our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:MATY';
$PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator::VERSION = '2.0.1'; # TRIAL
# ABSTRACT: SQL evaluator of PML-TQ queries which can use PostreSQL as a backend
use 5.006;
use strict;
use Carp;
# flags stored for a PML schema in the #PML table
use constant HYBRID=>1; # create both separate node table and node table with attributes
use constant NO_TREE_TABLE=>2; # don't create one common common node table for all node types
use constant MAX_MIN_ORD=>4; # node tables have #max_ord and #min_ord columns
use constant TOP_TREE_FLAG=>8; # The <root>__#files table has a 'top' column indicating that
# a given root node belongs to the top-level tree list
# of a file (i.e. it is not a nested #NODE within
# some non-#NODE and non-#TREES data structure)
import PMLTQ::Common qw(:tredmacro :constants);
use constant {PREFER_LEFT_JOINS => 1};
use constant USE_PLANNER => 'never'; #'forests'; # 'always', 'never', 'forests'
our $MIN_CLIENT_VERSION = '0.2';
# BEGIN { import TredMacro qw(first SeqV AltV ListV) }
sub check_client_version {
my ($self,$version)=@_;
return (defined($version) && length($version) && Treex::PML::Schema::cmp_revisions($MIN_CLIENT_VERSION,$version)<=0) ? 1 : 0;
sub new {
my ($class,$query_tree,$opts)=@_;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
die "Not supported OS, PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator requires Sys::SigAction\n";
} else {
require Sys::SigAction;
my $self = bless {
dbi => $opts->{dbi},
connect => $opts->{connect},
debug => $opts->{debug},
results => undef,
type_decls => {},
schema_types => {},
schemas => {},
returns_nodes => 1,
}, $class;
$self->prepare_query($query_tree,$opts) if $query_tree;
return $self;
sub get_results {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{results} || [];
sub get_query_nodes {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{query_nodes};
sub get_sql {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{sql};
sub prepare_sql {
my ($self,$sql,$opts)=@_;
$self->{sth} = undef;
$self->{sql} = $sql;
my $dbi = $self->{dbi} || $self->connect();
print STDERR "$sql\n" if $opts->{debug_sql};
return $self->run_sql_query($sql,{
use_cursor => $opts->{use_cursor},
limit => $opts->{limit},
prepare_only => 1,
return_sth => 1,
no_distinct => $opts->{no_distinct},
timeout => $opts->{timeout},
sub get_pmlrf_relation_map {
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{pmlrf_relations_map};
sub init_relation_maps {
my ($self)=@_;
return if ref $self->{pmlrf_relations_map};
my @types = @{$self->get_node_types};
my %pmlrf_relations;
my @pmlrf_relations;
my @user_relations;
my %pmlref_map;
foreach my $node_type (@types) {
my $schema_name = $self->get_schema_name_for($node_type);
if (!exists $pmlref_map{$schema_name}) {
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "ref_type", "target_layer", "target_type" FROM "${schema_name}__#pmlref_map"),{ RaiseError=>1 });
my $pmlref_map = $pmlref_map{$schema_name} = {};
for my $r (@$results) {
# PMLREF based relation
$pmlref_map->{$r->[0]} = $r;
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($node_type);
my @attributes = $decl->get_attribute_paths({no_nodes=>1,no_childnodes => 1});
foreach my $p (@attributes) {
my $attr_decl_path = $decl->find($p)->get_decl_path;
my $target = $pmlref_map{$schema_name}{$attr_decl_path};
if (defined $target) {
# $p =~ s/#content/content()/g;
push @pmlrf_relations, $p;
my %usr_rel;
my $usr_rels = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "relname", "reverse", "node_type", "target_node_type", "tbl" FROM "#PML_USR_REL"),
{ RaiseError=>1 });
for my $r (@$usr_rels) {
push @user_relations, $r->[0];
push @user_relations, $r->[1] if $r->[1];
$usr_rel{ $r->[2] }{ $r->[0] } = [ $r->[4], undef, $r->[3] ] if $r->[0];
$usr_rel{ $r->[3] }{ $r->[1] } = [ undef, $r->[0], $r->[2] ] if $r->[1];
$self->{user_defined_relations} = \@user_relations;
$self->{user_defined_relations_map} = \%usr_rel;
my @relations = sort(uniq(@user_relations,@pmlrf_relations));
$self->{specific_relations} = \@relations;
$self->{pmlrf_relations} = [sort(uniq(@pmlrf_relations))];
$self->{pmlrf_relations_map} = \%pmlrf_relations;
sub get_pmlrf_relation_map_for_type {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
my $map = $self->get_pmlrf_relation_map;
return $map->{$type} if exists $map->{$type};
my %rels;
for my $nt (keys %$map) {
for my $rel (@{$self->{pmlrf_relations}}) {
if ($rel and exists($map->{$nt}{$rel}) and (($nt.'/'.$rel) =~ m{^\Q$type\E/(.*)$})) {
return $map->{$type}=\%rels;
sub get_user_defined_relations {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
if ($type) {
my $map = $self->get_user_defined_relation_map();
$map = ref($map) && $map->{$type};
return $map ? [sort keys %$map] : [];
} else {
return $self->{user_defined_relations};
sub get_pmlrf_relations {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
if ($type) {
my $map = $self->get_pmlrf_relation_map();
return [] unless ref $map;
my $rels = $map->{$type};
# the type may be of the form <node-type>/<member-path>
# in which case we attempt to locate node-type and
# then select just those relations that start with member-path
my $path='';
while (!$rels and $type=~s{/([^/]+)$}{}) {
$path = $1.'/'.$path;
$rels = $map->{$type};
return $rels ? [ map { /^\Q$path\E(.*)/ ? $1 : () } sort keys %$rels ] : [];
} else {
return $self->{pmlrf_relations};
sub get_specific_relations {
my $self = shift;
return [uniq(
sub get_user_defined_relation_map {
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{user_defined_relations_map};
sub get_user_defined_relation_map_for_type {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
my $map = $self->get_user_defined_relation_map;
return $map->{$type} if exists $map->{$type};
sub get_relation_target_type {
my ($self,$node_type,$relation,$full)=@_;
my $i=0;
for my $map ({ $node_type => $self->get_pmlrf_relation_map_for_type($node_type) },
$self->get_user_defined_relation_map) {
my $target = $map->{$node_type} && $map->{$node_type}{$relation};
if ($target) {
return $full ? [$i,$target] : $target->[2];
sub prepare_query {
my ($self,$query_tree,$opts)=@_;
unless (ref($query_tree)) {
$query_tree = PMLTQ::Common::parse_query($query_tree,{
pmlrf_relations => $self->get_pmlrf_relations,
user_defined_relations => $self->get_user_defined_relations,
my $use_planner =
USE_PLANNER eq 'always' ? 1
: USE_PLANNER eq 'forests' ? ( ($query_tree->children > 0) ? 1 : 0 )
: 0;
$self->{id} = $query_tree->{id} || 'no_ID';
$self->{query_nodes} = [PMLTQ::Common::FilterQueryNodes($query_tree)];
my %id;
my %name2node_hash;
my @nodes = grep { $_->{'#name'} =~ /^(?:node|subquery)$/ } $query_tree->descendants;
# try to complete missing node-types
my %node_types = map { $_=> 1 } @{$self->get_node_types};
my %schema_names = map { $_=> 1 } @{$self->get_schema_names};
my $default_type = $query_tree->{'node-type'};
if ($default_type and !$node_types{$default_type}) {
die "The query specifies an invalid type '$default_type' as default node type!";
for my $node (@nodes) {
my $n=$node->{name};
if (defined($n) and length($n)) {
if (exists $name2node_hash{$n}) {
die "Name \$$n used for more than one selector!\n";
if (PMLTQ::Common::IsMemberNode($node)) {
if ($node->{'node-type'}) {
# FIXME: we should check that the member is a valid member for
# its parent (member or node) node-type
my $type = PMLTQ::Common::GetMemberNodeType($node,$self);
unless ($self->get_decl_for($type)) {
die "Invalid type attribute path '$type' for member ".PMLTQ::Common::as_text($node)."\n";
} else {
die "Member must specify attribute name: ".PMLTQ::Common::as_text($node)."\n";
} elsif ($node->{'node-type'} eq '*') {
if (keys(%schema_names)>1) {
my ($rel) = SeqV($node->{relation});
$rel = $rel ? $rel->name : '';
die "Node-type wildcard '*' cannot be used for data with multiple layers: ".PMLTQ::Common::as_text($node)." in relation $rel\n".
"\nHint: try one of ".join(" ",map "$_:*", sort keys(%schema_names))."\n";
} elsif ($node->{'node-type'} =~ m{^([^/]+):\*$}) {
my $schema_name = $1;
if (!$schema_names{$schema_name}) {
my ($rel) = SeqV($node->{relation});
$rel = $rel ? $rel->name : '';
die "The query specifies an invalid schema name '$schema_name' for node: ".PMLTQ::Common::as_text($node)." in relation $rel\n";
} elsif ($node->{'node-type'}) {
if (!$node_types{$node->{'node-type'}}) {
my ($rel) = SeqV($node->{relation});
$rel = $rel ? $rel->name : '';
die "The query specifies an invalid type '$node->{'node-type'}' for node: ".PMLTQ::Common::as_text($node)." in relation $rel\n";
} else {
my $parent = $node->parent;
while ($parent and ($parent->{'#name'}||'') !~/^(?:node|subquery)$/) {
my ($rel) = SeqV($node->{relation});
my @types =
($parent && $rel) ?
) : @{$self->get_node_types};
if (@types == 1) {
$node->{'node-type'} = $types[0];
} elsif ($default_type) {
$node->{'node-type'} = $default_type;
} else {
die "Could not determine node type of node in ".($rel ?
'the '.($rel->name eq 'user-defined' ?
$rel->value->{label} :
: 'an unknown')." relation "
.($parent ? "to $parent->{'#name'} $parent->{'node-type'}:" : ':')
."Possible types are: ".join(',',@types)." !\n";
# hash IDs
%id = map {
my $n=$_->{name};
(defined($n) and length($n)) ? ($_=>$n) : ()
} @nodes;
my $id = 'n0';
my %occup; @occup{values %id}=();
for my $n (@nodes) {
unless (defined $id{$n} and length $id{$n}) {
$id++ while exists $occup{$id}; # just for sure
$id{$n}=$id; # generate id;
if ($use_planner) {
$n->{name}=$id; # need for planning
if ($use_planner) {
Treex::PML::Document->determine_node_type($_) for ($query_tree, $query_tree->descendants);
my $query_nodes=$self->{query_nodes};
$self->{query_node_order} = { map { $query_nodes->[$_] => $_ } 0..$#$query_nodes };
my $roots = PMLTQ::Planner::plan($query_nodes,$query_tree);
for my $root (@$roots) {
for my $subquery (grep { $_->{'#name'} eq 'subtree' } $root->descendants) {
my $subquery_roots = PMLTQ::Planner::plan(
$self->{query_nodes} = [PMLTQ::Common::FilterQueryNodes($query_tree)]; # reordered
my $sql = $self->serialize_conditions($query_tree,
{ %$opts,
#no_filters => $opts->{no_filters},
use_cursor => $opts->{use_cursor},
limit => ($self->{returns_nodes} ? abs($opts->{node_limit}||0)||undef : abs($opts->{row_limit}||0)||undef),
timeout => $opts->{timeout},
no_distinct => $opts->{no_distinct},
return $query_tree;
sub type_mapper {
my ($self)=@_;
return $self;
sub get_type_of_node {
my ($self,$name)=@_;
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$name};
return $n && ( PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self) );
sub get_type_decl_for_node {
my ($self,$name)=@_;
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$name};
my $node_type = $n && ( PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self) );
return $node_type && $self->get_decl_for($node_type);
sub connect {
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{dbi} if $self->{dbi};
my $cfg = $self->{connect};
require DBI;
# this is taken from http://search.cpan.org/~lbaxter/Sys-SigAction/dbd-oracle-timeout.POD
eval {
#note that if you ask for safe, it will not work...
my $h = Sys::SigAction::set_sig_handler( 'ALRM',
sub {
die "timed out connecting to database on $cfg->{host}\n";
{ flags=>0 ,safe=>0 } );
$self->{layout_version} = $cfg->{layout_version}||0;
require DBD::Pg;
import DBD::Pg qw(:async);
my $string = 'dbi:Pg:'
.($cfg->{host} ? 'host='.$cfg->{host}.';' : '' )
.($cfg->{database} ? "database=".$cfg->{database}.';' : '')
.($cfg->{port} ? "port=".$cfg->{port} : '');
$self->{dbi} = DBI->connect($string,
{ RaiseError => 1,
ReadOnly => 1
die "Connection failed" if not $self->{dbi};
if ($@) {
print STDERR "$@";
undef $self->{dbi};
die "Unable to connect to the database.";
return $self->{dbi};
sub run {
my ($self,$opts)=@_;
delete $self->{results};
my $dbi = $self->{dbi} ||
$self->connect ||
die("Not connected to DBI!\n");
my $timeout = $opts->{timeout};
my $t0 = new Benchmark;
# my $limit = abs(int( $self->{returns_nodes} ? $opts->{node_limit} : $opts->{row_limit} ));
my $results = eval {
if ($opts->{use_cursor}) {
my $buffer = $self->cursor_next(1); # just pre-fill the buffer
$opts->{return_sth} ? $self->{sth} : $buffer;
} else {
# ($limit ? (limit=> $limit) : ()),
timeout => $timeout,
timeout_callback => $opts->{timeout_callback},
RaiseError => 1,
return_sth => $opts->{return_sth},
use_cursor => $opts->{use_cursor},
if ($@) {
my $err = $@;
$err=~s/\n/ /g;
if ($err =~ /^TIMEOUT /) {
die "$self->{id}\tTIMEOUT\t".($timeout)."s\n";
} else {
die "$self->{id}\tFAIL\t$err\n";
my $t1 = new Benchmark;
my $time = timestr(timediff($t1,$t0));
unless ($opts->{quiet}) {
my $no_results =
$opts->{return_sth} ? '?'
: $opts->{count} ? $results->[0][0]
: scalar(@$results);
print STDERR "$self->{id}\tOK\tPg\t$no_results\t$time\n" if $self->{debug};
if ($opts->{return_sth}) {
return $results;
} else {
return $self->{results}=$results;
sub find_special_attribute {
my ($self,$decl,$role)=@_;
if ($decl->get_decl_type == PML_ELEMENT_DECL) {
$decl = $decl->get_content_decl;
my ($m)=$decl->can('find_members_by_role') && $decl->find_members_by_role($role);
return $m && $m->get_name;
sub idx_to_pos {
my ($self,$idx_list,$force_id)=@_;
my @res;
my %id_attr;
my $layout = $self->{layout_version};
for my $ident (@$idx_list) {
my ($idx,$type)=split '/',$ident,2;
my $node_id;
if ($type=~s{[+@](.*)$}{}) {
$node_id = $1;
my $basename = $self->get_schema_name_for($type);
my $node_tab = $self->get_node_table_for($type);
my $id_attrs='';
if ($layout>1) {
unless (exists($id_attr{$type})) {
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($type);
$id_attr{$type} = $self->find_special_attribute($decl,'#ID');
$id_attrs=$id_attr{$type} ? qq{, "n"."$id_attr{$type}", "f"."top"} : q{, null, "f"."top"};
my $sql=<<"EOF". "LIMIT 1;";
SELECT "f"."file", "f"."tree_no", "n"."#idx"-"n"."#root_idx" $id_attrs
FROM "${node_tab}" "n" JOIN "${basename}__#files" "f" ON "n"."#root_idx"="f"."#idx"
WHERE "n"."#idx" = ${idx}
# print STDERR "$sql\n";
my $result = $self->run_sql_query($sql,{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1 });
$result = $result->[0];
my ($fn,$tn,$nn,$id,$is_top) = @$result;
if (defined($id) and (!$is_top || $force_id)) {
push @res, $fn.'#'.$id;
} else {
push @res, $fn.'##'.($tn+1).'.'.$nn;
return @res;
sub ids_to_pos {
my ($self, $ids,$id_suffix)=@_;
my $resolved = 0;
my @sql;
my $top_col;
if ($self->{layout_version}>1) {
$top_col = q{, "f"."top"};
} else {
$top_col = q{, 1};
foreach my $node_type (@{$self->get_node_types}) {
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($node_type);
my $id_attr = $self->find_special_attribute($decl,'#ID');
next unless $id_attr;
my $node_tab = $self->get_node_table_for($node_type);
my $basename = $self->get_schema_name_for($node_type);
my $id_tests = join(' OR ',map {
my $id = $_;
$id=~s{'}{}g; $id=~s{\\}{}g; # these characters are NOT allowed
qq{"n"."$id_attr" = '$id'}
} @$ids);
my $sql;
SELECT "f"."file", "f"."tree_no", "n"."#idx"-"n"."#root_idx", "n"."$id_attr"$top_col
FROM "${node_tab}" "n" JOIN "${basename}__#files" "f" ON "n"."#root_idx"="f"."#idx"
WHERE $id_tests
push @sql,$sql;
my $sql = join(" UNION\n",@sql);
# print STDERR "$sql\n";
my $rows = $self->run_sql_query($sql,{ MaxRows=>scalar(@$ids), RaiseError=>1 });
my %result = map {
$_->[3] => $_,
} @$rows;
my @res;
for my $id (@$ids) {
my $row = $result{$id};
if ($row) {
my ($fn,$tn,$nn,undef,$is_top) = @$row;
if ($id_suffix or !(lc($is_top) eq 'true' or $is_top==1)) {
push @res, $fn.'#'.$id;
} else {
push @res, $fn.'##'.($tn+1).'.'.$nn;
} else {
push @res, undef;
return @res;
# sub first_x_distinct_postgres {
# $dbi->do("DECLARE csr CURSOR FOR SELECT $select");
# my $total=0;
# my $count=0;
# my %seen;
# CUR: while (1) {
# my $sth = $dbi->prepare("FETCH $limit FROM CSR");
# $sth->execute;
# last if 0 == $sth->rows;
# while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
# $total++;
# my $key = join("\t",@$row);
# next if exists $seen{$key};
# $seen{$key}=undef;
# $count++;
# # print "$key\n";
# last CUR if $count>=$limit;
# }
# }
# $dbi->do("CLOSE csr");
# print "counted ",$count," distinct rows, fetched $total\n";
# }
sub close_cursor {
my ($self)=@_;
my $dbi = $self->{dbi} || die "Not connected to DBI!\n";
my $cursor = delete $self->{cursor};
return unless $cursor;
my $close = delete $cursor->{close};
$close->($self) if $close;
delete $cursor->{distinct};
return $cursor;
sub cursor_sth {
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{cursor} ? $self->{cursor}{sth} : undef;
sub cursor_next {
my ($self,$keep)=@_;
# print STDERR "cursor_next\n";
my $cursor = $self->{cursor};
my $csr = $cursor->{name};
my $buffer = $cursor->{buffer}||=[];
my $sth = $cursor->{sth};
my $distinct = $cursor->{distinct};
if (!@$buffer and (!defined($cursor->{limit}) or $cursor->{limit}>0)) {
my $size = $cursor->{buffer_size};
# print STDERR "refilling buffer: $size\n";
while (1) {
if ($csr) {
if (defined($cursor->{limit}) and $cursor->{limit}<$size) {
$size = $cursor->{buffer_size} = $cursor->{limit};
if ($distinct) {
my $ratio = $cursor->{ratio} ? ($cursor->{ratio}[0]/$cursor->{ratio}[1]) : undef;
$size=$ratio ? int($size/$ratio)+1 : $size;
$sth = $cursor->{sth} = $self->{dbi}->prepare(qq{FETCH $size FROM "$csr"},{ pg_async => 1 });
# print STDERR "New sth for $size: $sth\n";
my $opts = { timeout => $cursor->{timeout}, update_timeout=>1 };
$buffer = $self->run_sql_query($sth,$opts);
$cursor->{timeout} = $opts->{timeout};
} else {
if (defined($cursor->{limit}) and $cursor->{limit}<$size) {
$size = $cursor->{buffer_size} = $cursor->{limit};
$buffer = $sth->fetchall_arrayref(undef,$size);
if ($buffer and @$buffer and $distinct) {
no warnings;
foreach my $row (@$buffer) {
my $key = join("\x0",@$row);
unless (exists $distinct->{$key}) {
push @{$cursor->{buffer}},$row;
$buffer = $cursor->{buffer};
next if !@$buffer;
} elsif ($distinct) {
$cursor->{buffer} = $buffer;
} else {
# print STDERR "got ".scalar(@$buffer)." rows\n";
$cursor->{buffer} = $buffer;
if (defined($cursor->{limit}) and $buffer) {
splice(@$buffer,$cursor->{limit}) if (@$buffer>$cursor->{limit});
$cursor->{limit} -= scalar(@$buffer);
if ($buffer and @$buffer) {
return $keep ? $buffer : shift(@$buffer);
} else {
sub run_sql_query {
my ($self, $sql_or_sth, $opts)=@_;
# print STDERR "run_sql_query: $sql_or_sth\n" if ($self->{debug} and !ref($sql_or_sth));
my $dbi = $self->{dbi} || die "Not connected to DBI!\n";
local $dbi->{RaiseError} = $opts->{RaiseError};
local $dbi->{LongReadLen} = $opts->{LongReadLen} if exists($opts->{LongReadLen});
require Time::HiRes;
my $canceled = 0;
if ($opts->{use_cursor}) {
# print STDERR "Use cursor\n";
$self->close_cursor if $self->{cursor};
my $cursor = $self->{cursor} = {};
my $size = $opts->{cursor_buffer_size} || 10_000;
$cursor->{limit} = $opts->{limit} || $size;
$size = $cursor->{limit} if $cursor->{limit} < $size;
$cursor->{buffer_size} = $size;
$cursor->{distinct}={} if ($opts->{no_distinct} and $self->{returns_nodes});
$cursor->{timeout} = $opts->{timeout};
my $csr = "pmltq_".$$;
eval {
$dbi->do(qq{DECLARE "$csr" CURSOR FOR }.$sql_or_sth);
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
die $err;
$cursor->{close} = sub {
eval { $dbi->do(qq{CLOSE "$csr"}) };
$dbi->rollback() if $@;
if ($opts->{return_sth}) {
$cursor->{sth} = $dbi->prepare(qq{FETCH $size FROM "$csr"},{ pg_async => 1 });
if ($opts->{prepare_only}) {
$self->{sth} = $cursor->{sth};
# print STDERR "Created sth for $size: $cursor->{sth}\n";
return $cursor->{sth};
} else {
my $sth = ref($sql_or_sth) ? $sql_or_sth : $dbi->prepare( $sql_or_sth,{ pg_async => 1 } );
if ($opts->{use_cursor}) {
if ($opts->{prepare_only}) {
if ( $opts->{return_sth} ) {
return $self->{sth} = $sth;
} else {
my $step=0.05;
my $time=$opts->{timeout};
eval {
$sth->execute(ref($opts->{Bind}) ? @{$opts->{Bind}} : ());
if (defined $time) {
while (!$sth->pg_ready) {
if ($time<=0) {
if ($opts->{'timeout_callback'} and $opts->{'timeout_callback'}->($self)) {
} else {
$opts->{timeout} = 0 if $opts->{update_timeout};
die "TIMEOUT\n"
my $err = $@;
if ($err) {
die $err;
#} else {
$opts->{timeout} = $time if $opts->{update_timeout};
if ($opts->{return_sth}) {
return $sth;
} elsif ($opts->{use_cursor}) {
} else {
return $sth->fetchall_arrayref(undef,$opts->{limit});
# serialize to SQL (or SQL fragment)
sub serialize_conditions {
my ($self,$node,$opts)=@_;
if ($node->parent or $opts->{output_filter}) {
return [$self->serialize_element({
name => 'and',
condition => $node,
is_positive_conjunct => 1,
} else {
return $self->build_sql($node,{
no_filters => $opts->{no_filters},
node_limit => $opts->{node_limit},
row_limit => $opts->{row_limit},
select_first => $opts->{select_first},
no_distinct => $opts->{no_distinct},
sub relation {
my ($self,$id,$rel,$target,$opts)=@_;
my $relation = $rel->name;
my $params = $rel->value;
if ($relation eq 'ancestor') {
$relation = 'descendant';
} elsif ($relation eq 'parent') {
$relation = 'child';
} elsif ($relation eq 'order-follows') {
$relation = 'order-precedes';
} elsif ($relation eq 'depth-first-follows') {
$relation = 'depth-first-precedes';
my $cond;
if ($relation eq 'user-defined') {
return $self->user_defined_relation($id,$params,$target,$opts);
} elsif ($relation eq 'descendant') {
$cond = qq{"$id"."#root_idx"="$target"."#root_idx" AND "$id"."#idx"!="$target"."#idx" AND }.
qq{"$target"."#idx" BETWEEN "$id"."#idx" AND "$id"."#r"};
my $min = $params->{min_length}||0;
my $max = $params->{max_length}||0;
if ($min>0 and $max>0) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#lvl"-"$id"."#lvl" BETWEEN $min AND $max};
} elsif ($min>0) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#lvl"-"$id"."#lvl">=$min}
} elsif ($max>0) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#lvl"-"$id"."#lvl"<=$max}
} elsif ($relation eq 'sibling') {
$cond = qq{"$id"."#parent_idx"="$target"."#parent_idx" AND "$id"."#idx"!="$target"."#idx"};
my $min = $params->{min_length};
my $max = $params->{max_length};
if ($min and $max) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#chord"-"$id"."#chord" BETWEEN $min AND $max};
} elsif ($min) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#chord"-"$id"."#chord">=$min}
} elsif ($max) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#chord"-"$id"."#chord"<=$max}
} elsif ($relation eq 'child') {
$cond = qq{"$id"."#idx"="$target"."#parent_idx"};
} elsif ($relation eq 'depth-first-precedes') {
$cond = qq{"$id"."#root_idx"="$target"."#root_idx"};
my $min = $params->{min_length}||0;
my $max = $params->{max_length}||0;
if ($min!=0 and $max!=0) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"-"$id"."#idx" BETWEEN $min AND $max}.
(($min>0 or $max<0) ? q{} : qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"!="$id"."#idx"})
} elsif ($min!=0) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"-"$id"."#idx">=$min}.($min>0 ? q{} : qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"!="$id"."#idx"});
} elsif ($max!=0) {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"-"$id"."#idx"<=$max}.($max<0 ? q{} : qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"!="$id"."#idx"});
} else {
$cond.=qq{ AND "$target"."#idx">"$id"."#idx"}
} elsif ($relation eq 'same-tree-as') {
$cond = qq{"$id"."#root_idx"="$target"."#root_idx"};
} elsif ($relation eq 'same-document-as') {
$cond = $self->serialize_predicate(
expression => qq{file(\$$target)},
expression => qq{file(\$$id)},
'=',$opts # there should be no ambiguity here, treat expressoins as positive
} elsif ($relation eq 'order-precedes') {
my $flags = $self->get_schema_flags($self->get_schema_name_for($opts->{type}));
my ($S,$T);
if (defined($flags) and ($flags & MAX_MIN_ORD)>0) {
$S = {
sql => qq{"$id"."#max_ord"},
col_type => COL_NUMERIC,
$T = {
sql => qq{"$target"."#min_ord"},
col_type => COL_NUMERIC,
} else {
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($opts->{type});
my $order = $self->find_special_attribute($decl,'#ORDER');
if ($order) {
$T = {
expression => qq{\$$target.$order},
$S = {
expression => qq{\$$id.$order},
if (not defined($S)) {
die "No ordering is defined on nodes of type '$opts->{type}'!\n";
my ($min,$max)=
map { (defined($_) and length($_)) ? $_ : undef }
map { $params->{$_} }
qw(min_length max_length);
$cond =qq{"$id"."#root_idx"="$target"."#root_idx" AND };
if (defined($min) and defined($max)) {
$cond.=$self->serialize_predicate( $T,$S, qq{<$min,$max>},$opts)
.(($min>0 or $max<0) ? q{} : qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"!="$id"."#idx"});
} elsif (defined($min)) {
$cond.=$self->serialize_predicate( $T,$S, qq{<$min,>},$opts)
.($min>0 ? q{} : qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"!="$id"."#idx"});
} elsif (defined($max)) {
$cond.=$self->serialize_predicate( $T,$S, qq{<,$max>},$opts)
.($max<0 ? q{} : qq{ AND "$target"."#idx"!="$id"."#idx"});
} else {
$cond.=$self->serialize_predicate( $T,$S, '>',$opts); # there should be no ambiguity here, treat expressions as positive
# print STDERR $cond,"\n";
} elsif ($relation eq 'member') {
# take parent's type,
# use this type as a
# use \$$target.#idx as b
my $path = $self->{name2node}{$target}{'node-type'};
$cond =
expression => qq{\$$id.$path},
allow_non_atomic => 1,
} else {
die "Unsupported relation: $relation between nodes $id and $target\n";
return $cond;
# Given min_length and max_length of a relation, determine
# whether to treat the relation as transitive or not (faster).
# If neither min or max is defined or if max==1, we treat the relation as non-transitive.
sub _is_transitive {
my ($min,$max)=@_;
return ((!(defined($min) && length($min))
&& !(defined($max) && length($max))) || (defined($max) && $max==1)) ? 0 : 1;
sub user_defined_relation {
my ($self,$id,$params,$target,$opts)=@_;
my $relation=$params->{label};
my $type = $opts->{type};
my $cond;
my $from_id = $opts->{id}; # view point
my $target_spec = $self->get_relation_target_type($type,$relation,1);
if ($target_spec
and $target_spec->[0] == 1 # user defined
and !$target_spec->[1][0]) { # revered
$target_spec = $self->get_relation_target_type($type,$target_spec->[1][1],1);
$relation = $target_spec->[1][1] if $target_spec;
unless ($target_spec) {
die "Relation '$relation' not defined for nodes of type '$type'. ".
"\nPossible PMLREF relations: ".
join(', ',@{$self->get_pmlrf_relations($type)}).
"\nPossible user-defined relations: ".
join(', ',@{$self->get_user_defined_relations($type)});
my $min = $params->{min_length};
my $max = $params->{max_length};
if (defined($min) && length($min) && defined($max) && length($min) && ($min>$max)) {
die "Invalid bounds for transitive relation '$relation\{$min,$max}'\n";
if ((defined($min) && length($min) || defined($max) && length($min)) and $type ne $target_spec->[1][2]) {
die "Cannot create transitive closure for relation with different start-node and end-node types: '$type' -> '$target_spec->[1][2]'\n";
my $transitive = _is_transitive($min,$max);
if ($target_spec->[0]==0) {
# specfic (i.e. PMLREF -based) relation
my $path = $relation;
# # fixup:
# if ($relation =~ /^(coref_text|coref_gram|compl)$/) {
# $relation .= '.rf';
# }
if ($path=~/\.rf$/) {
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($type);
$decl = $decl && $decl->find($relation);
if ($decl) {
if ($decl->get_decl_type == PML_CDATA_DECL and $decl->get_format eq 'PMLREF') {
# print STDERR qq{RELATION: \$$id.$path = "$target"."#idx" ($opts->{is_positive_conjunct})\n};
if ($transitive) {
my $rec_table = $self->precompute_table({type=>$type,path=>$path,recursive=>1,max=>$max});
$cond = $self->tabular_relation($opts,"#rec_".$rec_table->{name},$id,$target,$min,$max);
} else {
$cond =
expression => qq{\$$id.$path},
} else {
# user-defined relation
my $table = $target_spec->[1][0];
if ($transitive) {
my $rec_table = $self->precompute_table({type=>$type,table=>$table,recursive=>1,max=>$max});
$table = "#rec_".$rec_table->{name};
$cond = $self->tabular_relation($opts,$table,$id,$target,$min,$max);
} else {
$cond = $self->tabular_relation($opts,$table,$id,$target,undef,undef);
return $cond;
sub precompute_table {
my ($self,$spec)=@_;
my $precomputed = $self->{precompute_recursive_relation}||={};
my $rec_table;
my $table;
if ($spec->{table}) {
$table = $spec->{table}
} else {
$table = $spec->{type}.'/'.$spec->{path};
if (exists($precomputed->{$table})) {
$rec_table = $precomputed->{$table};
# in future we may want to try precomputing non-recursive relations as well
if ($spec->{recursive} and !$rec_table->{recursive}) {
} elsif ($spec->{recursive}) {
if (defined($spec->{max})) {
$rec_table->{max} = $spec->{max} if defined($rec_table->{max}) and $spec->{max}>$rec_table->{max};
} else {
$rec_table->{max}=undef; # unbounded
} else {
$rec_table = $spec;
$precomputed->{$table} = $rec_table;
return $rec_table;
sub tabular_relation {
my ($self,$opts,$table,$id,$target,$min,$max)=@_;
my $join=$opts->{join};
my $depth='';
if (defined($min) and defined($max)) {
$depth = " AND %s.depth BETWEEN $min AND $max"
} elsif (defined($min)) {
$depth = " AND %s.depth >= $min"
} elsif (defined($max)) {
$depth = " AND %s.depth <= $max"
if ($opts->{is_positive_conjunct}) {
my $join_to;
if ($opts->{subquery}) {
$join_to = $opts->{id} eq $id ? $id : $target;
} else {
$join_to = $opts->{id} eq $id ? $target : $id;
my $J = ($join->{$join_to}||=[]);
my $i = @$J;
my $eid=$join_to."/U-$i";
if ($join_to eq $target) {
push @$J,[$eid,$table, qq{"$eid"."#value"="$target"."#idx"}.$depth];
return qq("$eid"."#idx" = "$id"."#idx");
} else {
push @$J,[$eid,$table, qq("$eid"."#idx" = "$id"."#idx").$depth];
return qq{"$eid"."#value"="$target"."#idx"};
} else {
return qq{ EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "$table" x WHERE x."#idx" = "$id"."#idx" AND x."#value"="$target"."#idx"${depth}) };
sub get_tabspec {
my ($self, $id, $node_type, $n)=@_;
my $tabspec;
if (PMLTQ::Common::IsMemberNode($n,$self)) {
my $query_type = PMLTQ::Common::DeclPathToQueryType($self->get_decl_for($node_type)->get_decl_path);
$tabspec = [
$self->get_real_table_name( $query_type ),
} else {
$tabspec = [$self->get_node_table_for($node_type),$id,$n];
return $tabspec;
sub build_sql {
my ($self,$tree,$opts)=@_;
my ($format,$count,$tree_parent_id) = map {$opts->{$_}} qw(format count parent_id);
# we rely on depth first order!
my @nodes = PMLTQ::Common::FilterQueryNodes($tree);
my @select;
my @table;
my @where;
my %conditions;
my $extra_joins = $opts->{join} || {};
local $self->{precompute_recursive_relation} unless $tree->parent;
# my $default_type = $opts->{type}||$tree->root->{'node-type'}||'UNKNOWN';
for (my $i=0; $i<@nodes; $i++) {
my $n = $nodes[$i];
my $node_type = PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self);
my $id = $self->{id_map}{$n};
push @select, $id;
my $parent = $n->parent;
while ($parent and ($parent->{'#name'}||'') !~/^(?:node|subquery)$/) {
my $parent_id = defined($parent) && $self->{id_map}{$parent};
$conditions{$id} = PMLTQ::Common::as_text($n);
my @conditions;
my $tabspec = $self->get_tabspec($id,$node_type,$n);
if ($parent && $parent->parent) {
# print STDERR "EXTRA JOINS: $extra_joins\n";
my $parent_type = PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($parent,$self);
my ($rel) = SeqV($n->{relation});
$rel ||= PMLTQ::Common::SetRelation($n,'child');
my $relation = $self->relation($parent_id,$rel,$id, {
join => $extra_joins,
subquery => ($n->{'#name'} eq 'subquery' ? 1 : 0),
type=>PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($parent,$self), # ($parent->{'node-type'}||$default_type),
is_positive_conjunct=>1, #($n->{'#name'} eq 'subquery' ? 0 : 1),
if (($n->{optional} && $parent_type eq $node_type) or $n->{'#name'} eq 'subquery' or $rel->name eq 'same-document-as') {
push @table,$tabspec;
push @conditions, [$relation, $n];
} else {
push @{$extra_joins->{ $parent_id }}, [ $tabspec->[1], $tabspec->[0], $relation, $n->{optional} ? 'LEFT' : '' ];
} else {
push @table,$tabspec;
unless ($n->{overlapping}) {
# overlapping nodes, denoted as ' +relation type [ ... ] ' do not
# have to be disjoint from other nodes matched by the query
push @conditions,
(map {
(($_->parent == $n->parent) &&
$conditions{$id} eq $conditions{$self->{id_map}{$_}}) ? '<' : '!=' ).
qq{"${id}"."#idx"},$n] }
grep { #$_->parent == $n->parent
# or
my $type=PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($_,$self); # $_->{'node-type'}||$default_type;
!$_->{overlapping} and ($type eq $node_type)
map { $nodes[$_] } 0..($i-1));
my $conditions = $self->serialize_conditions($n,{
join => $extra_joins,
push @conditions, [$conditions,$n] if @$conditions;
# where could also be obtained by replacing ___SELF___ with $id
if ($n->{optional}) {
# identify with parent
if (@conditions) {
@conditions = ( [ [['(('], @{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@conditions,["\n AND "])}, [qq{) OR "$id"."#idx"="$parent_id"."#idx")}]], $n] );
push @where, @conditions;
my @sql = (['SELECT ']);
my @outputs = ($opts->{no_filters} || $tree->parent) ? () : PMLTQ::Common::merge_filters($tree->{'output-filters'});
my $returns_nodes = $opts->{returns_nodes} || \ my $dummy;
if ($count == 2) {
push @sql,['count(DISTINCT "'.$self->{id_map}{$tree}.'"."#idx")','space'];
} elsif ($count == 3) { # exists
push @sql,['1','space'];
} elsif ($count) {
push @sql,['count(1)','space'];
} elsif (@outputs) {
push @sql, (
($opts->{select_first} ? () : (["DISTINCT\n "])),
map {
my $n = $nodes[$_];
(($_==0 ? () : [",\n ",'space']),
[' AS "'.$select[$_].'.#idx"',$n],
} 0..$#nodes);
} else {
my @order = $self->{query_node_order} ? @{$self->{query_node_order}}{@nodes} : (0..$#nodes);
die "Internal error: cannot recover query_node_order" if @order!=@nodes;
my $i=0;
push @sql, (
(($opts->{select_first} || $opts->{no_distinct}) ? () : (["DISTINCT\n "])),
map {
my $o = $_;
my $n = $nodes[$o];
my $sep = PMLTQ::Common::IsMemberNode($n) ? '//' : '/';
my $node_type = PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self);
(($i++==0 ? () : [",\n ",'space']),
[qq{"$select[$o]"."#idx" || '$sep$node_type' }
$opts->{node_IDs} ?
do {
my @types;
if ($node_type=~m{^(?:([^/]+):)?\*$}) {
} else {
my @col;
if ($SEPARATE_TREES==1 or @types>1 or (@types and $types[0] ne $node_type)) {
my $name = $self->{id_map}{$n};
@col = map [ $_, $self->join_table_for_type_cast({
cast=> $_,
join => $extra_joins,
left=>(@types>1 ? 1 : 0),
}) ], @types;
} else {
for my $col (@col) {
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($col->[0]);
$col->[2] = $self->find_special_attribute($decl,'#ID');
@col = grep $_->[2], @col;
if (@col==1) {
qq{ || '\@' || "$col[0]->[1]"."$col[0]->[2]" }
} elsif (@col>1) {
qq{ || '\@' || COALESCE(}.join(',',map qq{"$_->[1]"."$_->[2]"}, @col).qq{)}
} else {
: ''
[' AS "'.$select[$_].'.#addr"',$n],
} @order
# joins
# print STDERR Data::Dumper::Dumper($extra_joins);
my $i=0;
my %seen;
for my $t (@table) {
my ($tab, $name, $node)=@$t;
push @sql, ($i++)==0 ? ["\nFROM\n ",'space'] : [",\n ",'space'];
push @sql, [qq{"$tab" "$name"},$node];
$self->serialize_joins(\@sql, $extra_joins, $name, $node, \%seen);
# serialize joins for which we have no table here
for my $name (grep { $_ ne '..' } keys %$extra_joins) {
$self->serialize_joins(\@sql,$extra_joins,$name, undef, \%seen);
my $have_where=0;
my @w=@{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@where,["\n AND "])};
push @sql, [ "\nWHERE\n ",'space'],@w if @w;
$have_where = 1 if @w;
if (defined $opts->{select_first}) {
my $limit = 'LIMIT 1';
push @sql, ["\n".$limit,'space'];
if (@outputs) {
my $output_opts;
my $first = first { $_->{'#name'} eq 'node' } $tree->children;
$output_opts = {
id => $self->{id_map}{$first},
join => {},
referred_nodes => {},
my (@f_sql,@f_where);
push @f_sql, ['SELECT '];
push @f_sql, ['DISTINCT '] if $outputs[0]->{distinct};
$output_opts->{group_by} = $self->serialize_columns($outputs[0]->{'group-by'},0,$output_opts,'group_by');
push @f_where, @{$self->serialize_conditions($outputs[0]->{'where'},
{%$output_opts, output_filter=>1, output_filter_where_clause=>1})}
if ref $outputs[0]->{'where'};
push @f_sql,[$self->serialize_columns($outputs[0]->{return},0,$output_opts,'select'),'space'];
$output_opts->{column_types} = [
map $self->compute_data_type($_,{%$output_opts, output_filter=>1}), @{$output_opts->{prev_columns}}
push @f_sql, [" FROM (\n"];
unshift @sql, @f_sql;
push @sql, [ qq{\n) "#qnodes"\n} ];
my %seen;
my @f_table =
map {
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$_};
} sort keys %{$output_opts->{referred_nodes}};
for my $t (@f_table) {
my ($tab, $name, $node)=@$t;
my $left = $node->{optional} && $node->parent
&& PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($node, $self) ne PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($node->parent, $self);
push @sql, [($left ? ' LEFT ' : ' ').qq{JOIN "$tab" "$name" ON "$name"."#idx"="#qnodes"."$name.#idx"\n},$node];
$self->serialize_joins(\@sql, $output_opts->{join}, $name, $node, \%seen);
for my $name (grep { $_ ne '..' } keys %{$output_opts->{join}}) {
$self->serialize_joins(\@sql,$output_opts->{join},$name, undef, \%seen);
my @f_w=@{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@f_where,["\n AND "])};
push @sql, [ "\nWHERE\n ",'space'],@f_w if @f_w;
my $group_by = delete $output_opts->{group_by};
push @sql,
(@$group_by ?
["\n GROUP BY ".join(', ',@$group_by)."\n",$tree] : ()),
($outputs[0]->{'sort-by'} ?
["\n ORDER BY ".$self->serialize_columns($outputs[0]->{'sort-by'},1,$output_opts,'order_by'),$tree] : ());
shift @outputs;
my $i=1;
for my $out (@outputs) {
#print "===============\n";
#print STDERR "for:\n";
$output_opts->{group_by} = $self->serialize_columns($out->{'group-by'},$i,$output_opts,'group_by');
# $output_opts->{prev_columns}=$out->{'group-by'};
#print STDERR "give:\n";
unshift @sql, ['SELECT '
.($out->{distinct} ? 'DISTINCT ' : '')
.$self->serialize_columns($out->{'return'},$i,$output_opts,'select')." FROM (\n",$tree];
push @sql,
[qq{) "#filter_$i" \n},$tree];
if ($out->{where}) {
push @sql, ["\nWHERE\n",'space'],
@{ $self->serialize_conditions($out->{'where'},{%$output_opts, output_filter=>$i+1, output_filter_where_clause=>1}) };
$output_opts->{column_types} = [
map $self->compute_data_type($_,{%$output_opts, output_filter=>$i+1}), @{$output_opts->{prev_columns}}
#print STDERR "sort:\n";
my $group_by = delete $output_opts->{group_by};
push @sql,
(@$group_by ?
["\n GROUP BY ".join(', ',@$group_by)."\n",$tree] : ()),
($out->{'sort-by'} ?
["\n ORDER BY ".$self->serialize_columns($out->{'sort-by'},$i+1,$output_opts,'order_by')."\n",$tree] : ());
unless (defined($tree_parent_id) and defined($self->{id_map}{$tree})) {
if ($$returns_nodes) {
# push @sql, ["\n".$self->serialize_limit($opts->{node_limit},$have_where ? 0 : 1)."\n",'space'] if defined $opts->{node_limit};
# if ($opts->{syntax} eq 'oracle') {
unless ($opts->{no_distinct}) {
if ($opts->{node_limit}) {
if ($opts->{node_limit}<0 or $opts->{node_limit}==1) {
push @sql, [' '.'LIMIT '.abs($opts->{node_limit}).';'];
} else {
unshift @sql, ['SELECT * FROM ('];
push @sql, [qq{\n) "results" }.'LIMIT '.$opts->{node_limit}.';'];
# } else {
# push @sql, [' '.$self->serialize_limit($opts->{node_limit},1)];
# }
} elsif ($opts->{row_limit}) {
# if ($opts->{syntax} eq 'oracle') {
unshift @sql, ['SELECT * FROM ('];
push @sql, [qq{) "#count" }.'LIMIT '.$opts->{row_limit}.';'];
# } else {
# push @sql, [' '.$self->serialize_limit($opts->{row_limit},1)];
# }
if ($self->{precompute_recursive_relation}) {
my @with;
my $tables = delete $self->{precompute_recursive_relation};
my $next_with_clause =
(grep ({ !$_->{recursive} } values(%$tables)))
? qq{WITH\n} : qq{WITH RECURSIVE\n};
for my $key (reverse sort keys %$tables) {
my $spec = $tables->{$key};
my $out;
my %joins;
my $rel_table;
if ($spec->{table}) {
# my $id = '#n';
# my $J = $joins{$id}=[ ['u',$spec->{table}, qq(u."#idx" = "$id"."#idx")] ];
# $out = q{u."#value"};
$rel_table = $spec->{table};
} else {
my $pt = PMLTQ::Common::parse_expression($spec->{path});
my $out = $self->serialize_expression_pt($pt,{
id => '#n', # just a fake node ID
join => \%joins,
},\%joins); # do not copy $opts here!
$rel_table = "#rel_".$spec->{name};
push @with, [$next_with_clause.
qq{ "$rel_table" AS (\n}.
qq{ SELECT "#n"."#idx" "#idx", $out "#value" FROM "$spec->{type}" "#n" }];
$next_with_clause = qq{),\n};
for my $name (grep { $_ ne '..' } keys %joins) {
for my $join_spec (@{$joins{$name}}) {
my ($join_as,$join_tab,$join_on,$join_type)=@{$join_spec};
$join_tab = $self->get_real_table_name($join_tab);
push @with, ["\n ",'space'], [qq($join_type JOIN "$join_tab" "$join_as" ON $join_on)]
if ($spec->{recursive}) {
# recursive version of $rel_table
my $select;
my $max_depth='';
$select =
qq{ SELECT "#idx" "#idx", "#value" "#value", 1 depth, '['||"#idx"||']' path FROM "$rel_table"\n}.
qq{ UNION\n}.
qq{ SELECT r."#idx", c."#value", r.depth+1, r.path || '[' || c."#idx"||']'\n}.
qq{ FROM "#rec_$spec->{name}" r\n}.
qq{ JOIN "$rel_table" c ON r."#value" = c."#idx"\n}.
qq{ WHERE r."#idx" != c."#value" and strpos(path,'[' || c."#idx" || ']')=0\n}.
(defined($spec->{max}) ? qq{ AND r.depth <= $spec->{max}\n} : q{});
push @with, [ qq{$next_with_clause "#rec_$spec->{name}" AS (\n}.$select ];
push @with, [qq{)\n}];
$next_with_clause = qq{,\n};
unshift @sql, @with;
if ($format) {
return PMLTQ::Common::make_string_with_tags(\@sql,[$tree]);
} else {
return PMLTQ::Common::make_string(\@sql);
sub serialize_joins {
my ($self, $sql, $extra_joins, $name, $node, $seen)=@_;
return if $seen->{$name} or $name eq '..';
for my $join_spec (@{$extra_joins->{$name}}) {
my ($join_as,$join_tab,$join_on,$join_type)=@{$join_spec};
$join_tab = $self->get_real_table_name($join_tab);
push @$sql, ["\n ",'space'], [qq($join_type JOIN "$join_tab" "$join_as" ON $join_on),($node ? $node : ())];
unless ($node) {
print STDERR qq{MISPLACED_JOIN: $join_type JOIN "$join_tab" "$join_as" ON $join_on\n};
for my $join_spec (@{$extra_joins->{$name}}) {
$self->serialize_joins($sql, $extra_joins, $join_spec->[0], $node, $seen);
sub serialize_columns {
my ($self,$col_list,$j,$opts,$type,$prev_columns)=@_;
my @cols;
my $i=1;
for my $col (ListV($col_list)) {
my $dir;
if ($type eq 'order_by') {
if ($col=~s{\s+(asc|desc)}{}) {
$dir = uc($1);
my ($str,$wrap,$cal_be_null)=$self->serialize_expression({%$opts,expression=>$col,output_filter=>$j+1,is_positive_conjunct=>1});
push @cols, $str.($type eq 'select' ? ' AS c'.($j+1).'_'.($i++) : '').
($dir ? ' '.$dir : '')
return $type eq 'group_by' ? \@cols : join(', ', @cols);
sub get_real_table_name {
my ($self,$path)=@_;
croak("No table!") unless defined $path;
if (exists $self->{pml_tables}{$path}) {
return $self->{pml_tables}{$path};
# HACK(pajas): element tables are named in PML2BASE by '#e_'.table_name($decl),
# therefore we need to strip #e_, resolve and prepend.
my $p = $path;
my $prefix = ($p=~s/^(#e_)//) ? $1 : '';
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "table" FROM "#PMLTABLES" WHERE "type" = ? ),{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1, Bind=>[$p] });
my $table = $results->[0][0];
return $self->{pml_tables}{$path} = $table ? $prefix.$table : $path;
sub get_node_table_for {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
my $table;
if ($type eq '*') {
$table = $self->get_schema_names->[0].'__#trees';
} elsif ($type=~m{^([^/]+):\*$}) {
$table = $1.'__#trees';
} else {
$table = $SEPARATE_TREES==1 ?
$self->get_schema_name_for($type).'__#trees' : $type;
return $self->get_real_table_name($table);
sub get_schema_name_for {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
if ($type eq '*') {
return $self->get_schema_names->[0];
} elsif ($type=~m{^([^/]+):\*$}) {
return $1;
if (exists $self->{schema_types}{$type}) {
if (defined $self->{schema_types}{$type} ) {
return $self->{schema_types}{$type};
} else {
confess("Did not find schema name for type $type (0)\n");
croak("No type!") unless defined $type;
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "root" FROM "#PMLTYPES" WHERE "type" = ? OR ? LIKE ("type" || '/%')),{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1, Bind=>[$type,$type] });
my $schema_name = $results->[0][0];
if ($schema_name) {
return $self->{schema_types}{$type} = $schema_name
} else {
# fallback: try all schemas:
$results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT DISTINCT "root" FROM "#PMLTYPES"),{RaiseError=>1});
for $schema_name (map $_->[0], @$results) {
my $schema = $self->get_schema($schema_name);
if (PMLTQ::Common::QueryTypeToDecl($type,$schema)) {
return $self->{schema_types}{$type} = $schema_name
$self->{schema_types}{$type} = undef;
confess("Did not find schema name for type $type\n");
sub get_schema {
my ($self,$name)=@_;
return unless $name;
if ($self->{schemas}{$name}) {
return $self->{schemas}{$name};
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "schema" FROM "#PML" WHERE "root" = ? ),
{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1, LongReadLen=> 512*1024, Bind=>[$name] });
unless (ref($results) and ref($results->[0]) and $results->[0][0]) {
die "Failed to obtain PML schema $name\n";
return $self->{schemas}{$name} = Treex::PML::Schema->new({string => $results->[0][0]});
sub get_node_types {
my ($self,$schema_name)=@_;
if ($schema_name) {
return $self->{schema_node_types}{$schema_name} if defined $self->{schema_node_types};
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "type","root" FROM "#PMLTYPES" ORDER BY "type"),{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1 });
my $cached = $self->{schema_node_types} = {};
for my $row (@$results) {
push @{$cached->{$row->[1]}},$row->[0];
return $self->{schema_node_types}{$schema_name};
} else {
return $self->{node_types} if defined $self->{node_types};
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "type" FROM "#PMLTYPES" ORDER BY "type"),{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1 });
return $self->{node_types} = [ map $_->[0], @$results ];
sub get_schema_names {
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{schema_names} if defined $self->{schema_names};
my $results = $self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "root" FROM "#PML" ORDER BY "root"),{ MaxRows=>1, RaiseError=>1 });
return $self->{schema_names} = [ map $_->[0], @$results ];
sub get_decl_for {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
return unless $type;
return $self->{type_decls}{$type} ||= PMLTQ::Common::QueryTypeToDecl($type,$self->get_schema_for_type($type));
sub get_schema_for_type {
my ($self,$type)=@_;
return $self->get_schema($self->get_schema_name_for($type));
sub get_schema_flags {
my ($self,$schema_name)=@_;
return $self->{schema_flags}{$schema_name} if exists($self->{schema_flags});
my $rows = eval {
$self->run_sql_query(qq(SELECT "root","flags" FROM "#PML"),{ RaiseError=>1 });
$self->{schema_flags} = {
map { $_->[0] => $_->[1] } @{$rows || []}
return $self->{schema_flags}{$schema_name};
sub join_table_for_type_cast {
my ($self, $opts)=@_;
my ($node_id,$cast,$ref_join,$check_joins, $left) = @$opts{qw(id cast join check_joins left)};
my $id=$node_id."/#n_".$cast;
unless (first {$_->[0] eq $id} (@{$ref_join->{$node_id}}, map { @{$_->{$node_id}} } @{$check_joins||[]})) {
push @{$ref_join->{$node_id}},
[$id,$cast, qq("$node_id"."#type"='$cast' AND "$id"."#idx" = "$node_id"."#idx"), $left ? 'LEFT' : () ];
return $id;
my %asoc_precedence = (
div => 1,
mod => 1,
'*' => 1,
'&' => 0, #concat
'-' => 0,
'+' => 0,
sub serialize_expression_pt {# pt stands for parse tree
my ($self,$pt,$opts,$extra_joins)=@_;
my $this_node_id = $opts->{id};
if (ref($pt)) {
my $type = shift @$pt;
if ($type eq 'ATTR' or $type eq 'REF_ATTR') {
if (defined($opts->{output_filter}) and $opts->{output_filter}>1) {
die "Attribute reference cannot be used in output filter columns whose input is not the body of the query: '$opts->{expression}'"
my ($id,$attr,$cmp,$node_type,$cast,$decl);
if ($type eq 'REF_ATTR') {
$id = $pt->[0];
die "Error in attribute reference of node $id in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'"
unless shift(@$pt) eq 'ATTR'; # not likely
if ($id eq '$') {
$node_type = $opts->{type};
} else {
$cmp = $self->cmp_subquery_scope($this_node_id,$id);
# print "Comparing $this_node_id and $id scope: $cmp\n";
if ($cmp<0) {
die "Node '$id' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$this_node_id' ($opts->{expression})\n";
$node_type = $self->get_type_of_node($id);
} else {
$node_type = $opts->{type};
if($pt->[0] =~ /^(.+)\?$/) {
$cast = $1; shift @$pt;
} elsif ($node_type=~m{^(?:([^/]+):)?\*$}) {
my $node_types = $self->get_node_types($1);
my @possibilities;
my $path = join '/',map { ($_ eq '[]' or $_ eq 'content()') ? '#content' : $_ } @$pt;
for my $nt (@$node_types) {
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($nt);
my $attr_decl = $decl && $decl->find($path);
while ($attr_decl and ($attr_decl->get_decl_type == PML_LIST_DECL or
$attr_decl->get_decl_type == PML_ALT_DECL));
push @possibilities,
$type eq 'REF_ATTR' ? ['REF_ATTR',$id,['ATTR',$nt.'?',@$pt]] : ['ATTR',$nt.'?',@$pt]
if ($attr_decl and $attr_decl->is_atomic);
if (!@possibilities) {
die "The attribute path '$path' is not valid for any node type matched by the '$node_type' wildcard: @$node_types\n";
} elsif (@possibilities == 1) {
return $self->serialize_expression_pt($possibilities[0],$opts,$extra_joins);
} else {
return $self->serialize_expression_pt(['FUNC','first_defined',\@possibilities],$opts,$extra_joins);
$decl = $self->get_decl_for($cast || $node_type);
if (!$decl) {
die "Couldn't determine node type of node '$id' to evaluate $opts->{expression}\n";
# ??? why not just $table = ($cast || $node_type) ?? members?
my $table=PMLTQ::Common::DeclPathToQueryType($decl->get_decl_path);
$opts->{referred_nodes}{$id}=1 if ref($opts->{referred_nodes});
my $node_id = $id;
my $j;
# if (!$opts->{is_positive_conjunct} or $cmp) {
# print "extra joins\n";
# $opts->{use_exists}=1;
# $j=$extra_joins;
# } else {
# print "normal joins\n";
# }
my $ref_join = $opts->{join};
$ref_join = $ref_join->{'..'} for 1..$cmp;
if ($SEPARATE_TREES==1 or ($cast and $cast ne $node_type)) {
$id = $self->join_table_for_type_cast({
# table=>$table,
cast=> $table, # ($cast||$node_type),
join => $ref_join,
check_joins => [$extra_joins]
} else {
my @t = @$pt;
my $column;
my $iter=0;
while ($iter++ < 100) {
my ($mdecl,$mtable);
my $can_be_null = ($cast and $iter == 1) ? 1 : 0;
my $decl_is = $decl->get_decl_type;
my $extra_condition;
my $pos_condition;
my $prev = $id;
if ($decl_is == PML_STRUCTURE_DECL or
$decl_is == PML_CONTAINER_DECL) {
last unless @t;
$column= shift @t;
if ($column eq '[]' or $column eq 'content()') {
$column = '#content';
$mdecl = $decl->get_member_by_name($column);
if (!$mdecl and $decl_is == PML_STRUCTURE_DECL) {
$mdecl=undef unless $mdecl; # and $mdecl->get_knit_name eq $column;
if ($column eq '#content') {
# TODO(pajas): Figure out if there are cases when #content
# cannot be NULL.
} elsif ($mdecl) {
unless ($mdecl->is_required) {
$mdecl = $mdecl->get_knit_content_decl;
} elsif ($decl_is == PML_LIST_DECL) {
shift @t if @t and $t[0] eq 'LM';
# if ($decl->is_ordered and @t and $t[0]=~m{^\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]$}) {
# $mdecl = $decl;
# } else {
# }
} elsif ($decl_is == PML_ALT_DECL) {
shift @t if @t and $t[0] eq 'AM';
} elsif ($decl_is == PML_SEQUENCE_DECL) {
last unless @t;
$column= shift @t;
#print STDERR "prev: $prev id: $id\n";
if ($column=~s/^\[(\d+)\]//g) {
$pos_condition = qq{"#pos" = $1-1 };
} elsif ($column=~s/\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]$//g) {
$pos_condition = qq{"#elpos" = $1-1 };
$mdecl = $decl->get_element_by_name($column);
if ($mdecl) {
} else {
die "Sequence does not allow element '$column' in expression $opts->{expression} at node "
." \$$this_node_id: ".join('/',@t);
} elsif ($decl_is == PML_ELEMENT_DECL) {
} elsif ($decl->is_atomic) {
# if (@t==1 and $t[0] eq '.') {
# $mdecl = $decl;
# $column='#value';
# shift @t;
# } else {
die "Cannot apply attribute path to an atomic type in expression $opts->{expression} at node "
." \$$this_node_id: ".join('/',@t);
# }
} else {
die ref($self)." internal error: Didn't expect type $decl_is\n";
die "Didn't find member '$column' on '$table' while compiling expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'" unless $mdecl;
my $mdecl_is = $mdecl->get_decl_type;
$opts->{can_be_null}=1 if $can_be_null;
my $is_ambiguous = ($mdecl_is == PML_LIST_DECL or $mdecl_is == PML_ALT_DECL or $mdecl_is == PML_SEQUENCE_DECL) ? 1 : 0;
#print STDERR "prev: $prev, column: $column, decl: $decl, mdecl: $mdecl, can_be_null: $can_be_null\n";
#print STDERR "mdecl is ",$mdecl->get_decl_type,"; is atomic: ",$mdecl->is_atomic," \n";
if ($mdecl->is_atomic) {
if (@t) {
die "Cannot follow attribute path past atomic type while compiling expression $opts->{expression} of node "
.($cast||$node_type)." \$$this_node_id: ".join('/',@t);
return qq( "$prev"."$column" );
} elsif ($opts->{allow_non_atomic} and $mdecl->get_decl_type != PML_ELEMENT_DECL and
((!@t and $mdecl->get_decl_type != PML_LIST_DECL and $mdecl->get_decl_type != PML_ALT_DECL)
or( @t==1 and $t[0] eq '.'))) {
return qq( "$id"."$column" );
} else {
# We now decide our strategy: either we use JOIN in the apropriate SELECT,
# or use a subquery with EXISTS
# or, in PostgreSQL, we may even try JOIN on the current SELECT
my $j = $ref_join; # default is join to the current or outer SELECT
my $left=''; # use LEFT join
if ($opts->{use_exists}==2) {
# forced use of EXISTS
} elsif ($opts->{allow_non_atomic}) {
# # special case: we want to join members
} elsif ($opts->{can_be_null} or ($is_ambiguous and $cmp)) {
# either a nullable column or an ambiguous column from some outer SELECT
if (!$opts->{is_positive_conjunct}) {
# non-positive conjunct: we must use EXIST
} elsif ($cmp) {
# outer SELECT, we can't join there if nullable
# but in postgres, we may in fact JOIN to the current SELECT
# (and we do because EXISTS is very slow there,
# try e.g. the query: t-node [ 0x a/aux.rf a-node [] ]
# with forced EXSITS
$j = $opts->{join};
} else {
# elsewhere we use EXISTS
} else {
$opts->{use_exists}||=1 unless (PREFER_LEFT_JOINS);
if ($opts->{use_exists}) {
} else {
# we are in a positive conjunct, so the value must be there and non-null, right?
my $i=$self->{join_id}++;
my $condition = qq("$id"."#idx" = "$prev"."$column");
if ($pos_condition) {
$condition= qq{($condition AND "$id".$pos_condition)};
if ($extra_condition) {
$condition= qq{($condition AND "$id".$extra_condition)};
my $mdecl_is = $mdecl->get_decl_type;
if (($mdecl_is == PML_LIST_DECL) and @t and $t[0]=~m{^\[\s*(\d+)\s*\]$}) {
if ($mdecl->is_ordered) {
$condition= qq{($condition AND "$id"."#pos" = $1-1)};
shift @t;
} else {
my $p = $mdecl->get_decl_path;
die "Cannot use index '$t[0]' in expression '$opts->{expression}' of node '$this_node_id' on value of type '$p' that is declared in the PML schema as an *unordered* list";
$table = $mtable||PMLTQ::Common::DeclPathToQueryType($mdecl->get_decl_path);
push @{$j->{$node_id}},[$id,$table, $condition, $opts->{output_filter} ? 'LEFT' : $left ];
#print STDERR "$node_id => JOIN $table as $id ON $condition\n";
if ($iter>=100) {
die "Deep recursion while compiling '$opts->{expression}' of node '$this_node_id'";
die "Expression '$opts->{expression}' of node '$this_node_id' does not lead to an attomic value";
} elsif ($type eq 'FUNC') {
my $name = $pt->[0];
my $args = $pt->[1];
my $id;
if ($name=~/^(?:descendants|lbrothers|sons|depth|depth_first_order|order_span_min|order_span_max|name|type_of)$/) {
if ($args and @$args==1 and !ref($args->[0]) and $args->[0]=~s/^\$//) {
$id = $args->[0];
if ($self->cmp_subquery_scope($this_node_id,$id)<0) {
die "Node '$id' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$this_node_id' ($opts->{expression})\n";
} elsif ($args and @$args) {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(\$node?)\n";
} else {
$opts->{referred_nodes}{$id}=1 if ref($opts->{referred_nodes});
if ($name =~ /^order_span/) {
my $span = $1;
my $flags = $self->get_schema_flags($self->get_schema_name_for($opts->{type}));
if (!defined($flags) or !($flags & MAX_MIN_ORD)) {
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$id};
$n or die "Cannot refer to node '$id' from $name() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\n";
my $type = PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self);
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for($type);
if ($decl->get_decl_type == PML_ELEMENT_DECL) {
$decl = $decl->get_content_decl;
my ($order) = map { $_->get_name } $decl->find_members_by_role('#ORDER');
if (defined $order) {
return qq{"$id"."$order"}
} else {
die "No ordering is defined on nodes of type '$type'!\n";
return ($name eq 'descendants') ? qq{("$id"."#r"-"$id"."#idx")}
: ($name eq 'lbrothers') ? qq{"$id"."#chord"}
: ($name eq 'sons') ? qq{"$id"."#chld"}
: ($name eq 'depth') ? qq{"$id"."#lvl"}
: ($name eq 'depth_first_order') ? qq{("$id"."#idx"-"$id"."#root_idx")}
: ($name =~ 'order_span_min') ? qq{"$id"."#min_ord"}
: ($name eq 'order_span_max') ? qq{"$id"."#max_ord"}
: ($name eq 'name') ? qq{"$id"."#name"}
: ($name eq 'type_of') ? qq{"$id"."#type"}
: die "PMLTQ internal error while compiling expression: should never get here!";
} elsif ($name eq 'length') {
if ($args and @$args==1) {
my $ret = 'LENGTH('
. $self->serialize_expression_pt($args->[0],$opts,$extra_joins)
. ')';
return $ret;
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(string)\n";
} elsif ($name=~/^(?:lower|upper)$/) {
if ($args and @$args==1) {
return uc($name).'('
. $self->serialize_expression_pt($args->[0],$opts,$extra_joins)
. ')';
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(string)\n";
} elsif ($name=~/^(?:abs|floor|ceil|exp|sqrt|ln)$/) {
if ($args and @$args==1) {
return uc($name).'('
. $self->serialize_expression_pt($args->[0],$opts,$extra_joins)
. ')';
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(number)\n";
} elsif ($name =~ /^(?:log|power)$/) {
my $func = uc($name);
if ($args and @$args==1) {
return $func.'(10,CAST('
. $self->serialize_expression_pt($args->[0],$opts,$extra_joins)
. ' AS FLOAT))';
} elsif ($args and @$args==2) {
return $func.'('
. $self->serialize_expression_pt($args->[0],$opts,$extra_joins).','
. 'CAST('.$self->serialize_expression_pt($args->[1],$opts,$extra_joins).' AS FLOAT)'
. ')';
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(base,number) or ${name}(number)\n";
} elsif ($name eq 'address') {
my @arg;
if ($args and @$args) {
my $ref = $args->[0];
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(\$node?)\n"
if (@$args>1 or $ref!~/^\$(?!\d)/);
@arg = ($ref);
return $self->serialize_expression_pt(
['EXP' =>
[FUNC => 'file', [@arg]],
'&', "'##'", '&',
[FUNC => 'tree_no', [@arg]],
'&', "'.'", '&',
[FUNC => 'depth_first_order', [@arg]],
} elsif ($name =~ /^(file|tree_no)$/) {
my $id;
if ($args and @$args) {
my $ref = $args->[0];
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(\$node?)\n"
if (@$args>1 or not $ref=~s/^\$(?!\d)//);
$id= $ref eq '$' ? $this_node_id : $ref;
} else {
$id = $this_node_id;
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$id};
my $cmp = $self->cmp_subquery_scope($this_node_id,$id);
if (!$n or $cmp<0) {
die "Node '$id' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$this_node_id' ($opts->{expression})\n";
$opts->{referred_nodes}{$id}=1 if ref($opts->{referred_nodes});
my $j = $opts->{join};
$j = $j->{'..'} for 1..$cmp;
my $J = ($j->{$id}||=[]); #($extra_joins->{$id}||=[]);
my $table = $self->get_schema_name_for(PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self)).'__#files';
my $fid = $id."/#file";
push @$J,[$fid,$table, qq("$fid"."#idx" = "$id"."#root_idx")] unless first { $_->[0] eq $fid } @$J;
return $name eq 'tree_no' ? qq{("$fid"."$name"+1)} : qq{"$fid"."$name"};
} elsif ($name eq 'rbrothers') {
my $id;
if ($args and @$args) {
my $ref = $args->[0];
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(\$node?)\n"
if (@$args>1 or not $ref=~s/^\$(?!\d)//);
$id= $ref eq '$' ? $this_node_id : $ref;
} else {
$id = $this_node_id;
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$id};
my $cmp = $self->cmp_subquery_scope($this_node_id,$id);
if (!$n or $cmp<0) {
die "Node '$id' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$this_node_id' ($opts->{expression})\n";
$opts->{referred_nodes}{$id}=1 if ref($opts->{referred_nodes});
my $j = $opts->{join};
$j = $j->{'..'} for 1..$cmp;
my $J = ($j->{$id}||=[]); #($extra_joins->{$id}||=[]);
my $table = $self->get_schema_name_for(PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self)).'__#trees';
my $p_id = $id."/#parent";
push @$J,[$p_id,$table, qq("$p_id"."#idx" = "$id"."#parent_idx")] unless first { $_->[0] eq $p_id } @$J;
return qq{("$p_id"."#chld"-"$id"."#chord"-1)};
} elsif ($name eq 'id') {
my $id;
if ($args and @$args) {
my $ref = $args->[0];
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(\$node?)\n"
if (@$args>1 or not $ref=~s/^\$(?!\d)//);
$id= $ref eq '$' ? $this_node_id : $ref;
} else {
$id = $this_node_id;
my $n = $self->{name2node}{$id};
$n or die "Cannot refer to node '$id' from $name() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\n";
$opts->{referred_nodes}{$id}=1 if ref($opts->{referred_nodes});
my $decl = $self->get_decl_for(PMLTQ::Common::GetQueryNodeType($n,$self));
if ($decl->get_decl_type == PML_ELEMENT_DECL) {
$decl = $decl->get_content_decl;
my ($m)=$decl->find_members_by_role('#ID');
my $id_attr = defined($m) && $m->get_name;
if (defined $id_attr) {
return $self->serialize_expression_pt(['REF_ATTR',$id,[$id_attr]],$opts,$extra_joins);
} else {
return 'NULL';
} elsif ($name=~/^(?:round|trunc)$/) {
if ($args and @$args and @$args<3) {
return uc($name).'('
. join(',',map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args)
. ')';
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: ${name}(string)\n";
} elsif ($name eq 'percnt') {
if ($args and @$args>0 and @$args<3) {
my @args = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args;
my $ret = 'round(100*('.$args[0].')'
. (@args>1 ? ','.$args[1] : '').q[)];
return $ret;
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function percnt() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: percnt(number,precision?)\n";
} elsif ($name eq 'substr') {
if ($args and @$args>1 and @$args<4) {
my $cast_to_string;
if ($self->compute_data_type($args->[0],$opts)!=COL_STRING) {
my @args = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args;
$args[0]='cast('.$args[0].' as varchar)' if $cast_to_string;
return 'SUBSTR('. join(',', @args) . ')';
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: substr(string,from,length?)\n";
} elsif ($name=~/(?:replace|tr)$/) {
if ($args and @$args==3) {
my $cast_to_string;
if ($self->compute_data_type($args->[0],$opts)!=COL_STRING) {
my @args = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args;
$args[0]='cast('.$args[0].' as varchar)' if $cast_to_string;
return ($name eq 'tr' ? 'TRANSLATE' : uc($name) ).'('
. join(',', @args)
. ')';
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: $name".
($name eq 'replace' ? "(string,target,replacement)\n"
: "(string,from_chars,to_chars)\n");
} elsif ($name eq 'substitute') {
if ($args and @$args>=3 and @$args<=4) {
my @cast_to_string;
for (0..2) {
$cast_to_string[$_]= ($self->compute_data_type($args->[$_],$opts)!=COL_STRING) ? 1 : 0 if $_<@$args;
my @args = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args;
for (0..2) {
$args[$_]='cast('.$args[$_].' as varchar)' if ($_<@$args and $cast_to_string[$_]);
my $match_opts = $args[3];
if (defined($match_opts) and (ref($match_opts) or $match_opts!~/^\s*'[icnmg]*'\s*$/)) {
die "Wrong match options $match_opts for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: $name(string,pattern,replacement,options), where options is a literal string consisting only of characters from the set [icnmg]\n";
return 'REGEXP_REPLACE('.join(',', @args[0..2],$match_opts ? $match_opts : ()).')'
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: $name(string,pattern,replacement,options)\n";
} elsif ($name eq 'match') {
if ($args and @$args>=2 and @$args<=3) {
my @cast_to_string;
for (0..1) {
$cast_to_string[$_]= ($self->compute_data_type($args->[$_],$opts)!=COL_STRING) ? 1 : 0 if $_<@$args;
my @args = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args;
for (0..1) {
$args[$_]='cast('.$args[$_].' as varchar)' if ($_<@$args and $cast_to_string[$_]);
my $match_opts = $args[2];
if (defined($match_opts) and (ref($match_opts) or $match_opts!~/^\s*'[icnm]*'\s*$/)) {
die "Wrong match options [$match_opts] for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: $name(string,pattern,options?), where options is a literal string consisting only of characters from the set [icnm]\n";
return '(REGEXP_MATCHES('.qq{$args[0],'(' || $args[1] || ')',}
.($match_opts || q(''))
} else {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: $name(string,pattern,options?)\n";
} elsif ($name eq 'first_defined') {
if (!$args or @$args<2) {
die "Wrong arguments for function ${name}() in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'!\nUsage: $name(value1,value2,...)\n";
my @types = map { $self->compute_data_type($_,$opts) } @$args;
my @args = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$args;
if (first { $_ !=COL_NUMERIC } @types) {
for (@args) {
if ( shift(@types)!=COL_STRING ) {
$_=qq{cast($_ as varchar)} ;
return 'COALESCE('.join(',', @args).')'
} else {
die "Function ${name}() unknown or not yet implemented!\n";
} elsif ($type eq 'EVERY') {
if ($opts->{output_filter}) {
die "Cannot use quantifier '*' in output filter: '$opts->{expression}'"
return $self->serialize_expression_pt($pt->[0],$opts,$extra_joins);
} elsif ($type eq 'IF') {
my ($condition,$if_true,$if_false) = @$pt;
my $test = PMLTQ::Common::make_string([$self->serialize_element({
name => $condition->{'#name'},
condition => $condition,
is_positive_conjunct => 1,
my ($true_type,$false_type) = map $self->compute_data_type($_,$opts), ($if_true, $if_false);
my ($if_true_sql,$if_false_sql) = map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) }
if ($true_type != $false_type or $true_type == COL_UNKNOWN) {
$_=qq{cast($_ as varchar)} for ($if_true_sql, $if_false_sql);
return qq{(CASE WHEN $test THEN $if_true_sql ELSE $if_false_sql END)};
} elsif ($type eq 'ANALYTIC_FUNC') {
my $name = shift @$pt;
die "The analytic function ${name}() can only be used in an output filter expression!\n"
unless $opts->{'output_filter'};
die "The analytic function ${name}() cannot be used in the 'filter' clause!\n"
if $opts->{'output_filter_where_clause'};
my $args = shift @$pt;
die "The analytic function $name without an 'over' clause cannot be used to compute an argument to another analytic function without an 'over' clause $opts->{aggregated} in the output filter expression $opts->{expression}!\n"
if defined($opts->{'aggregated'})
and !@$pt #over
and !($opts->{group_by} and @{$opts->{group_by}});
$name = 'ratio_to_report' if $name eq 'ratio';
my @args;
if ($args) {
if ($name eq 'concat') {
die "The analytic function $name takes one or two arguments concat(STR, SEPARATOR?) in the output filter expression $opts->{expression}; got @$args!\n" if @$args==0 or @$args>2;
if (@$args==2) {
unless (defined($args->[1]) and !ref($args->[1]) and $args->[1]!~/^\$/) {
die "The second argument to concat(STR, SEPARATOR?) must be a literal string or number in $opts->{expression}!\n";
} elsif ($name =~ /^(rank|dense_rank|row_number)/ and @$args>0) {
die "The analytic function $name takes no arguments in the output filter expression $opts->{expression}!\n";
} elsif (@$args>1) {
die "The analytic function $name takes at most one arguments in the output filter expression $opts->{expression}!\n";
for my $arg (@$args) {
push @args, $self->serialize_expression_pt($arg,{%$opts,
(@$pt ? () : (aggregated=>$name, group_by=>undef))
my $out='';
if ($name eq 'concat') {
if (@args==1) {
} elsif (@args==2) {
my $sep = $args[1];
$out=q{regexp_replace(}.$out.$args[0].' || '.$sep;
} elsif ($name eq 'ratio_to_report') {
my $arg = @args ? $args[0] : 'count(*)';
$out='(('.$arg.') / sum('.$arg;
} else {
$out=uc($name).'('.(@args ? $args[0] : '');
unless (@args) {
if ($name eq 'count') {
} elsif ($name eq 'ratio_to_report') {
} elsif ($name !~ /^(rank|dense_rank|row_number)/) {
if ($opts->{group_by} and @{$opts->{group_by}}) {
$out .= $opts->{group_by}[0];
} elsif ($opts->{'output_filter'}<2) {
die "Cannot use analytic function ${name}() with implicit argument (\$1) in the first filter!\n";
} else {
$out .= 'c'.($opts->{'output_filter'}-1).'_1';
my ($over,$sort)=@$pt;
if (($over and @$over) or ($sort and @$sort) or $name =~ /^(rank|dense_rank|row_number)/) {
$out.= ' OVER (';
if ($over and @$over and !(@$over==1 and $over->[0] eq 'ALL')) {
$out.= 'PARTITION BY '.join(',',map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$over)
if ($sort and @$sort) {
$out.=' ORDER BY '.join(',',map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_->[0],$opts,$extra_joins).
($_->[1] ? ' '.uc($_->[1]) : '')
} @$sort);
if ($name !~ /^(rank|dense_rank|row_number)/) {
if ($name eq 'concat') {
if (@args==2) {
# we now quote 2nd argument so that we can use it as a regexp
# that matches the trailing separator
# e.g. SQL ''' | ''' (that is q{' | '}) becomes '\'' \| \''$'
# (that is q{\' \| \'$})
my $trim_separator = $args[1];
if ($trim_separator =~ /^(\s*E?)(['])(.*?)([']\s*)$/) {
my ($lead,$lead2,$body,$trail)=($1,$2,$3,$4);
$body=~s/\\(.)/$1/g; # unquote '
$body=quotemeta($body); # quote meta characters
$body=~s/\\/\\\\/g; # quote \\ and '
$body=~s/'/\\'/g; # quote '
$lead =~s/$/E/ if $lead!~/E/;
$trim_separator = $lead.$lead2.$body.'$'.$trail;
} elsif ($trim_separator =~ /^(\s*[NU]?['])(.*?)([']\s*)$/) {
my ($lead,$body,$trail)=($1,$2,$3);
$body=~s/''/'/g; # unquote '
$body=quotemeta($body); # quote meta characters
$body=~s/'/''/g; # quote '
$trim_separator = $lead.$body.'$'.$trail;
return $out;
} elsif ($type eq 'EXP') {
my $out='';
my $mult='';
$mult = $self->serialize_expression_pt(shift @$pt,$opts,$extra_joins) if @$pt;
while (@$pt) {
my $op = shift @$pt;
die "Missing left expression for operator '$op' in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'\n"
unless @$pt;
my $exp = $self->serialize_expression_pt(shift @$pt,$opts,$extra_joins);
# a+b*c%2+d/2*2+f
# a+ => a+(b) => a+(b*c) => a+mod(b*c,2) => a+mod(b*c,2)+
if ($op eq 'div') {
$mult=qq{($mult / $exp)};
} elsif ($op eq 'mod') {
} elsif ($op eq '*') {
$mult=qq{($mult * $exp)};
} elsif ($op eq '&') {
$out.=qq{$mult || };
$mult = $exp;
} elsif ($op =~ /^[-+]$/) {
$out.=qq{$mult $op };
$mult = $exp;
} else {
die "Urecognized operator '$op' in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'\n";
return qq{($out$mult)}
} elsif ($type eq 'SET') {
my $res= '('
. join(',', map { $self->serialize_expression_pt($_,$opts,$extra_joins) } @$pt)
. ')';
return $res;
} else {
die "Internal error: unrecognized parse tree item $type\n";
} else {
if ($pt=~/^[-0-9]/) { # literal number
return qq( $pt );
} elsif ($pt=~s/^(['"])(.*)\1$/$2/s) { # literal string
$opts->{can_be_null}=1 if !length $pt;
if ($pt=~m/\\/) {
qq( E'$pt' );
} else {
qq( '$pt' );
} elsif ($pt=~s/^\$//) { # a plain variable
if ($pt =~ /^\d+$/) { #column reference
die "Column reference \$$pt can only be used in an output filter; error in expression '$opts->{expression}' of node '$this_node_id'\n"
unless $opts->{'output_filter'};
my $col;
# print STDERR "$opts->{'output_filter'}: \$$pt, aggregated=$opts->{aggregated}, group by (@{$opts->{group_by}||[]}), prev_columns: (@{$opts->{prev_columns}||[]})\n";
if (!$opts->{output_filter_where_clause} and $opts->{group_by} and @{$opts->{group_by}}) {
$col = $opts->{group_by}[$pt-1];
if (!defined $col) {
die "Cannot refer to column number $pt from the expression $opts->{expression} following a 'for' with ".
scalar(@{$opts->{group_by}})." column(s): (".join(', ',ListV($opts->{group_by})).")!\n";
} else {
if ($opts->{'output_filter'}<2) {
die "Cannot refer to a numbered column \$$pt from the first filter!\n";
} elsif ($pt-1 < ListV($opts->{prev_columns})) {
$col = 'c'.($opts->{'output_filter'}-1).'_'.$pt;
} else {
die "Cannot refer to column number $pt from the expression '$opts->{expression}' following a filter with ".
scalar(@{$opts->{prev_columns}})." column(s): (".join(', ',ListV($opts->{prev_columns})).")!\n";
return ' '.$col.' ';
if (defined($opts->{'output_filter'}) and $opts->{'output_filter'}==1) {
if ($pt eq '$') {
die "The variable '\$\$' cannot be used in an output filter!\n";
} elsif ($self->cmp_subquery_scope($this_node_id,$pt)<0) {
die "Node '$pt' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$this_node_id' ($opts->{expression})\n";
return qq{ "#qnodes"."$pt.#idx" }; # not "$pt"."#idx" !!
} elsif ($opts->{'output_filter'}) {
die("Cannot refer to a named node '$pt' from an output filters except for the first filter! ($opts->{expression})\n");
} else {
return qq{ "$this_node_id"."#idx" } if $pt eq '$';
if ($self->cmp_subquery_scope($this_node_id,$pt)<0) {
die "Node '$pt' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$this_node_id' ($opts->{expression})\n";
return qq( "$pt"."#idx" );
} else { # unrecognized token
die "Token '$pt' not recognized in expression $opts->{expression} of node '$this_node_id'\n";
sub serialize_expression {
my ($self,$opts)=@_;
my $pt =
? PMLTQ::Common::parse_column_expression($opts->{expression})
: PMLTQ::Common::parse_expression($opts->{expression}); # $pt stands for parse tree
die "Invalid expression '$opts->{expression}' on node '$opts->{id}'" unless defined $pt;
my $extra_joins=$opts->{'output_filter'} ? $opts->{join} : {};
my $out = $self->serialize_expression_pt($pt,$opts,$extra_joins); # do not copy $opts here!
my $wrap;
if (!$opts->{'output_filter'} and $opts->{use_exists}) {
my @from;
my @where;
for my $name (grep { $_ ne '..' } keys (%$extra_joins)) {
if ($extra_joins->{$name}) {
my $table;
for my $join_spec (@{$extra_joins->{$name}}) {
my ($join_as,$join_tab,$join_on,$join_type)=@{$join_spec};
$join_tab = $self->get_real_table_name($join_tab);
if (defined $table) {
$table.=qq(\n $join_type JOIN "$join_tab" "$join_as" ON $join_on);
} else {
$table=qq("$join_tab" "$join_as");
push @where, $join_on;
push @from,$table;
if (@from) {
$wrap=($opts->{use_exists}==2 ? 'NOT EXISTS' : 'EXISTS').' (SELECT *'
.' FROM '.join(', ',@from)
.' WHERE '.join("\n AND ",@where);
$wrap.="\n AND " if @where;
if ($opts->{use_exists}==2) {
$wrap.='NOT(%s) )';
} else {
$wrap.='%s )';
# $out = '' if $opts->{use_exists}==2;
return ($out,$wrap,$opts->{can_be_null});
sub compute_data_type {
my ($self, $exp, $opts)=@_;
if ($opts->{output_filter}) {
return PMLTQ::Common::compute_column_data_type($self,$exp,$opts);
} else {
return PMLTQ::Common::compute_expression_data_type($self,$exp,$opts);
sub serialize_predicate {
my ($self,$L,$R,$operator,$opts)=@_;
my ($left,$wrap_left,$left_can_be_null) = ref($L) ?
(defined($L->{sql}) ? ($L->{sql}) : $self->serialize_expression($L)) : ($L);
if (ref($L) and defined($L->{use_exists}) and $L->{use_exists}==2) {
my $right_every;
my ($right,$wrap_right,$right_can_be_null) = ref($R) ?
(defined($R->{sql}) ? ($R->{sql}) : $self->serialize_expression($R)) : ($R);
my $is_positive_conjunct = $opts->{is_positive_conjunct};
my $negate = $operator=~ s/^!// ? 1 : 0;
$is_positive_conjunct=0 if $is_positive_conjunct && $negate;
my $res;
my ($R_type, $L_type) = (COL_UNKNOWN, COL_UNKNOWN);
$R_type = ref($R) ?
(defined($R->{col_type}) ? $R->{col_type} : $self->compute_data_type($R->{expression},$opts))
: defined($opts->{R_type}) ? $opts->{R_type} : COL_UNKNOWN;
$L_type = ref($L) ?
(defined($L->{col_type}) ? $L->{col_type} : $self->compute_data_type($L->{expression},$opts))
: defined($opts->{L_type}) ? $opts->{L_type} : COL_UNKNOWN;
if ($right =~ qr{^\s*[NE]?''\s*$} and $left =~ qr{^\s*[NE]?''\s*$}) {
$res = qq{0=0}
} elsif ($right =~ qr{^\s*[NE]?''\s*$}) {
if ($L_type == COL_STRING) {
$res = qq{($left }.uc($operator).qq{ $right OR $left IS NULL)}
} else {
$res = qq{$left IS NULL}
} elsif ($left =~ qr{^\s*[NE]?''\s*$}) {
if ($R_type == COL_STRING) {
$res = qq{($right }.uc($operator).qq{ $left OR $right IS NULL)}
} else {
$res = qq{$right IS NULL}
if (!defined $res) {
if ($operator =~/[<>=]/) { # includes "fake is-between operator" <N,M>
if ($L_type == COL_NUMERIC and
$R_type != COL_NUMERIC) {
$left=qq{cast($left as varchar)};
} elsif ($R_type == COL_NUMERIC and
$L_type != COL_NUMERIC) {
$right=qq{cast($right as varchar)};
my $cmp =
$operator=~/^<(.*),(.*)>$/ ? # special "fake is-between operator"
qq{($left - $right)}.
(length($1) and length($2)) ? qq{BETWEEN $1 AND $2} :
length($1) ? qq{>=$1} :
length($2) ? qq{<=$2} : die("Internal error: cannot serialize operator $operator\n")
: qq{$left }.uc($operator).qq{ $right};
$res = '('.$cmp
.($left_can_be_null && !$is_positive_conjunct ? qq{ AND $left IS NOT NULL} : '')
.($right_can_be_null && !$is_positive_conjunct ? qq{ AND $right IS NOT NULL} : '')
$res = qq{NOT($res)} if $negate;
if (defined $wrap_right) {
if (defined $wrap_left) {
return $res;
sub serialize_element {
my ($self,$opts)=@_;
my ($name,$node,$as_id,$parent_as_id)=map {$opts->{$_}} qw(name condition id parent_id);
my $is_positive_conjunct = $opts->{is_positive_conjunct};
if ($name eq 'test') {
} elsif ($name =~ /^(?:and|or|not)$/) {
my @c = $node->children;
if (defined($is_positive_conjunct)) {
if ($name eq 'not') {
$is_positive_conjunct=undef if @c>1 and !$is_positive_conjunct;
} elsif ($name eq 'and') {
$is_positive_conjunct=undef if @c>1 and !$is_positive_conjunct;
} elsif ($name eq 'or') {
$is_positive_conjunct=undef if @c>1 and $is_positive_conjunct;
@c =
grep { @$_ }
map {
my $n = $_->{'#name'};
name => $n,
condition => $_,
id => $as_id,
parent_id => $parent_as_id,
} grep { $_->{'#name'} ne 'node' } @c;
return unless @c;
$name eq 'not' ? [[['NOT('],@{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@c,["\n AND "])},[')']],$node] :
$name eq 'and' ? [[['('],@{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@c,["\n AND "])},[')']],$node] :
$name eq 'or' ? [[['('],@{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@c,["\n OR "])},[')']],$node] : ();
} elsif ($name eq 'subquery') {
my @sql;
my @occ;
my @vals = grep ref, AltV($node->{occurrences});
@vals=(Treex::PML::Factory->createStructure({min=>1})) unless @vals;
# we treat 0x and 1+x especially
# using exists and not exists
my ($exists, $not_exists);
$exists = (@vals==1 and $vals[0]{min}==1 and
(!defined($vals[0]{max}) or !length($vals[0]{max})));
$not_exists = ( ! $exists
and @vals == 1
and defined $vals[0]{max} and length $vals[0]{max} and $vals[0]{max} == 0
and ($vals[0]{min}||0) == 0);
my $subquery = $self->build_sql($node,{
format => 1,
count=> ($exists || $not_exists ) ? 3 : 2,
join => {
'..' => $opts->{join}, # where joins for nodes in the outer scope should go
}, # $opts->{join}, # let subqueries use their own join
if ($exists) {
return [[['EXISTS ('],@$subquery,[qq')']],$node];
} elsif ($not_exists) {
return [[['NOT EXISTS ('],@$subquery,[qq')']],$node];
} else {
for my $occ (@vals) { # this is not optimal for @occ>1
my ($min,$max)=($occ->{min},$occ->{max});
$min='' unless defined $min;
$max='' unless defined $max;
if (length($min) and length($max)) {
if ($min==$max) {
push @occ,[[['('],@$subquery,[qq')=$min']],$node];
} else {
push @occ,[[['('],@$subquery,[qq') BETWEEN $min AND $max']],$node];
} elsif (length($min)) {
push @occ,[[['('],@$subquery,[qq')>=$min']],$node];
} elsif (length($max)) {
push @occ,[[['('],@$subquery,[qq')<=$max']],$node];
return (@occ ? [[ ['('],@{PMLTQ::Common::_group(\@occ,[' OR '])},[')'] ],$node] : ());
} elsif ($name eq 'ref') {
my $target = $node->{target};
my $cmp = $self->cmp_subquery_scope($node,$target);
if ($cmp<0) {
die "Node '$as_id' belongs to a sub-query and cannot be referred from the scope of node '$target'\n";
# case $cmp>0 implies we use negative approach on Oracle by forcing using EXISTS (on Postgress this drops performance drammatically)
# FIXME: why exactly do we do it on Oracle?
my ($rel) = SeqV($node->{relation});
if ($target and $rel) {
return ['('.$self->relation($as_id,$rel,$target,
{%$opts,is_positive_conjunct=>(($opts->{is_positive_conjunct} || !$cmp)
? 1 : undef)},
} else {
} else {
Carp::cluck("Unknown element $name ");
sub cmp_subquery_scope {
my ($self,$src,$target)=@_;
$_ = ref($_) ? $_ : $self->{name2node}{$_} || croak("Didn't find node '\$$_'")
for $src,$target;
return PMLTQ::Common::cmp_subquery_scope($src,$target);
my $self = shift;
# Make sure we disconnect from database when destroyed
$self->{dbi}->disconnect() if $self->{dbi};
1; # End of PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
PMLTQ::SQLEvaluator - SQL evaluator of PML-TQ queries which can use PostreSQL as a backend
=head1 VERSION
version 2.0.1
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
Petr Pajas <pajas@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
=item *
Jan Štěpánek <stepanek@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
=item *
Michal Sedlák <sedlak@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>
=item *
Matyáš Kopp <matyas.kopp@gmail.com>
This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz).
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.