our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:MATY';
$PMLTQ::Relation::PDT::VERSION = '2.0.1'; # TRIAL
# ABSTRACT: PDT user defined relations
use strict;
# This file implements the following user-defined relations for PML-TQ
# - a/lex.rf|a/aux.rf
# - eparent (both t-layer and a-layer)
# - echild (both t-layer and a-layer)
######## A Layer
sub ADiveAuxCP ($){
$_[0]->{afun}=~/^Aux[CP]/ ? 1 : 0;
sub A_ExpandCoordGetEParents { # node through
my ($node,$through)=@_;
my @toCheck = $node->children;
my @checked;
while (@toCheck) {
@toCheck=map {
if (&$through($_)) { $_->children() }
elsif($_->{afun}=~/Coord|Apos/&&$_->{is_member}){ A_ExpandCoordGetEParents($_,$through) }
elsif($_->{is_member}){ push @checked,$_;() }
return @checked;
}# A_ExpandCoordGetEParents
sub AGetEParents { # node through
my ($node,$through)=@_;
my $init_node = $node; # only used for reporting errors
return() if !$node or $node->{afun}=~/^(?:Coord|Apos|Aux[SCP])$/;
if ($node->{is_member}) { # go to coordination head
while ($node->{afun}!~/Coord|Apos|AuxS/ or $node->{is_member}) {
if (!$node) {
print STDERR
"GetEParents: Error - no coordination head $init_node->{AID}: ".ThisAddress($init_node)."\n";
} elsif($node->{afun} eq 'AuxS') {
print STDERR
"GetEParents: Error - no coordination head $node->{AID}: ".ThisAddress($node)."\n";
if (&$through($node->parent)) { # skip 'through' nodes
while ($node and &$through($node->parent)) {
return unless $node;
return unless $node;
return $node if $node->{afun}!~/Coord|Apos/;
} # AGetEParents
sub A_FilterEChildren{ # node dive suff from
my ($node,$dive,$suff,$from)=@_;
my @sons;
while ($node) {
# return @sons if $suff && @sons; # comment this line to get all members
unless ($node==$from){ # on the way up do not go back down again
if (!$suff&&$node->{afun}=~/Coord|Apos/&&!$node->{is_member}
or$suff&&$node->{afun}=~/Coord|Apos/&&$node->{is_member}) {
push @sons,A_FilterEChildren($node,$dive,1,0)
} elsif (&$dive($node) and $node->firstson){
push @sons,A_FilterEChildren($node,$dive,$suff,0);
} elsif(($suff&&$node->{is_member})
||(!$suff&&!$node->{is_member})){ # this we are looking for
push @sons,$node;
} # unless node == from
} # A_FilterEChildren
sub AGetEChildren{ # node dive
my ($node,$dive)=@_;
return() if !$node or $node->{afun}=~/^(?:Coord|Apos|Aux[SCP])$/;
my @sons;
my $from;
$dive = sub { 0 } unless defined($dive);
push @sons,A_FilterEChildren($node,$dive,0,0);
my @oldsons=@sons;
while($node->{afun}!~/Coord|Apos|AuxS/ or $node->{is_member}){
push @sons,A_FilterEChildren($node,$dive,0,$from);
if ($node->{afun} eq 'AuxS'){
print STDERR "Error: Missing Coord/Apos: $node->{id} ".ThisAddress($node)."\n";
return @sons;
} # AGetEChildren
######## T Layer
sub ExpandCoord {
my ($node,$keep)=@_;
return unless $node;
if (IsCoord($node)) {
return (($keep ? $node : ()),
map { ExpandCoord($_,$keep) }
grep { $_->{is_member} } $node->children);
} else {
return ($node);
} #ExpandCoord
sub IsCoord {
my $node=$_[0];# || $this;
return 0 unless $node;
return 0 if $node->{nodetype} eq 'root'; # root does not have functor !!!
sub TGetEParents {
my $node = $_[0];# || $this;
return() if IsCoord($node);
if ($node and $node->{is_member}) {
while ($node and (!IsCoord($node) or $node->{is_member})) {
return () unless $node;
return () unless $node;
return ($node) if !IsCoord($node);
return (ExpandCoord($node));
} # TGetEParents
sub T_FilterEChildren { # node suff from
my ($node,$suff,$from)=@_;
my @sons;
while ($node) {
# return @sons if $suff && @sons; #uncomment this line to get only first occurence
unless ($node==$from){ # on the way up do not go back down again
||(!$suff&&!$node->{is_member})){ # this we are looking for
push @sons,$node unless IsCoord($node);
push @sons,T_FilterEChildren($node,1,0)
if (!$suff
} # unless node == from
return @sons;
} # T_FilterEChildren
sub TGetEChildren { # node
my $node=$_[0]; #||$this;
return () if IsCoord($node);
my @sons;
my $init_node=$node;# for error message
my $from;
push @sons,T_FilterEChildren($node,0,0);
my @oldsons=@sons;
while($node and $node->{nodetype} ne 'root'
and ($node->{is_member} || !IsCoord($node))){
push @sons,T_FilterEChildren($node,0,$from) if $node;
if ($node->{nodetype} eq 'root'){
stderr("Error: Missing coordination head: $init_node->{id} $node->{id} ",ThisAddressNTRED($node),"\n");
return @sons;
} # TGetEChildren
sub ThisAddress {
my ($node) = @_;
my $type = $node->type;
my ($id_attr) = $type && $type->find_members_by_role('#ID');
return '#' . $node->{ $id_attr->get_name }
sub ThisAddressNTRED {
my ($node) = @_;
return '#???'
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
PMLTQ::Relation::PDT - PDT user defined relations
=head1 VERSION
version 2.0.1
=over 5
=item DiveAuxCP($node)
You can use this function as a C<through> argument to GetEParents and
GetEChildren. It skips all the prepositions and conjunctions when
looking for nodes which is what you usually want.
=item AGetEParents($node,$through)
Return linguistic parent of a given node as appears in an analytic
tree. The argument C<$through> should supply a function accepting one
node as an argument and returning true if the node should be skipped
on the way to parent or 0 otherwise. The most common C<DiveAuxCP> is
provided in this package.
=item AGetEChildren($node,$dive)
Return a list of nodes linguistically dependant on a given
node. C<$dive> is a function which is called to test whether a given
node should be used as a terminal node (in which case it should return
false) or whether it should be skipped and its children processed
instead (in which case it should return true). Most usual treatment is
provided in C<DiveAuxCP>. If C<$dive> is skipped, a function returning 0
for all arguments is used.
=item ExpandCoord($node,$keep?)
If the given node is coordination or aposition (according to its TGTS
functor - attribute C<functor>) expand it to a list of coordinated
nodes. Otherwise return the node itself. If the argument C<keep> is
true, include the coordination/aposition node in the list as well.
=item IsCoord($node?)
Check if the given node is a coordination according to its TGTS
functor (attribute C<functor>)
=item TGetEParents($node)
Return linguistic parents of a given node as appear in a TG tree.
=item GetEChildren($node?)
Return a list of nodes linguistically dependant on a given node.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Petr Pajas <pajas@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
=item *
Jan Štěpánek <stepanek@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
=item *
Michal Sedlák <sedlak@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
=item *
Matyáš Kopp <matyas.kopp@gmail.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz).
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.