This is an Overview Document showing how to properly use the
Test::Presenter module that accompanies the Crucible project.
Section 0: Index
Section 1: Minimum Requirements
Section 2: Installing Test::Presenter
Section 3: Configuration Files
Section 4: Common Usage
Section 5: Capabilities
Section 6: Known Bugs
Section 7: Questions and Comments
Section 1: Minimum Requirements
See the INSTALL file for more information about Minimum Requirements.
Section 2: Installing Test::Presenter
See the INSTALL file for more information about Installation.
Section 3: Configuration Files
Test::Presenter uses a few configuration files that are necessary to
produce practical results. These configuration files are installed,
by default, into the /usr/share/Test-Presenter/templates folder.
Each template file was designed for a specific kind of results
analysis. For example, the xyplot.tmpl file is best suited for
3-dimensional graphing, while the histogram.tmpl is great for
comparisons over time. Each template file contains documentation on
how the file can be used, and how to properly create a configuration
file to utilize the given template.
Section 4: Common Usage
While configuration files are necessary, the following text can be
used to create a script capable of utilizing the most common
features available through Test::Presenter.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Presenter;
my $report = new Test::Presenter;
my $opt_debug = 0;
$re->open_db("/results", "test-Presenter.dbxml");
$re->add_doc("/results", "result_log_1.trpi", "500");
$re->open_template("/usr/share/Test-Presenter/templates", "table.tmpl");
$re->open_config("/results", "test.config");
$re->save_query("/home/username", "query.test");
Section 5: Capabilities
The follow is a (non-exhaustive) list of what Test::Presenter is currently
capable of. These features will probably be the most commonly used.
- Query by file (this bypasses the configuration scripts and templates) to
allow querying the DBXml object directly while still allowing the use of
other Test::Presenter methods
- Plaintext definitions in Configuration files override 'replacement'
definitions which are specified in Template files. This allows a given
configuration file to "hard code" certain values to be used in the final
results output.
- Queries can be executed on individual documents instead of the whole DB.
Allowing specific documents to be queried makes the DBXml file more
robust. For example, a DBXml file may contain all results from one kind
of test. Querying the whole DB might not be desired if results are only
needed for the last 5 tests, for example.
Section 6: Known Bugs
At this time, the following bugs are known to exist in Test::Presenter:
- query configuration files must be well formed, otherwise queries will
not be executed correctly and results will not be returned as desired.
- DbXml can be a challenge to install. Possibly use of Xindice or
another XML db should be investigated.
Section 7: Questions and Comments
Any questions and/or comments can be directed to the crucible-devel
mailing list: