use v5.10;
use lib '../lib';
use lib 't';
use lib '..';
use strict;
our $peeler;
# $Carp::Verbose=1;
# some examples from SQL::Abstract t/02where.t
# changes: strict dashed form for operators
isa_ok $peeler, 'Neo4j::Cypher::Abstract::Peeler';
my @tests = (
where => {
requestor => 'inna',
worker => ['nwiger', 'rcwe', 'sfz'],
status => { '<>', 'completed' }
stmt => "( requestor = ? AND status <> ? AND ( ( worker = ? ) OR"
. " ( worker = ? ) OR ( worker = ? ) ) )",
bind => [qw/inna completed nwiger rcwe sfz/],
where => [
status => 'completed',
user => 'nwiger',
stmt => "( status = ? OR user = ? )",
bind => [qw/completed nwiger/],
where => {
user => 'nwiger',
status => 'completed'
stmt => "( status = ? AND user = ? )",
bind => [qw/completed nwiger/],
where => {
user => 'nwiger',
status => { '<>', 'completed' }
stmt => "( status <> ? AND user = ? )",
bind => [qw/completed nwiger/],
where => {
status => 'completed',
reportid => { -in => [567, 2335, 2] }
stmt => "( reportid IN ( ?, ?, ? ) AND status = ? )",
bind => [qw/567 2335 2 completed/],
where => [
user => 'nwiger',
status => { -in => ['pending', 'dispatched'] },
user => 'robot',
status => 'unassigned',
stmt => "( ( status IN ( ?, ? ) AND user = ? ) OR ( status = ? AND user = ? ) )",
bind => [qw/pending dispatched nwiger unassigned robot/],
skip => "This is a kludge, won't fix",
where => {
priority => [ {'>', 3}, {'<', 1} ],
requestor => \'is not null',
stmt => " ( ( ( priority > ? ) OR ( priority < ? ) ) AND requestor is not null )",
bind => [qw/3 1/],
done => "or with undef",
no_tree => 1,
where => {
requestor => { '<>', [undef, ''] }
stmt => "(requestor IS NOT NULL OR (requestor <> ?))",
bind => [''],
done => "and with undef",
no_tree => 1,
where => {
requestor => [ -and => '<>' => undef, '<>' => '']
stmt => "(requestor IS NOT NULL AND (requestor <> ?))",
bind => [''],
skip => "fix later maybe",
no_tree => 1,
where =>
{ requestor => { '<>', ['-and', undef, ''] } },
stmt => "(requestor IS NOT NULL AND (requestor <> ?))",
bind => [''],
no_tree => 1,
where => {
priority => [ {'>', 3}, {'<', 1} ],
requestor => { '<>', undef },
stmt => "(((priority > ?) OR (priority < ?)) AND requestor IS NOT NULL)",
stmt2 => "(requestor IS NOT NULL AND ((priority > 3) OR (priority < 1)))",
bind => [qw/3 1/],
where => {
id => 1,
num => {
'<=' => 20,
'>' => 10,
stmt => "( id = ? AND ( num <= ? AND num > ? ) )",
bind => [qw/1 20 10/],
done => 'this works, but requires hashes in the implicit OR array',
where => {
-and => [
user => 'nwiger',
{-and => [ workhrs => {'>', 20}, geo => 'ASIA' ]},
{-or => { workhrs => {'<', 50}, geo => 'EURO' }},
stmt => "( user = ? AND (
( workhrs > ? AND geo = ? )
OR ( geo = ? OR workhrs < ? )
) )",
bind => [qw/nwiger 20 ASIA EURO 50/],
done => 'this is a weird one',
where => { -and => [{}, { '' => '1'}] },
stmt => "( ( = ? ) )",
bind => [ 1 ],
where => { -not => { -not => { -not => 'bool2' } } },
stmt => "( NOT ( NOT ( NOT 'bool2' ) ) )",
bind => [],
# Tests for -not
# Basic tests only
where => { -not => { a => 1 } },
stmt => "( (NOT a = ?) ) ",
bind => [ 1 ],
where => { a => 1, -not => { b => 2 } },
stmt => "( ( (NOT b = ?) AND a = ? ) ) ",
bind => [ 2, 1 ],
where => { -not => { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 } },
stmt => "( (NOT ( a = ? AND b = ? AND c = ? )) ) ",
bind => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
where => { -not => [ a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 ] },
stmt => "( (NOT ( a = ? OR b = ? OR c = ? )) ) ",
bind => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
where => { -not => { c => 3, -not => { b => 2, -not => { a => 1 } } } },
stmt => "( (NOT ( (NOT ( (NOT a = ?) AND b = ? )) AND c = ? )) ) ",
bind => [ 1, 2, 3 ],