use strict;
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
$self->{defined}{ArchiveName} = 'libevent';
$self->{defined}{WebSite} = '';
$self->{defined}{VersionForm} = '\d\.\d\.\d{1,2}';
$self->{defined}{IndexSite} =
$self->{defined}{DownloadSite} =
$self->{defined}{IndexParserForm} = \&set_index_parser_form;
$self->{defined}{Filename} = \&set_filename;
$self->{defined}{TestAction} = 'verify';
return $self;
sub set_filename {
my $attributes = shift;
my $filename = $attributes->ArchiveName . '-' . $attributes->Version .
'-stable.' . $attributes->Extension;
return $filename;
sub set_index_parser_form {
my $attributes = shift;
my $parser = 'href="' .quotemeta( $attributes->DownloadSite ).
quotemeta( $attributes->ArchiveName ). '-' . $attributes->VersionForm .
'-stable.' . quotemeta( $attributes->Extension ) . '">';
return $parser;
=head1 NAME
Enbld::Definition::Libevent - definition module for libevent
=head1 SEE ALSO
copyright 2013- Magnolia C<< <> >>.
=head1 LICENSE
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.