# ABSTRACT: Validate the BIMI assertion record for a given domain
our $VERSION = '3.20250130'; # VERSION
use 5.20.0;
use Mail::BIMI::App -command;
use Term::ANSIColor qw{ :constants };
sub description { 'Check the BIMI assertion record for a given domain' }
sub usage_desc { "%c checkdomain %o <DOMAIN>" }
sub opt_spec {
return (
[ 'profile=s', 'SVG Profile to validate against ('.join('|',@Mail::BIMI::Indicator::VALIDATOR_PROFILES).')' ],
[ 'selector=s', 'Optional selector' ],
sub validate_args($self,$opt,$args) {
$self->usage_error('No Domain specified') if !@$args;
$self->usage_error('Multiple Domains specified') if scalar @$args > 1;
$self->usage_error('Unknown SVG Profile') if $opt->profile && !grep {;$_ eq $opt->profile} @Mail::BIMI::Indicator::VALIDATOR_PROFILES;
sub execute($self,$opt,$args) {
my $domain = $args->[0];
my $selector = $opt->selector // 'default';
my $dmarc = Mail::DMARC::PurePerl->new;
my $bimi = Mail::BIMI->new(
dmarc_object => $dmarc,
domain => $domain,
selector => $selector,
options => {
( $opt->profile ? ( svg_profile => $opt->profile ) : () ),
my $record = $bimi->record;
# my $record = Mail::BIMI::Record->new( domain => $domain, selector => $selector );
say "BIMI domain checker";
say '';
say 'Requested:';
say YELLOW.' Domain '.WHITE.': '.CYAN.$domain.RESET;
say YELLOW.' Selector '.WHITE.': '.CYAN.$selector.RESET;
say '';
if ( $record->location && $record->location->indicator ) {
say '';
if ( $record->authority && $record->authority->vmc ) {
say '';
if ( $record->authority->vmc->indicator ) {
say '';
say '';
say 'An authenticated email with this record would receive the following BIMI results:';
say '';
my $result = $bimi->result;
say "Authentication-Results: authservid.example.com; ".$result->get_authentication_results;
my $headers = $result->headers;
foreach my $header ( sort keys $headers->%* ) {
say "$header: ".$headers->{$header};
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Mail::BIMI::App::Command::checkdomain - Validate the BIMI assertion record for a given domain
=head1 VERSION
version 3.20250130
App::Cmd class implementing the 'mailbimi checkdomain' command
=over 4
=item * L<Mail::BIMI|Mail::BIMI>
=item * L<Mail::BIMI::App|Mail::BIMI::App>
=item * L<Mail::BIMI::Indicator|Mail::BIMI::Indicator>
=item * L<Mail::BIMI::Prelude|Mail::BIMI::Prelude>
=item * L<Mail::BIMI::Record|Mail::BIMI::Record>
=item * L<Mail::DMARC|Mail::DMARC>
=item * L<Term::ANSIColor|Term::ANSIColor>
=head1 AUTHOR
Marc Bradshaw <marc@marcbradshaw.net>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Marc Bradshaw.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.