1,1233048113,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
2,1233048114,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
3,1233048115,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
4,1233048116,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
5,1233048117,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
6,1233048118,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
7,1233048119,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
8,1233048120,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
9,1233048121,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
10,1233048122,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
19,1233048123,"A entry in this blog",Maluku,"Text goes here"
21,1233062562,"This blog",Maluku,"This is a demo using Dotiac::DTL, a small and very simple blog.
It has no other functions, except:
View the blog (2 views)
Posting a blog entry
Adding a comment
Removing a comment
It is written in Perl + Dotiac-DTL and uses DBI for database interface. You can see the sourcecode in the file.
It uses 2 tables to store its data:
blog_entry: An entry in this blog
blog_comments: The comments for each entry
There are 5 templates used here:
blog_base.html: This is the parent template all the other templates inherit from, it contains the design ( if you could call it that) of the page.
blog.html: The mainpage (overview) which shows all posts in pages
blog_view.html: The detail view, which shows one post and all the comments.
blog_new.html: Add a new post page
blog_error.html: An error-page which displays a message.
It also uses a global 'redirect' template to stop the browser from resending the data when the user refreshes the page.