#!/usr/bin/env perl
#PODNAME: mkflash.pl
#ABSTRACT: Generate comma seperated files for importing into Anki for flashcards
use 5.014;
use utf8;
use charnames ();
use Text::CSV qw(csv);
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
die "Supply a case\n" if (scalar @ARGV < 1);
my $case = $ARGV[0];
my $plural = defined $ARGV[1] ? "plural" : 0;
my $arrow = charnames::string_vianame("RIGHTWARDS ARROW"); # →
sub forvo {
my ($word) = @_;
return qq|<a href="https://www.forvo.com/search/$word/">$word</a>|;
sub opr {
my ($word) = @_;
return qq|<a href="https://en.openrussian.org/ru/$word">$word</a>|;
my $rus = Lingua::RU::Declension->new();
my @out;
for (1..50) {
# We will select our random words in "dictionary form" (nominative masculine singular)
my $noun = $rus->choose_random_noun();
my $adj = $rus->choose_random_adjective();
my $pronoun = $rus->choose_random_pronoun();
# We will use the nominative case for the front of the card
# so that the phrase on the front of the card is grammatically
# correct.
my $np = $rus->decline_pronoun($pronoun, $noun, "nom", $plural);
my $na = $rus->decline_adjective($adj, $noun, "nom", $plural);
my $nn = $rus->decline_noun($noun, "nom", $plural);
# Then the back of the card will use our input case
my $dp = $rus->decline_pronoun($pronoun, $noun, $case, $plural);
my $da = $rus->decline_adjective($adj, $noun, $case, $plural);
my $dn = $rus->decline_noun($noun, $case, $plural);
my $front = "$np $na $nn ($case)";
my $pro_url = opr($pronoun);
my $adj_url = opr($adj);
my $noun_url = opr($noun);
my $answer = join " ", (map {; forvo($_) } ($dp, $da, $dn));
my $back = qq|$answer<br>$np $arrow $dp ($pro_url)<br>$na $arrow $da ($adj_url)<br>$nn $arrow $dn ($noun_url)|;
push @out, [$front, $back];
my $outname = $plural ? "plural_${case}_flash.csv" : "${case}_flash.csv";
csv( in => \@out, out => $outname, encoding => "UTF-8" );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
mkflash.pl - Generate comma seperated files for importing into Anki for flashcards
=head1 VERSION
version 0.006
$ mkflash.pl acc [plural]
This is a script to generate a file which will create some flashcards for use with
=head1 NAME mkflash.pl
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Allen <mallen@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Mark Allen.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.