use strict;
use lib 't';
use lib 'lib';
use Test::Simple tests => 15;
use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
my %hash = (
label => 'FAIR Profile Allele',
title => "FAIR Profile of Descriptive Allele records",
description => "FAIR Profile Allele record properties, using textual descriptions and links to Gene Records",
license => "Anyone may use this freely",
issued => "May 21, 2015",
modified => "May 21, 2015",
organization => "wilkinsonlab.info",
identifier => "doi:Mark.Dragon.P1",
ok ((my $P = FAIR::Profile->new(%hash)), "FAIR Profile core metadata created");
foreach my $key(keys %hash){
ok ($P->$key eq $hash{$key}, "value of $key captured correctly");
delete $hash{'URI'};
ok (($P = FAIR::Profile->new(%hash)), "FAIR Profile core metadata created without an explicit URI");
ok ($P->URI, "Resulting Profile has a URI");
ok ($P->URI =~ /profileschemaprofile\/\S+/, "Resulting Profile has a URI that isn't empty");
ok ($P->type ~~ /FAIRProfile/, "Profile is a FAIR Profile");
ok ($P->type ~~ /ProvenanceStatement/, "Profile is a Dublin Core ProvenanceStatement");