use strict;
use FindBin qw/ $Bin /;
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use_ok 'DBIx::Result::Convert::JSONSchema';
use_ok 'Test::SchemaMock';
my $schema_mock = Test::SchemaMock->new();
my $schema = $schema_mock->schema;
my $converter = DBIx::Result::Convert::JSONSchema->new(
schema => $schema,
schema_source => 'MySQL',
my $json_schema = $converter->get_json_schema('MySQLTypeTest', {
decimals_to_pattern => 1,
has_schema_property_description => 0,
allow_additional_properties => 1,
overwrite_schema_property_keys => {
char => 'cat',
datetime => 'another',
overwrite_schema_properties => {
enum => {
_action => 'merge',
type => 'dog',
new_key => 'value',
blob => {
_action => 'overwrite',
new_prop_1 => 1,
new_prop_2 => 2,
exclude_required => [ qw/ tinytext / ],
exclude_properties => [ qw/ binary / ],
include_required => [ qw/ year time / ],
is $json_schema->{properties}->{decimal}->{type}, 'string', 'decimal converted to string type';
ok $json_schema->{properties}->{decimal}->{pattern}, 'got set pattern for decimal';
# No description set
ok ! exists $json_schema->{properties}->{ $_ }->{description}, "-- description does not exist for key $_"
for keys %{ $json_schema->{properties} };
is $json_schema->{additionalProperties}, 1, 'allow additional properties in JSON schema';
ok ! exists $json_schema->{properties}->{char}, 'char key no longer exists';
ok ! exists $json_schema->{properties}->{datetime}, 'datetime key no longer exists';
ok exists $json_schema->{properties}->{cat}, 'cat key exists in JSON schema';
ok exists $json_schema->{properties}->{another}, 'another key exists in JSON schema';
is $json_schema->{properties}->{enum}->{type}, 'dog', 'enum now has type of dog';
ok $json_schema->{properties}->{enum}->{new_key}, 'enum contains new key';
is scalar @{ $json_schema->{required} }, 2, 'contains 2 required properties';
cmp_bag $json_schema->{required}, [ qw/ year time / ], 'got two expected required schema properties';
ok ! exists $json_schema->{properties}->{binary}, 'binary key got removed from JSON schema';
subtest 'different result for merge or overwrite property _action' => sub {
# for 'enum' expecting keys to be merged
is_deeply $json_schema->{properties}->{enum}, {
type => 'dog',
new_key => 'value',
enum => [ qw/ X Y Z null / ],
}, 'got enum item with merged properties';
# for 'blob' expecting all keys to be overwritten
is_deeply $json_schema->{properties}->{blob}, {
new_prop_1 => 1,
new_prop_2 => 2,
}, 'got blob item with all properties overwritten';
subtest 'schema_declaration' => sub {
is $json_schema->{'$schema'}, 'http://json-schema.org/schema#', 'got default $schema declaration';
my $json_schema = $converter->get_json_schema('MySQLTypeTest', { schema_declaration => 'declaration overwritten' });
is $json_schema->{'$schema'}, 'declaration overwritten', 'got overwritten $schema declaration';
subtest 'schema_overwrite' => sub {
my $schema = $converter->get_json_schema('MySQLTypeTest', {
schema_overwrite => {
'$schema' => 'overwritten',
type => 'overwritten',
properties => 'overwritten',
new_base_field => 'new base field',
cmp_deeply $schema, {
'$schema' => 'overwritten',
'additionalProperties' => 0,
'type' => 'overwritten',
'properties' => 'overwritten',
'required' => [
'new_base_field' => 'new base field',
}, 'got overwritten schema top level fields';
subtest 'dependencies' => sub {
my $schema = $converter->get_json_schema('MySQLTypeTest', {
dependencies => {
fieldA => [ qw/ fieldB fieldC / ],
cmp_deeply $schema->{dependencies}, { fieldA => [ qw/ fieldB fieldC / ] }, 'got dependency fields';
subtest 'ignore_property_defaults' => sub {
is $json_schema->{properties}->{date}->{default}, '2019-08-21', 'original schema has default key for date';
my $schema = $converter->get_json_schema( 'MySQLTypeTest', { ignore_property_defaults => 1 } );
is $schema->{properties}->{date}->{default}, undef, 'schema does not have defaults set';