This script allows you to run the test suite, simulating the absense of
a particular set of Perl modules, even if they are installed on your
To run the test suite multiple times in a row (each with a different
selection of absent modules), run:
$ perl misc/prove_prereqs.pl t/prereq_scenarios -Ilib t/
To add a new set of absent modules, make a subdir under t/prereq_scenarios,
and add a dummy perl module for every module you want to skip. This file
should be empty. For instance if you wanted to simulate the absense of
Text::Template and Text::TagTemplate, you would do the following:
$ mkdir t/prereq_scenarios/skip_tt+ttt
$ mkdir t/prereq_scenarios/skip_tt+ttt/Text
$ touch t/prereq_scenarios/skip_tt+ttt/Text/Template.pm
$ touch t/prereq_scenarios/skip_tt+ttt/Text/TagTemplate.pm
Note that this technique only works because of how AnyTemplate and its
test suite are written. The AnyTemplate drivers each provide a method
returning the list of modules they depend on. Each test script gets the
list of modules and attempts to load them:
my @required_modules = $driver_module->required_modules;
foreach (@required_modules) {
eval "require $_;";
if ($@) {
return 1;
If any of the modules fail to load, then the test script skips the tests
associated with that module.
use strict;
unless (@ARGV > 1) {
die "Usage: $0 [prereq_scenarios_dir] [args to prove]\n";
my $scenarios_dir = shift;
my %scenario_modules;
my $errors;
my @scenarios = grep { -d } <$scenarios_dir/*>;
foreach my $lib_dir (@scenarios) {
if (!-d $lib_dir) {
$errors = 1;
warn "lib dir does not exist: $lib_dir\n";
my @modules;
find(sub {
return unless -f;
my $dir = "$File::Find::dir/$_";
$dir =~ s/^\Q$lib_dir\E//;
$dir =~ s/\.pm$//;
$dir =~ s{^/}{};
$dir =~ s{/}{::}g;
push @modules, $dir;
}, $lib_dir);
$scenario_modules{$lib_dir} = \@modules;
die "Terminating." if $errors;
foreach my $lib_dir (@scenarios) {
my $modules = join ', ', sort @{ $scenario_modules{$lib_dir} };
$modules ||= 'none';
print "\n##############################################################\n";
print "Running tests. Old (or absent) modules in this scenario:\n";
print "$modules\n";
my @prove_command = ('prove', '-Ilib', "-I$lib_dir", @ARGV);
system(@prove_command) && do {
die <<EOF;
One or more tests failed in scenario $lib_dir.
The old or absent modules were:
The command was: