package FAIR::Data;
$FAIR::Data::VERSION = '1.0';
# ABSTRACT: a set of packages that assist with creating infrastructures that conform to the FAIR Data Principles
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=head1 NAME
FAIR::Data - a set of packages that assist with creating infrastructures that conform to the FAIR Data Principles
=head1 VERSION
version 1.0
=head1 Title - FAIR::Data
a set of packages that assist with creating infrastructures that conform to the FAIR Data Principles
=head 1 Use - do not use this package (FAIR::Data)
This package is purely informative. When writing your code you should use one of the more specific packages within this distribution, depending on your specific task.
e.g. use FAIR::Accessor to assist with creating a FAIR Accessor Server, compliant with the Linked Data Platform specification.
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Denis Wilkinson (markw [at] illuminae [dot] com)
This software is Copyright (c) 2016 by Mark Denis Wilkinson.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004