use Test::More tests => 5;
BEGIN {use_ok( 'Games::Freelancer::UTF' ); }
eval {
} or do {
skip "Test::NoWarnings is not installed", 1;
fail "This shouldn't really happen at all";
$tree = {
'\\' => {
'VMeshLibrary' => {
'jc_defender.lod0.vms' => {
'VMeshData' => 'Some Vmeshdata' #Removed by me because you can't see anything useful here and its large.
'Cmpnd' => {
'Root' => {
'File name' => 'jc_defender.3db',
'Index' => '',
'Object name' => 'Root'
'jc_defender.3db' => {
'Hardpoints' => {
'Fixed' => {
'HpEngine01' => {
'Orientation' => '€?€?€?', #These are just packed vectors, can be easily decoded using unpack("f*",this)
'Position' => 'IK¿×A' #also a vector: unpack("f*",this)
'Revolute' => {
'HpWeapon01' => {
'Axis' => '€?', #also a vector: unpack("f*",this)
'Max' => '’
†>', #an angle in radians: unpack("f*",this)
'Min' => '’
'Orientation' => 'Z|¿âÐ1¾€âÐ1>Z|¿€€?', #also a vector: unpack("f*",this)
'Position' => '­L€?Œø®>¿+±À' #also a vector: unpack("f*",this)
'HpWeapon02' => {
'Axis' => '€?',
'Max' => '’
'Min' => '’
'Orientation' => 'Z|¿âÐ1>âÐ1¾Z|¿€?',
'Position' => ' r¿Œø®>¿+±À'
'MultiLevel' => {
'Level0' => {
'VMeshPart' => {
'VMeshRef' => '<Úýxn
¯Ë@ĝËÀ“°š?d÷¤¿-¬Aï7 Á`Ž:m$½€ð¢½ä,A'
my $data;
eval {
ok(!$@,"Writing errors");
undef $@;
my $tree2;
eval {
ok(!$@,"Reading errors");
undef $@;
is_deeply($tree,$tree2,"Differences between original and reread trees");