=head1 NAME
Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP - Perl extension for
package My::Server;
use base qw/Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP/;
sub handler {
my $c = shift;
my $p = shift || My::Server->new;
Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP::handler($c, $p);
sub CONNECT { ... };
sub HELO { ... };
sub EHLO { ... };
sub QUIT { ... };
Apache2 ESMTP protocol base class. Out of the box this module can
carry on and SMTP conversation. However, it's up to you to make it
do anything interesting.
=head2 Apache Configuration File
LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
<VirtualHost myhost.com>
PerlModule Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP
PerlProcessConnectionHandler Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP
use 5.008005;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
=head1 METHODS
The following methods may be overridden by the subclass. All of the overridden
methods except HEADER, EOH and BODY must return a proper status code and
message, return($code, @msgs). For example return(250, 'Ok', 'Your command was
=head2 CONNECT()
Gets called when a client connects to the server. By default the base class
returns (220, 'ESMTP Mail Server').
=head2 UNKNOWN($command)
Gets called if the client sends a command that is not a part of the ESMTP
protocol that we understand. By default the base class returns
(500, "Command unrecognized: $line")
=head2 HELO($domain)
Gets called when the client sends the HELO command. $domain is the
FQDN the client claims. By default the base class returns
(250, 'OK').
=head2 EHLO($domain)
Gets called when the client sends the EHLO command. $domain is the
FQDN the client claims. By default the base class returns
(250, $self->client . ', pleased to meet you', 'HELP');
=head2 MAIL($env_sender)
Gets called when the client sends the MAIL command. $env_sender is
the email address claimed by the sender of the message. By default
the base class returns (250, $self->env_sender . ', sender ok');
=head2 RCPT($env_recipient)
Gets called when the client sends the RCPT command. $env_recipient is
the email address the message is to be delivered to. By default
the base class returns (250, $rcpt . ', recipient ok');
=head2 DATA()
Gets called when the client sends the DATA command. By default the
base class returns (354, 'Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself');
=head2 HEADER($name, $value)
Gets called for each message header. $name is the header name and $value is the
header value. EOH is called when and line containing nothing except a <CR><LF>
is sent or when a line is sent that does not conform to the specification for
an ESMTP message header. No response is sent to the client.
=head2 EOH()
Gets called when and line containing nothing except a <CR><LF> is sent or when
a line is sent that does not conform to the specification for an ESMTP message
header. No response is sent to the client.
=head2 BODY($chunk)
Gets called for each chunk of data in the message body sent by the client. No
response is sent to the client.
=head2 EOM()
Gets called when the client sends a line of the message body that contains
nothing except '.<CR><LF>'. By default the base class returns
(250, 'Message accepted for delivery');
=head2 EXPN($address)
Gets called when the client sends the EXPN command. By default the base class
returns (502, 'Sorry we don\'t allow this operation');
=head2 VRFY($address)
Gets called when the client sends the VRFY command. By default the base class
returns (252, 'Cannot VRFY user; try RCPT to attempt delivery');
=head2 NOOP()
Gets called when the client sends the NOOP command. By default the base class
returns (250, 'OK');
=head2 RSET()
Gets called when the client sends the RSET command. By default the base class
returns (250, 'OK');
=head2 HELP($command||undef)
Gets called when the client sends the HELP command. By default the base class
returns (214, 'This is SMTP::Proxy 1.0');
=head2 QUIT()
Gets called when the client sends the QUIT command. By default the base class
returns (221, 'Closing connection');
=head2 input_handle
Handle to read data from the client.
=head2 output_handle
Handle to write data to the client.
=head2 chunkmode
If set to true the next available data from the client
will be read in chunks of size B<chunksize>. If set to
false data will be read a line at a time. The default
behaviour is to start in line mode, switch to chunkmode
after the message headers (EOH) and then switch back line
mode after the message body (EOM).
=head2 chunksize
Sets the size of the chunks of data read from the client
when B<chunkmode> is set to true.
=head2 disconnect
When set to true, the sever will close the client connection
when the current operation is complete. By default the client
connection will be shutdown when the QUIT operation has completed.
use Fcntl ':flock';
use POSIX 'strftime';
sub handler {
my $c = shift;
my $p = shift || Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP->new;
$p->register_callback(qr/^helo\s+(\S*?)?\s*$/i, \&_helo, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^ehlo\s+(\S*?)?\s*$/i, \&_ehlo, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^mail from:\s*<?(\S+?)?>?\s*$/i, \&_mail, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^rcpt to:\s*<?(\S+?)?>?\s*$/i, \&_rcpt, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^data\s*$/i, \&_data, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^expn\s+(\S+?)?\s*$/i, \&_expn, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^vrfy\s+(\S+?)?\s*$/i, \&_vrfy, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^rset\s*$/i, \&_rset, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^noop\s*$/i, \&_noop, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^help\s*(\S*?)?\s*$/i, \&_help, 'protocol');
$p->register_callback(qr/^quit\s*$/i, \&_quit, 'protocol');
Apache2::Protocol::handler($c, $p);
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
my $self = bless($class->SUPER::new(@_), $class);
$self->{_bodystate} = '';
$self->{_headername} = '';
$self->{_headervalue} = '';
$self->{_seenDATA} = 0;
$self->{_seenHELO} = 0;
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 0;
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 0;
return $self;
sub setup_logging {
my $self = shift;
my $c = shift;
my $s = $c->base_server;
$self->{_log_level} = $s->dir_config('ESMTPLogLevel');
if(defined $self->{_log_level}) {
$self->{_log_filename} = $s->dir_config('ESMTPLogFileName');
$self->{_log_filename} = Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root . '/logs/' . $self->{_log_filename}
unless $self->{_log_filename} =~ m@^/@;
$self->{_log_remotehost} = $c->get_remote_host;
sub log_ESMTP {
my $self = shift;
my $level = shift;
unless (defined $self->{_log_filename}) {
warn "Too early for logging: " . caller;
return unless defined $self->{_log_level} && $level <= $self->{_log_level};
my $data = shift;
my $date = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime);
open(LOG, ">>$self->{_log_filename}") or die "Can't open log $self->{_log_filename}: $!";
flock(LOG, LOCK_EX);
seek(LOG, 0, 2);
$data = "$self->{_msgid} $data" if $self->{_msgid};
$data .= " [$self->{_log_remotehost}]" if $self->{_log_remotehost};
print LOG "$date $data\n";
flock(LOG, LOCK_UN);
sub _unknown {
my $self = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
return(500, "Command unrecognized: $line");
sub _header {
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
if($line =~ /^([\041-\071\073-\176.]+):\s*(.+)$/) {
my $name = $1;
my $value = $2;
if($self->{_headername} ne '') {
$self->HEADER($self->{_headername}, $self->{_headervalue});
$self->{_headername} = $name;
$self->{_headervalue} = $value;
# State management
$self->{_seenDATA} = 1;
elsif($line =~ /^(\s+.+)$/ and $self->{_headername} ne '') {
$self->{_headervalue} .= $1;
else {
if($self->{_headername} ne '') {
$self->HEADER($self->{_headername}, $self->{_headervalue});
$self->{_headername} = '';
$self->{_headervalue} = '';
sub HEADER {
sub _eoh {
my $self = shift;
my $line = shift;
sub EOH {
sub _body {
my $self = shift;
my $chunk = shift;
my $eom = 0;
# Check for a message body that contains nothing except
# the EOM sequence
if(not $self->{_seenDATA} and $chunk =~ s/\.\r\n$/\r\n/) {
$eom = 1;
# Now we've seen some data
$self->{_seenDATA} = 1;
# Prepend the bodystate so we can determine if we received a
# segmented read of the EOM sequence
$chunk = $self->{_bodystate} . $chunk;
# Check for the EOM sequence
if($chunk =~ s/\r\n\.\r\n(.*)/\r\n/) {
warn "Discarding extra data: $1\n" if $1;
$eom = 1;
# If we haven't already found the EOM sequence then
# search for a partial at the end of the chunk that
# we will buffer until the next chunk comes in
unless($eom) {
$chunk =~ s/(\r(?:\n(?:\.(?:\r(?:\n)?)?)?)?)$//;
$self->{_bodystate} = $1 || '';
# Send the chunk off to be processed by the subclass
if($eom) {
sub BODY {
sub _eom {
my $self = shift;
# Clear state
$self->{_bodystate} = '';
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 0;
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 0;
$self->{_seenDATA} = 0;
sub EOM {
return(250, 'Message accepted for delivery');
# S: 220
# E: 554
sub _connect {
my $self = shift;
return(220, "Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP Version $VERSION");
# S: 250
# E: 504, 550
sub _helo {
my $self = shift;
if($_[0]) {
$self->{_seenHELO} = 1;
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 0;
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 0;
$self->{_bodystate} = '';
else {
$self->send_response(501, 'HELO requires domain address');
# Return OK
sub HELO {
return(250, 'OK');
sub _ehlo {
my $self = shift;
if($_[0]) {
$self->{_seenHELO} = 1;
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 0;
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 0;
$self->{_bodystate} = '';
else {
$self->send_response(501, 'EHLO requires domain address');
# Return OK
sub EHLO {
my $self = shift;
return(250, 'OK', 'HELP');
# S: 250
# E: 552, 451, 452, 550, 553, 503
sub _mail {
my $self = shift;
if($self->{_seenMAIL}) {
$self->send_response(503, 'Sender already specified');
elsif(not $_[0]) {
$self->send_response(501, 'MAIL requires return-path');
else {
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 1;
# Return OK
sub MAIL {
my $self = shift;
return(250, 'OK');
# S: 250, 251 (but see section 3.4 for discussion of 251 and 551)
# E: 550, 551, 552, 553, 450, 451, 452, 503, 550
sub _rcpt {
my $self = shift;
unless($self->{_seenMAIL}) {
$self->send_response(503, 'Need MAIL before RCPT');
elsif(not $_[0]) {
$self->send_response(501, 'RCPT requires forward-path');
else {
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 1;
# Return OK
sub RCPT {
my $self = shift;
my $rcpt = shift;
return(250, 'OK');
# I: 354 -> data -> S: 250
# E: 552, 554, 451, 452
# E: 451, 554, 503
sub _data {
my $self = shift;
if(not $self->{_seenMAIL}) {
$self->send_response(503, 'Need MAIL command');
elsif(not $self->{_seenRCPT}) {
$self->send_response(503, 'Need RCPT (recipient)');
else {
# Return OK
sub DATA {
return(354, 'Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself');
# S: 250
sub _rset {
my $self = shift;
# Clear state
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 0;
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 0;
$self->{_seenDATA} = 0;
$self->{_bodystate} = '';
# Return OK
sub RSET {
return(250, 'OK');
# S: 250, 251, 252
# E: 550, 551, 553, 502, 504
sub _vrfy {
my $self = shift;
# Return OK
sub VRFY {
return(252, 'Cannot VRFY user; try RCPT to attempt delivery');
# S: 250, 252
# E: 550, 500, 502, 504
sub _expn {
my $self = shift;
# Return OK
sub EXPN {
return(502, 'Sorry we don\'t allow this operation');
# S: 211, 214
# E: 502, 504
sub _help {
my $self = shift;
# Return OK
sub HELP {
my $self = shift;
my $subj = shift;
return(214, "This is Apache2::Protocol::ESMTP $VERSION");
# S: 250
sub _noop {
my $self = shift;
# Return OK
sub NOOP {
return(250, 'OK');
# S: 221
sub _quit {
my $self = shift;
# Clear state
$self->{_seenHELO} = 0;
$self->{_seenMAIL} = 0;
$self->{_seenRCPT} = 0;
$self->{_seenDATA} = 0;
$self->{_bodystate} = '';
# Return OK
sub QUIT {
return(221, 'Closing connection');
sub send_response {
my $self = shift;
my $code = shift;
my @msgs = @_;
my $oh = $self->output_handle;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @msgs; $i++) {
print $oh $code;
print $oh ($i == @msgs - 1 ? ' ' : '-');
print $oh $msgs[$i], ($msgs[$i] =~ m@$/$@ ? '' : "\n");
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Mike Smith <mike@mailchannels.com>
Copyright (C) 2005 by MailChannels Corporation. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.