use strict;
use lib 'lib';
subtest 'is_eu_country throws when no country argument is provided' => sub {
throws_ok { is_eu_country } qr/Agrument country is required/, 'throws as expected';
subtest 'is_eu_country returns falsey on invalid country argument' => sub {
my $boolean = is_eu_country({ country => 'United States of Whatever'});
ok(!$boolean, 'returned falsey value');
subtest 'is_eu_country returns truthy on valid country argument' => sub {
my $array = list_eu_countries;
my $country = $array->[0]->{'ISO-name'};
my $boolean = is_eu_country({ country => $country });
ok($boolean, 'returned truthy value');
subtest 'is_eu_country repects the include_efta argument' => sub {
my $array = list_eu_countries({include_efta => 1});
my $efta_country;
foreach my $country ( @{$array} )
if ( $country->{'EFTA-member'} ) {
$efta_country = $country->{'ISO-name'};
diag "using $efta_country for is_country include_efta check";
my $positive = is_eu_country({ country => $efta_country, include_efta => 1 });
ok($positive, 'returned the correct result with include_efta agrument');
my $negative = is_eu_country({ country => $efta_country });
ok(!$negative, 'returned the correct result without include_efta agrument');
subtest 'is_eu_country repects the exclude argument' => sub {
my $array = list_eu_countries();
my $country = $array->[0];
my $c_name = $country->{'ISO-name'};
my $c_exclude = $country->{'ISO-alpha2'};
my $r_exclude = $array->[1]->{'ISO-name'};
throws_ok { is_eu_country({ country => $c_name, exclude => $c_exclude }) } qr/Agrument exclude must be an ARRAY/, 'throws as expected';
diag "using $c_name for is_country exclude check";
my $positive = is_eu_country({ country => $c_name, exclude => [ $r_exclude ] });
ok($positive, 'returned the correct result with non-matching exclude agrument');
my $negative = is_eu_country({ country => $c_name, exclude => [ $c_exclude ] });
ok(!$negative, 'returned the correct result with matching exclude agrument');