# Ham::Fldigi::Shell
# v0.002
# (c) 2012 Andy Smith, M0VKG
# This module provides a shell for interacting with Fldigi
# use Ham::Fldigi;
# my $f = new Ham::Fldigi('LogLevel' => 4,
# 'LogFile' => './debug.log',
# 'LogPrint' => 1,
# 'LogWrite' => 1);
# my $client = $f->client('Hostname' => 'localhost',
# 'Port' => '7362',
# 'Name' => 'default');
# my $shell = $fldigi->shell($client);
# Perl documentation is provided inline in pod format.
# To view, run:-
# perldoc Ham::Fldigi::Shell
=head1 NAME
Ham::Fldigi::Shell - an interactive shell for Fldigi
use Ham::Fldigi;
my $f = new Ham::Fldigi;
my $c = new Ham::Fldigi::Client('Hostname' => 'localhost', 'Port' => 7362, 'Name' => 'example');
my $s = $f->shell($c);
This module is for communicating with individual Fldigi instances.
It uses Fldigi's XMLRPC service, which usually runs on localhost:7362, providing support for it has been compiled in.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
use 5.012004;
use strict;
use Moose;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep );
use Switch;
our $VERSION = '0.001';
has 'id' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'String');
has 'parent' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Ref');
has 'client' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Ref');
=head2 Shell->new(I<Ham::Fldigi::Shell ref>)
Creates a new B<Ham::Fldigi::Shell> object with the specified arguments.
sub new {
# Get our name, and set an ID
my $class = shift;
my (%params) = @_;
my $g = Data::GUID->new;
# Fill in the class ID and version
my $self = {
'version' => $VERSION,
'id' => $g->as_string,
# Bless self
bless $self, $class;
if(!defined($params{'Parent'})) {
$self->error("Parent is undefined. Ham::Fldigi::Shell should only be called with Ham::Fldigi->shell()!");
return undef;
} else {
$self->{parent} = $params{'Parent'};
$self->debug("Constructor called. Version ".$VERSION.", with ID ".$self->id.".");
if(!defined($params{'Client'})) {
$self->debug("No client passed.");
} else {
$self->debug("Passed client ref is for client named ".$self->client->name.", with an XML-RPC URL of ".$self->client->url.".");
return $self;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Client->shell()
Start an interactive shell, similar to fldigi-shell.
sub start {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->debug("Starting shell...");
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Ham::Fldigi shell');
print "Ham::Fldigi::Shell v".$VERSION."\n";
print "(c) 2012 Andy Smith M0VKG\n";
my $prompt;
if(defined($self->client)) {
$prompt = "fldigi(".$self->client->name.")> ";
} else {
$prompt = "fldigi> ";
my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;
my $running = 1;
while ($running == 1) {
my $c = $term->readline($prompt);
if((defined($c)) && ($c =~ /\S/)) {
my ($cmd, @args) = split(" ", $c);
switch ($cmd) {
case /^connect$|^c$/ {
if(@args) {
if(!defined($self->parent->clients->{$args[0]})) {
print $OUT "No client with name '".$args[0]."'.\n";
} else {
print $OUT "Switched to client '".$args[0]."'.\n";
$prompt = "fldigi(".$self->client->name.")> ";
case /^disconnect$|^d$/ {
if(defined($self->client)) {
print $OUT "Disconnected from client '".$self->client->name.".\n";
$self->{client} = undef;
$prompt = "fldigi> ";
} else {
print $OUT "Not connected to a client.\n";
case /^list$|^l$/ {
foreach my $client (keys %{$self->parent->clients}) {
print $OUT "\t".$client."\t\t(".$self->parent->clients->{$client}->url.")\n";
} else {
print $OUT "No clients found!";
case qr/^set|^s$/ {
if(defined($args[0])) {
switch ($args[0]) {
case "debug_level" {
if(defined($args[1])) {
$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_level = $args[1];
print $OUT "debug_level is ".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_level;
case "debug_file" {
if(defined($args[1])) {
$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_file = $args[1];
print $OUT "debug_file is ".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_file;
case "debug_print" {
if(defined($args[1])) {
$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_print = $args[1];
print $OUT "debug_print is ".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_print;
case "debug_write" {
if(defined($args[1])) {
$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_write = $args[1];
print $OUT "debug_write is ".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_write;
} else {
print $OUT "\tdebug_level\t\t".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_write."\tDebug level (0-4)\n";
print $OUT "\tdebug_file\t\t".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_write."\tFile to log to (path)\n";
print $OUT "\tdebug_print\t\t".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_write."\tLog to screen (1) or not (0)\n";
print $OUT "\tdebug_write\t\t".$Ham::Fldigi::Debug::debug_write."\tLog to file (1) or not (0)\n";
case qr/^quit|^q$/ {
print $OUT "Exiting shell...";
$running = 0;
case qr/\w+/ {
if(defined($self->client)) {
my $arg = join(" ", @args);
my $r = $self->client->command($cmd, $arg);
print $OUT $r."\n";
} else {
print $OUT "Not connected to a client.\n";
$self->debug("Shell stopped.");
return 1;
=head1 SEE ALSO
The source code for this module is hosted on Github at L<https://github.com/m0vkg/Perl-Ham-Fldigi>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Smith M0VKG, E<lt>andy@m0vkg.org.ukE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2012 by Andy Smith
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.12.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.