');
return 1;
# check if our private key is currently preloaded and usable
sub keyOnline {
my $self = shift;
$self->debug("keyOnline: nCipher key online check");
# if the last check was performed successfully within our grace period
# simply return the cached result
# if (defined $self->{KEYONLINE} and (time - $self->{KEYONLINE} < $self->{ONLINECHECKGRACEPERIOD})) {
if ($self->cachestatus(ID => 'key_' . $self->{KEY},
RETRIGGER => 1)) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: Last key online check was performed less than " . $self->{ONLINECHECKGRACEPERIOD} . " seconds ago. Returning cached result.");
return 1;
# check security world and get information about preloaded objects
my @cmd = ($self->{WRAPPER},
my $section = "";
my $worldinfo;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $self->{CHECKCMDTIMEOUT};
$self->debug("keyOnline: exec: " . join (' ', @cmd));
if (! open HANDLE, join (' ', @cmd) . "|") {
$self->debug("keyOnline: nCipher nfkminfo: could not run command '" . join (' ', @cmd) . "'");
$self->setError (7153054,
$self->{gettext} ("Could not execute nCipher nfkminfo command"));
alarm 0;
return undef;
# parse nfkminfo output
while (<HANDLE>) {
if (/^\S/) {
s/[: \#\-]//g;
$section = lc($_);
# $self->debug("keyOnline: section: " . lc($_));
} else {
if (($section ne "") and
(/^\s+(state)\s\s+(.*)/)) {
# $self->debug("keyOnline: property: $1, value: $2");
$worldinfo->{$section}->{lc($1)} = $2;
if ($section =~ /preloadedobjects/) {
# $self->debug("keyOnline: hash: $1");
close HANDLE;
alarm 0;
# handle exceptions
if ($@) {
if ($@ ne "alarm\n") {
$self->{gettext} ("Unexpected exception during program execution"));
return undef;
$self->debug("keyOnline: nCipher nfkminfo did not terminate within timeout and was interrupted administratively");
$self->setError (7153059,
$self->{gettext} ("External program call timed out"));
return undef;
if ($? != 0) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: nCipher nfkminfo returned error code $?");
$self->setError (7153054,
$self->{gettext} ("Could not execute nCipher nfkminfo command"));
return undef;
$self->debug("keyOnline: nCipher security world information");
$self->debug("keyOnline: state:" . $worldinfo->{world}->{state});
my $initialized = 0;
my $usable = 0;
foreach (split(/\s+/, $worldinfo->{world}->{state})) {
$initialized++ if ($_ eq "Initialised");
$usable++ if ($_ eq "Usable");
if (! $initialized) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: Security world is not initialized.");
$self->setError (7153057,
$self->{gettext} ("Security world not initialized/usable"));
return undef;
if (! $usable) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: Security world is not usable.");
$self->setError (7153057,
$self->{gettext} ("Security world not initialized/usable"));
return undef;
if (! exists $worldinfo->{$section}->{preloaded}) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: No preloaded objects found");
$self->setError (7153058,
$self->{gettext} ("No preloaded objects found"));
return undef;
$self->debug("keyOnline: Preloaded objects:");
foreach (keys %{$worldinfo->{$section}->{preloaded}}) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: $_");
# now we have got a list of preloaded objects. verify it against
# the object hash of the desired private key.
# so first find out what the hash of the key is.
my $ocshash = $self->getKeyHash();
$self->debug("keyOnline: Verify if key ocs object hash $ocshash is preloaded");
if (! exists $worldinfo->{$section}->{preloaded}->{$ocshash}) {
$self->debug("keyOnline: Object is not preloaded, key is not usable");
$self->setError (7153050,
$self->{gettext} ("Required object is not preloaded, key is not usable"));
return undef;
$self->debug("keyOnline: Key seems to be usable");
# remember key online status
$self->cachestatus(ID => 'key_' . $self->{KEY});
return 1;
sub getMode {
return "daemon";
# # failover to default token OpenSSL which uses -engine
# # see new to get an idea what is going on
my $self = shift;
if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /OpenCA::OpenSSL/)
print STDERR "PKI Master Alert: OpenCA::OpenSSL is missing a function\n";
print STDERR "PKI Master Alert: $AUTOLOAD\n";
$self->setError (666,
$self->{gettext} ("OpenCA::OpenSSL is missing a function. __FUNCTION
return undef;
$self->debug ("OpenCA::Token::nCipher: AUTOLOAD => $AUTOLOAD");
return 1 if ($AUTOLOAD eq 'OpenCA::Token::nCipher::DESTROY');
my $function = $AUTOLOAD;
$function =~ s/.*:://g;
$self->debug ("nCipher AUTOLOAD function $function");
my $ret;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $self->{CHECKCMDTIMEOUT};
$ret = $self->{OPENSSL}->$function ( @_ );
alarm 0;
# handle exceptions
if ($@) {
if ($@ ne "alarm\n") {
$self->{gettext} ("Unexpected exception during program execution"));
return undef;
$self->debug("AUTOLOAD: OpenCA::OpenSSL::$function did not terminate within timeout and was interrupted administratively");
$self->setError (7153059,
$self->{gettext} ("External program call timed out"));
return undef;
$self->setError ($OpenCA::OpenSSL::errno, $OpenCA::OpenSSL::errval);
return $ret;
sub genKey {
my $self = shift;
my $keys = { @_ };
return $self->setError (7154001,
$self->{gettext} ("Key generation not supported."));
sub _stdout_callback
my $self = shift;
my $result = shift;
## remove leading OpenSSL> from engine call
$result =~ s/^OpenSSL>\s//;
## remove all until OpenSSL>
$result = substr $result, index $result, "OpenSSL> ";
return $result